Gigantour Setlist Survey

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Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
Alrighty folks, the band is poised to begin rehearsing for Gigantour, & this is where you come in! We have two questions for you..

1) What one song is it that sealed the deal & made you a SymX fan?


2) What one or two songs are 'must haves' on a setlist? Please bear in mind that we're not asking for full setlists here, so please keep your responses to just one or two songs (please do NOT post full setlists)..and remember, it's a 30 minute set, so there won't be time for the epics like TDWoT or The Odyssey.

Thanks in advance for your feedback! The guys are looking forward to hearing your ideas!

Note from Jax: this survey will be active/this thread will be sticky until the evening of Sunday June 19, after which point it'll be unstuck & the responses will be tabulated & sent to the band.
1) I forgot, but "Awakenings" made me buy my first symphony x album..."the odyssey," and since then I've gotten all their albums.

2) I really want to hear:

- The Bird-Serpent War
- On The Breath Of Poseidon
1. I want to hear Rediscovery, its never been played live before. Kinda long, but still very special to fans.

2. Acollade 2 (A good song for us to take a break from the heavier bands)
Edge of Forever (Why not?)
the song that immediately made me fall in love with SX was the first song i heard... this was evolution on the live album i downloaded. dont worry, i have since bought the album.

want to hear (although i never will since im in england)
sea of lies

i say keep the songs short and sweet.
Evolution - The Grand Design, is the song that drew me to Symphony X

Inferno (unleash the fire) - What metalhead can resist this song? Ideal show opener, especially playing in front of a lot of metalheads who might not have heard the band before.

Egypt - riiiiiise my minions....
sorry i was just talking about gigantour.

yes of course i will see them in england!! SX are the band i most want to come here. i only became a fan late 2003ish and then realised i JUST missed them when i saw the tour dates on the sticker on the front of the odyssey. man i was pissed.
Jax said:
1) What one song is it that sealed the deal & made you a SymX fan?

It would have to be SOMETHING off of V. I can't pick a song off the album because it's too hard (in my mind) to separate any of them because they belong together...but it was definitely V.

2) What one or two songs are 'must haves' on a setlist? Please bear in mind that we're not asking for full setlists here, so please keep your responses to just one or two songs (please do NOT post full setlists)..and remember, it's a 30 minute set, so there won't be time for the epics like TDWoT or The Odyssey.

Here are a couple...although I am easily pleased. ;)

Communion/The Oracle
Sea of Lies
Again, Gigantour doesn't concern my Scottish self, but i'll answer anyway.

1. Of sins and Shaodws
2. Sea of lies, The damnation game
Wow, this is tough.

1) Church of the Machine

2) Sins and Shadows
King of Terrors

I'm choosing these 2 because they will be playing for a hardcore metal crowd, many who never heard them before...but not my personal requests!
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