GMD Poll: Death's Discography Ranked

I never claimed that to be the defining factor as to why Morbid Angel is better than Death and I certainly wouldn't say as much for their latest album, as much as I dislike The Sound of Perserverance.

Anyways, I like Morbid Angel more than Death. That simple.
Anyways, I like Morbid Angel more than Death. That simple.

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I like that Death kept trying to reinvent themselves (and achieving that imo) with each album, even though I'm the kind of brain-dead bastard that wished they stuck to the Scream Bloody Gore formula ad infinitum.
You've changed your tune, I'm sure you've said you didn't like Death post Human in the past

I consider Blessed are the Sick to be more sophisticated in its atmosphere and composition than anything Death did (In before HBB starts banging on how generic and boring Blessed is and how Symbolic of all things is better). That's not to say they're more sophisticated overall because they also had straightforward stuff like the majority of Covenant, Domination, etc. Note - I do like half the tracks on Covenant quite a bit. Domination sucks. However, I don't think technicality and progressiveness are synonymous with sophistication. At least not in TSoP's case. There's nothing sophisticated about random solos and jarring transitions. It's just poor songwriting.
Not a very sophisticated production job though. Rather a shit one. :D

(I know, I know, nobody cares.)

You've changed your tune, I'm sure you've said you didn't like Death post Human in the past

Yes I said Death after Leprosy did absolutely nothing for me except for maybe Human, I remember that.

In many ways I still feel the same way, though I would walk it back somewhat and be a bit more moderate. But Death's first two albums will always be the most important ones for me.
I consider Blessed are the Sick to be more sophisticated in composition than anything Death did

:lol: another one of your completely nonsensical opinions. Blessed isnt even in their top 3 as far as "sophisticated compositions" go. How the fuck do you even come up with some of this bullshit?

And lol at anyone implying that TSoP is their only technical inclined/progressive/"sophisticated compositions" album when you can use that to describe half of Deaths discog. Covenant, Formulas and Gateways are their most "sophisticated" albums. For you to even entertain the idea that one of their most straightforward death metal albums is sophisticated is hilarious tbh. A few interludes and "OMG ITSSS SOOO SOPHISTICATEDDD" :lol:
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I wouldn't call Symbolic sophisticated (although in all honesty that's clearly what Chuck was trying for from Spiritual Healing onwards), it's technical but overall a catchy and fun album.

Formulas is probably the most sophisticated album between either band's discography, and a darn good one. Gateways and Covenant I can't vouch for, but TechBarb is right about Blessed as well, it's mostly straight forward with some interludes. For the time period and genre I suppose it was of above-average ambition or sophistication, if you compare it to bands like Malevolent Creation or Necrophagia or Obituary or whatever, but in the grand scheme of things, nah. I think the fancy cover art misleads people.
It has nothing to do with the interludes, one of which I find bad (In Remembrance), one which I can never decide if it sounds awesomely creepy or silly and cheesy (Doomsday Celebration) and one of which is great (Desolate Ways). Released in 1991 I can't really think of anything that sounds like Blessed are the Sick from that time period. The album is very cohesive and I've always found it to work incredibly well as an album experience - the track ordering and the pacing is pretty much perfect. It's quite a large change in direction from Altars, more mature and more varied in its tempos and lyrical content. What it lacks in the youthful energy it more than makes up for in its artfulness imo. They took a step back come Covenant where most of the songs on that album are about hammering brutality and Vincent's vocals became more about being as brutal as he could be, rather than intelligible and charismatic.

Shit results, you all suck

What's shit about them? The best album won. Human is too low and Symbolic is too high is my issue.
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It has nothing to do with the interludes, one of which I find bad (In Remembrance), one which I can never decide if it sounds awesomely creepy or silly and cheesy (Doomsday Celebration) and one of which is great (Desolate Ways). Released in 1991 I can't really think of anything that sounds like Blessed are the Sick from that time period. The album is very cohesive and I've always found it to work incredibly well as an album experience - the track ordering and the pacing is pretty much perfect. It's quite a large change in direction from Altars, more mature and more varied in its tempos and lyrical content. What it lacks in the youthful energy it more than makes up for in its artfulness imo. They took a step back come Covenant where most of the songs on that album are about hammering brutality and Vincent's vocals became more about being as brutal as he could be, rather than intelligible and charismatic.

What's shit about them? The best album won. Human is too low and Symbolic is too high is my issue.
I think you need to come to the realization that most of your favorite albums are rather generic by the books takes on their respective subgenres and nowhere near being the sophisticated albums you think they are. I know that breaks you heart, but its the truth and somebody had to tell your pretentious ass. Your favorite albums are all rather pedestrian.

How are albums like TRitSiO, FaftS, Deathcult, Hell Awaits, The Spectre Within, Sad Wings of Destiny, Epicus Doomicus Metallicus and Blessed are the Sick generic in any way? They're either among the earliest releases for their genre, or extremely unique with little that sounds anything like them. They simply can't be generic.
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oh yes i forgot, Blessed is so "extremely unique" and "sophisticated". Or hold on, maybe its one of the earliest examples of the death metalz? No and no. And i LOVE that album.

Same can be said for a bunch of your other favorites like Sacramentum and such. A little "atmosphere" here and there does not make your favorite albums sophisticated(they are far from it actually). And i have a feeling that would bother someone as pretentious as yourself.
l for one fucking love Blessed. And l love Altars and l love Covenant. None else tho, after that they decided to grow up and become another band stripped of its originality while all the time squabbling and citing musical differences.
l don't believe MA and Death compete because their respective ambitions slept in different dimensions.
A third of Blessed are the Sick sounds like Slayer or Kreator. It's not that unique. Abominations is probably the most interesting song and that was technically a leftover from the earlier period. Albums from the same time or earlier that were less comparable to anyone else include:

Scream Bloody Gore
Severed Survival
First three Carcass albums
Probably Deicide
Effigy of the Forgotten
Dreaming with the Dead
Dark Recollections
Carrion for Worm

And that's just holding things to my impeccable standard of death metalness; Unquestionable Presence and Consuming Impulse did a lot more than Blessed as well.