GMD Poll: Death's Discography Ranked

Also, Morbid Angel were writing more interesting and sophisticated death metal before Death moved on from their schlocky b-movie sound (which is great in its own right, don't get me wrong). Point is that Morbid Angel was a much better band overall.
... incorrect statement. How many albums exactly would you say had that "schlocky b-movie" sound? The correct answer is one, their debut(and a godly album at that). Leprosy came out before Altars and is just as good if not better in every possible way. So now lets move on to 1991 ... how in the world is Blessed more "sophisticated" than Human? :lol:

Neither one of them were "much better" than the other. And that's pretty much a fact.
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... incorrect statement. How many albums exactly would you say had that "schlocky b-movie" sound? The correct answer is one, their debut(and a godly album at that). Leprosy came out before Altars and is just as good if not better in every possible way. So now lets move on to 1991 ... how in the world is Blessed more "sophisticated" than Human? :lol:

Neither one of them were "much better" than the other. And that's pretty much a fact.

I was actually referring to Scream Bloody Gore which also happens to be my favorite by them.

Abominations of Desolation was recorded in 1986, and many of its songs were included on future albums. It was intended to be their debut album but got shelved. You're talking nonsense.
Abominations of Desolation is good but much thrashier than what Death was doing at the time, and not really any more ambitious except maybe lyrically.


sophisticated death metal

He's not wrong about Abominations of Desolation though, I believe every single track from that record was reused later on. I guess what is relevant is how much of those old songs were re-written or added to etc and how many were simply re-recorded as is.
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I agree that Leprosy was written and recorded after Abominations, as well as most of Altars (though not the best songs). Just saying that if the goal is the most fair comparison, we should be looking at '86 Death vs '86 Morbid Angel.
I mostly took your comment as you saying that it's laughable that death metal can be sophisticated.

I could never outwardly deny Death's influence on extreme metal but I do think they were a more standard evolution of thrash. I hear more inspiration from Morbid Angel.
I claimed that Morbid Angel were writing more interesting music before Death and Abominations of Desolation is a pretty noteworthy example.
No, I just think it's silly and pretentious to use sophistication as a metric of quality, particularly within a genre like death metal.

Morbid Angel had more of the weird/occult/twisted vibe going on, even in the earliest days, but it was kind of like a second-rate Hell Awaits more than anything. Some even lighter, e.g. the main Chapel of Ghouls riff is pretty much Metallica's Battery. Their riffs were fast, but light and speed/thrashy. Death tuned lower and had more of a Hellhammer and hardcore influence in them, which led to a more distinct form of death metal from what most others were doing.
Thanks to this discussion I'm listening to the Mantas demo again and now remember why the main Spiritual Healing stands out leagues above the rest of that album. Evil Chuck for life.
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I don't think it's silly or pretentious at all to say that certain bands have a more interesting vision of any genre.
yes but to claim one band is much better than the other because of "sophistication" is pretty ridiculous, that being said you do know that progressive and technical get thrown around much more when describing Death. You know, one of the forefathers of "sophisticated" death metal who have more "sophisticated" death metal classics under their belts than MA. So im guessing that makes Death the "much better" band, no? That being said, they were both very technically inclined bands.