GMD Poll: Katatonia's Discography Ranked

i remember that being the explanation for why they transitioned to clean vocals, so that was surely part of it. i was focusing more on why it was mikael specifically--you'd think they might've just let anders do it or something, he did vocals in his other bands.
1) tonight’s decision
2) last fair deal gone down
3) brave murder day
4) discouraged ones
5) viva emptiness
6) the fall of hearts
7) dance of december souls
8) night is the new day
9) the great cold distance
10) dead end kings
11) city burials

debut is perfectly respectable goth-tinged doom/death with a tone of mournful grandeur, but like a lot of peaceville stuff it’s just kind of drab and lethargic, not to mention painfully overlong and with melodies straying too far into the maudlin at times. the only reason BMD gets grouped with the debut is the growls, but it’s actually much closer to the sound of the third album than the first, much less metal and more shoegaze/goth rock/opeth/etc influences. it’s also a lot more varied and dynamic with a stronger identity though. discouraged ones is kat’s try at cure worship, easily their most nakedly emotional work and i used to love it for that, but these days it’s a bit wimpy and self-pitying for my tastes.

tonight’s decision was a departure into something more original and should've been praised as such, but it seems to be the black sheep of their discog. it’s chilly and austere by early katatonia standards, bleak without the accompanying mawkishness, a textbook example of how withholding and restraint can create a more intense mood than direct emotional manipulation. love this album, ‘black session’ is a top 3 kat tune IMO.

can’t say i’m a fan of the shiny shimmery sound they struck upon with last fair deal, which is a little light on atmosphere, but even so it's probably their finest collection of songs. not that i agree with katatonia’s fanbase on the highlights: ‘i transpire’ and ‘sweet nurse’ have both spent time as my favourite katatonia song – the latter was my most listened to song on lastfm at one time lol, ‘til it got overthrown by like ‘the break of autumn’ or ‘starless’ or ‘idioteque’ or ‘a strange day’ or something. ‘the future of speech’ has an all-timer chorus as well. none of these are among the most hyped songs on this album, but that’s ‘cause katatonia’s fanbase is made up faglords, no offence.

viva emptiness marks the transition into the nu-katatonia sound, which is obviously their heaviest era but i don’t much care for it. VE in particular is kind of like linkin park for prog dads who need something faux-edgy to accompany their mid-life crisis; over time they dropped a lot of the edginess but not, alas, the bland, slick radio-ready maturity, nor the deliverance chuggin' and damnation proggin'. the urban angst and forced discordance is pretty embarrassing here but this album does at least have a ton of personality, whereas some of the later albums can feel like they’re made by a katatonia algorithm at times. the opening song kind of sums it up, a great verse surrounded by lame posturing.

out of the ones which follow i’m quite drawn to the fall of hearts, probably the most ambitious and progressive of their later work, with some surprising rhythmic and melodic complexity and a good grasp of how to build and release tension. ‘night is the new day’ seems like the apex of the later kat sound for good or ill. the only ones i find a real slog are bell end kings and shitty burials.
11) City Burials (2020)


Average points per vote: 2.7/11

So, City Burials is pretty bad, even coming from someone who likes the new Katatonia style.

Apparently it was originally intended to be a Jonas solo album.
10) Dead End Kings (2012)


Average points per vote: 3.7/11

First pace votes: 1 (@The Ozzman)

This might become the new Katatonia thread, but regardless, this album is fucking amazing. This is the album that should've been released after The Great Cold Distance.

This album is so fucking infectious it's amazing. It takes me back to when I would play TGCD on repeat in college. That album never left my CD player for about 3 months.
9) Night is the New Day (2009)


Average points per vote: 4.5

First place votes: 1 (@challenge_everything)

I really like it, as I think it's another evolution in sound for the band. Then again, I've become a pretty big Katatonia fan over the past year or so after thinking for a long time that they were solid but unspectacular.

I am a huge Katatonia fan and I think the band blew their load on TGCD. They need to just wait another 4 years before putting out another album and focus on writing quality songs. It's alright, but not what I was expecting from such an incredible group.

It's a brilliant album. Onward Into Battle is one of their best songs. Does tail off a bit towards the end though. Overall I rate it par with TGCD.
5) Tonight's Decision (1999)


Average points per vote: 5.5/11

First place votes: 1 (@no country for old wainds)

Voted for Tonight's Decision.

Maybe it's because it was my first Katatonia album, but there is so much depth to it.

That album is a doctrine of despair. It's incredible.

Tonight's Decision is fantastic. I didn't like it at first though.

Tonight's Decision is starting to move up very quick and is a neat album. Right Into The Bliss and No Good Can Come Of This are stand out Katatonia songs in general. I did not know until looking in the case that Dan Swanö plays drums on the album.
4) Last Fair Deal Gone Down (2001)


Average points per vote: 6.4/11

First place votes: 1 (@spikes77)

Katatonia - last fair deal gone down

it used to be one of my favorite albums, and now it completely bores me, i can't even listen to a whole song

I am of the opposite opinion. I like the first two albums better than every thing else. Their only album I really dislike is Last Fair Deal Gone Down, since it is an indie rock album, and not a metal album, and I can't stand indie rock.

I like them all! Call Last Fair Deal Gone Down what you will, it's not that different from any of the post-BMD albums. It has the most songs that I skip (sometimes I go straight to track 7), but when they get it right, like on Clean Today and The Future of Speech, it's great!
3) The Great Cold Distance (2006)


Average points per vote: 6.8/11

Daniel Liljekvist's work on Katatonia's The Great Cold Distance is beautifully understated, controlled and original.

What is it that people don't like about The Great Cold Distance? I thought it was a step up for them in just about every way... though going back to the older albums, the atmosphere is quite different

I disliked the uninspired distorted guitarwork, the even huger Tool influence and the general lack of depressiveness. Can't say I completely hate it though. I enjoy "July" and "Rusted" for their catchiness and "Journey Through Pressure" for its feeling. Still, I used to be nuts about that band.
2) Dance of December Souls (1993)


Average points per vote: 7.9/11

Check out Katatonia - "Dance Of December Souls"
So much sorrow in that album. It's great!

Dance of December Souls is fucking amazing! I guess it varies with perspective, but really, Katatonia were the masters of Doom metal back in their prime. If you can show me any other extreme-metal CD from around the same time that can make me feel such utter sadness, I'll.... pat you on the back or something???