GMD Poll: Voivod's Discography Ranked


Active Member
Apr 18, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
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Directions: Rank Voivod's 13 studio albums. Order and number each album 1-13. Ties are OK. Your first place album earns 13 points, your second place album earns 12 points, etc.

You may rank as few as 7 albums. Lists with less than albums will not be counted. If you list less than 13 albums, the first placed album will still get 13 points, the last placed album will still get 1 point, and the albums in between will have points distributed proportionately. The average points earned for albums that are not listed will not be impacted positively or negatively, so if you don't rank an album, you neither help it or hurt it.

At the end, the albums will be ranked based on their average number of points per vote.

***You may not vote if you have fewer than 100 posts on the forum (The TechnicalBarbarity Rule)***

You have until December 10th to finalize your list, re-familiarize yourself albums you haven’t heard in awhile, familiarize yourself with albums you haven’t heard at all, lobby for any albums you think are underrated, and lobby against any albums you think are overrated.

And please, no pseudo-Machiavelli shit. Just rank them as you see them.

War and Pain (1984)
Rrröööaaarrr (1986)
Killing Technology (1987)
Dimension Hatröss (1988)
Nothingface (1989)
Angel Rat (1991)
The Outer Limits (1993)
Negatron (1995)
Phobos (1997)
Voivod (2003)
Katroz (2006)
Infini (2009)
Target Earth (2013)
Preliminary list:

1. Nothingface
2. Killing Technology
3. Dimension Hatröss
4. Angel Rat
5. Rrröööaaarrr
6. Target Earth
7. War and Pain
8. The Outer Limits
9. Infini
10. Voivod
11. Katorz
12. Phobos

Haven't heard Negatron (will do so) and haven't heard the Newsted albums in a long time. Target Earth and Rrröööaaarrr might flip too.
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Reactions: Talos of Atmora
I've only heard a few of Voivod's albums and even then I don't recall them too well. Starting from the debut and working my way forward. So far, I am not a fan of the first two albums. Too much punk influence for my taste, though the second album did have a handful of cool, choppy riffs. Hopefully, things improve as they become more progressive.
I’m not super familiar past the first four. (Which will probably be my top four anyway) but I’ll try and YouTube the rest... think I have Phobos too.
2.Killing Technology
3.Dimension Hatröss
4.Target Earth
6.The Outer Limits
8.War and Pain
10.Angel Rat

Tough decision between the first two. "Killing Technology" (and also "Dimension Hatröss") got more spins than "Nothingface", but that's due to the fact that the latter is a headphones-album for me and I don't have that much time to listen to albums by headphones. I never bothered to check out "Katorz" and "Infini", because I found "Voivod" so disappointing. Well, when we were doing the favourite albums of 2009-topic, I checked out the songs of "Infini" on youtube, but they couldn't convince me to include this album in my list for 2009 and I don't feel inclined to listen to them again just to be able to rank "Infini" here in this list.
Still haven't heard Negatron and Phobos so with that in mind:

Dimension Hatröss
Angel Rat
The Outer Limits
Target Earth
Killing Technology
War and Pain

The first 5 were super easy to rank, after that I had to ponder a bit.
One of my all-time fave bands. Still can't believe they found Chewy, who's been such an amazing replacement for Piggy. :worship:

1) Dimension Hatross
2) Killing Technology
3) Nothingface
4) Rrroooaaarrr
5) Angel Rat
6) The Outer Limits
7) Target Earth
8) War and Pain
9) Phobos
10) Negatron
11) Voivod
12) Katorz
13) Infini
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I always try to rebel against my own feelings of nostalgia but War and Pain and its chaotic metalpunk style still just hits me right in that sweetspot and reminds me of all the years only having this one album by them and playing it obsessively. This is fucking hard.
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Reactions: Atomic Tide
Dimension Hatröss (1988)
Killing Technology (1987)
Angel Rat (1991)
Nothingface (1989)
War and Pain (1984)
The Outer Limits (1993)
Rrröööaaarrr (1986)
Phobos (1997)
Target Earth (2013)
Negatron (1995)
Voivod (2003)
Infini (2009)
Katorz (2006)
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Reactions: Talos of Atmora
1. Angel Rat
2. The Outer Limits
3. Nothingface
4. Dimension Hatross
5. Killing Technology
6. Negatron
7. Phobos
8. Katorz
9. Voivod
1. Nothingface
2. Killing Technology
3. Angel Rat
4. The Outer Limits
5. Dimension Hatröss
6. Rrröööaaarrr
7. War and Pain
8. Phobos
9. Negatron

Unfamiliar with the rest and after sampling a few songs from various albums there's no chance I'm going through it all.