Fuck bedroom black metal!

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V.V.V.V.V. said:
Extremely = very
Abundant = plentiful amounts [of]
Dissonant = jarring yet spacious and organic (musically speaking)
Riffing = guitar playing, in the form of riffs

Please don't tell me you don't get it again.
Nice definition of 'dissonant', wouldnt go for that myself. I study music at university, and have played guitar for 9 years so i'd rather not enter an argument with you about music, as you must know FAR more about it than i do...;)

And 'Somberlain' the reason this thread turned retarded is because a load of 'BLACK METAL ELITISTS11!1!1!' came on here and spoilt all the fun, and Mr. 'V.V.V.V.V.' started to behave like a little 15 year old smart arse.
haha Bedroom = horribly produced black metal?

That makes no sense as a lot of black metal is horribly produced and comes out well.

I thought you'd give a better example like my project, Apocalypse. I recorded it in my bedroom on a 4track that hardly worked (so even if i tried the production was shit) yet most people think of it as grim,necro,kvlt, etc. Which to myself i consider a good thing. I'd rather have horribly produced sound. I'm a shitty production freak. The only thing that's too shitty is pure fucking armageddon. I also like really cold, high end trebley black metal like the bilskirnir demo.
Why do you call it shitty production? CALL IT RAW, DAMMIT!

*runs and hides while VVVVV looks for a chainsaw*
Demiurge said:
GBK is a perfect example of a band lacking any originality that is often touted as unique or even innovative. They draw some influence from NWOBHM and thrash, but mostly sound a lot like old GBH playing black metal. Don't get me wrong, they're amusing on occasion, but bring little to the table. Megiddo is a band that would be relevant if the were to've existed in 1984, but now, they're just a good tribute band. I like it, I'll admit, but am tired of seeing it heralded as more than it is. Deathspell Omega began as outright norsecore, but have developed into an interesting group, which pleases me.

Yeah, "Si Monvmentvm..." is very good.

I didn't say the other two were original, they simply are what I would prefer to say.....Idvarp or Belketre. ;)
I think there's a vast difference between raw production and shitty production. It's possible to have raw production and still hear each instrument individually. Your ability to pick up on all the nuances of a recording will improve with time. Mine's come a long way, and has a long way to go.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Pre-SMRC DS Omega was very good and had excellent usage of raw production with extremely abundant dissonant riffing, usage of atmosphere for a listening-improving experience (even though SMRC did better at that), actual changes in tempo, and absolutely no "grind" influence (the like of which is found on most "norsecore" bands resumes). I don't try hard, I'm merely right.

The terminology is the cause of this dispute. By "norsecore," I refer to bands that are highly derivative of TH by Darkthrone, which was what the "word" was coined to describe.

I'm not even going to try to sugarcoat that you completely made up your definition of "dissonant." The problem with you is that you wish you were me. Everyone knows it. I didn't pay much attention to you in your "Regurgitated Cow Fetus"(or whatever the fuck your handle was) days, but from what I've seen, you aggressively attack anyone who has the audacity to not bow before your holy grail. Unlike some of us who do something similar to try to stir up a discussion or in a tongue in cheek manner, you're just an angsty tool. Not all teens are like you, so don't get up in arms GoD, but I would bet a mighty sum that you're not going to see 20 for a couple years. Go look at your collection of mp3s and tell yourself "i have heard bands that are kvlt, i am special, i matter" then masturbate. You'll feel better.
IAmEternal said:
I think there's a vast difference between raw production and shitty production.

Of course, you're going to get varying opinions on what people think is raw or shitty. I think Hellhammer is raw, yet I think Belketre is shitty. Other people are going to think differently.

There are people who think Cock And Ball Torture sound awesome...

EDIT: Scorp/Demi, that was the single funniest thing ever.:lol:
anonymousnick2001 said:

The amount of self-fellating imagery this sentence evokes is hilarious. Way to boost the ego, man! :rolleyes:

It's true, though. Not just me, of course, but anyone who frequently gets shouted down as an "elitist." He takes himself much too seriously, which is what makes his act so fucking tedious. He's a trve internet warrior or some such thing.

Don't get bogged down in that sentence, nick. Note that I mentioned something about "tongue in cheek," eh? My criticism is wholly accurate.
Demiurge said:
Don't get bogged down in that sentence, nick. Note that I mentioned something about "tongue in cheek," eh?

Don't worry, I got you. I just happen to agree with a lot of his opinions, so I guess I don't notice as much.
This is an old idea that is going to be debated again and again. The good black metal is awesome, it is eternal. How many bands can claim that their music is important to the black metal scene? Very few. How many new ideas have been put into black metal after '96? None. What was said pre-96 is now being regurgitated.
This is described as stagnation, or 'corpse-fucking'. Rape it a bit more, earn some money, get wild Britney fans. Awesome.

I won't disagree that many bands post '96 'sound good', but what is it beyond ear candy? Even at that, the sound is copied/rehashed or mixed with other metal elements to produce new genres which are beyond pointless. Of course I expect harsh words in reply. If you like bands post-'96, ask yourself why you like them? No doubt they sound good. Which perhaps, is the only reason you need.
Well, sure. Not every band needs to make an artistic statement. Development takes time. What one might consider stagnation is actually eternally slow innovation. Look at classical music, for God's sake!

I hate the term "norsecore," but it rules!
I don't mind quite a few of the recent black metal bands, but that isnt what I'm talking about. Fuck it though, this thread has gone to shit. Close please!
anonymousnick2001 said:
Look at classical music, for God's sake!

Classical music is no longer made like it was. Somewhat similar to Black Metal. Classical of course being a common pseudonym for all Orchestral music. But as you implied, Orchestras today merely cover this music. Nothing new really. Some modern stuff is good, but I still prefer the older composers. Not sure stagnation is quite the same there.

However, Black Metal is not exacty on the same music level as Classical.
Transilvanian Scotsman said:
Classical music is no longer made like it was. Somewhat similar to Black Metal. Classical of course being a common pseudonym for all Orchestral music. But as you implied, Orchestras today merely cover this music. Nothing new really. Some modern stuff is good, but I still prefer the older composers. Not sure stagnation is quite the same there.
I was referring to its evolution over the years. Not today. Look at how many Romantic or Baroque composers totally aped each other and still made great music.

However, Black Metal is not exacty on the same music level as Classical.
True. But it and most other types of technical, composed, metal(death, power, progressive, doom) are the closest thing these days.
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