Fuck You!!!!!!

ShadowOfFire said:
Fuck Maine. Fuck Work. Fuck You.

oh yeah and Dilema do you have any idea when the New England Metal Hardcore Festivel DVD is coming out? I'm gonna be all over that video man, was right up front from Diecast on, and yes that mean BODOM!
if theyre working at the speed they did last year, itll be on sale......who knows. ill be up front too, i was up there for all the bands after the blackout. i cant wait to see the dvd. should be fuckin awesome

and heres a big FUCK YOU to my job for giving me only 18.75 hours this week and for not having any GOJO soap to wash the grease off my hands when i left today.....i got it all over my fucking car
Well my first Fuck you goes to OLD PEOPLE who DRIVE REALLY FUCKING SLOW.

my second fuck you goes to the governments of the world who exploit there people. (Especially the USA gov)

Then the last fuck you goes out to all the proletariats that won't bring down the governments that suppresses them and would rather waste away working for nothing and being brain numbed by the stupid shit that resides on the Television and in mainstream music
Abrasive-X said:
anyone but you :D
does that mean im in the running???

this FUCK YOU goes out to dunkin donuts and that nasty old hag working tonight who cant make a fucking coffee if her life depended on it