Fuck bedroom black metal!

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anonymousnick2001 said:
I was referring to its evolution over the years. Not today. Look at how many Romantic or Baroque composers totally aped each other and still made great music.

Definite progression? I would think so. Not just aesthetically, but the ideals of the composers and their reason for composing the music changed. How have the ideals of Black Metal changed from '91 - '04?
As I said before, everything being said now has been said before. Expansion on this old ideals would be welcome. But, I fail to see any that have. Many new bands have not even bothered with the old ideals but produced something else altogether... altogether unnecessary.

anonymousnick2001 said:
True. But it and most other types of technical, composed, metal(death, power, progressive, doom) are the closest thing these days.

Definite classical influence in metal. Metal will probably be considered as a musical period in the future. As baroque is now. I doubt metal will be produced eternally. I wait for the new music which will be as creative as Black Metal once was.
Decadent, this Thread was shit when it started, if anything it has gotten more intelligent as the debating has progressed. just coz we arent talking about your shitty musical Bigotry anymore..
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