GMD Votes: Top 20 Black Metal Albums

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The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
Here it is, y'all

Even with so many different choices, we still have a definitive top 20.

Anyway, on with the list!

Burzum Hvis Lyset Tar Oss 304 1 15
Bathory Under the Sign of the Black Mark 250 2 14
Mayhem De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas 215 3 13
Darkthrone A Blaze In the Northern Sky 172 4 12
Sacramentum Far Away from the Sun 169 5 12
Darkthrone Transilvanian Hunger 159 6 10
Master's Hammer Ritual 142 7 12
Immortal Pure Holocaust 124 8 11
Burzum Filosofem 118 9 8
Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse 99 10 7
Gorgoroth Pentagram 99 10 6
Enslaved Vikingligr veldi 93 12 7
Dissection Storm of the Light's Bane 85 13 8
Beherit Drawing Down The Moon 78 14 7
Emperor Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk 78 14 5
Ulver Bergtatt: Et eeventyr i 5 capitler 78 14 7
Deathspell Omega Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice 77 17 5
Windir 1184 77 17 5
Negura Bunget OM 70 19 6
Graveland Thousand Swords 67 20 6

From left to right:

Total Score
Number of votes

The rest:

Sarcófago INRI 66 21 4
Rotting Christ Thy Mighty Contract 64 22 4
Drudkh Autumn Aurora 63 23 7
Dissection The Somberlain 60 24 6
Summoning Dol Guldur 60 24 7
Immortal At The Heart of Winter 58 26 6
Varathron His Majesty at the Swamp 58 26 4
Aeternus And So the Night Became 56 28 4
Drudkh Blood in our Wells 56 28 3
Katharsis VVorldVVithoutEnd 56 28 4
Blut Aus Nord Memoria Vetusta II: Dialogue With The Stars 55 31 4
In the Woods Heart of The Ages 50 32 3
Deathspell Omega Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum 49 33 4
Necromantia Scarlet Evil Witching Black 49 33 4
Graveland Following the Voice of Blood 48 35 3
Mortuary Drape Tolling 13 Knell 48 35 3
Wodensthrone Loss 48 35 3
Aeternus Beyond the Wandering Moon 47 38 4
Bathory Blood Fire Death 45 39 3
Gorgoroth Under the Sign of Hell 44 40 3
Summoning Stronghold 44 40 4
The Ruins of Beverast Rain Upon the Impure 44 40 4
Hades The Dawn of the Dying Sun 43 43 2
Blut Aus Nord The Work Which Transforms God 42 44 2
Caladan Brood Echoes of Battle 41 45 2
Inquisition Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm 41 45 4
Blasphemy Fallen Angel of Doom 39 47 5
Root The Temple in the Underworld 39 47 2
Mystifier Göetia 37 49 4
Mütiilation Remains of a Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul 36 50 2
Ulver Nattens Madrigal 36 50 2
Dawn Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) 35 52 4
Drudkh Forgotten Legends 35 52 2
Kvist For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike 35 52 2
Agalloch Pale Folklore 33 55 2
Blut aus Nord Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers of the Icy Age 33 55 3
Grand Belial's Key Mocking the Philanthropist 33 55 4
Gris Il Etait Une Foret 33 55 2
Mortuary Drape Secret Sudaria 33 55 2
Nåstrond Toteslaut 31 60 2
Hades Again Shall be 30 61 1
Mortuary Drape All the Witches Dance 30 61 2
Borknagar Quintessence 29 63 2
Carach Angren Lammendam 29 63 2
The Ruins of Beverast Foulest Semen of a Sheltered Elite 27 65 2
Summoning Minas Morgul 27 65 2
The Ruins of Beverast Foulest Semen of a Sheltered Elite 27 65 2
Funeral Mist Salvation 26 68 2
Lunar Aurora Elixir of Sorrow 26 68 1
Mysticum In The Streams of Inferno 25 70 1
Obtained Enslavement Witchcraft 25 70 2
Absu Tara 24 72 2
Anubi Kai Pilnaties Akis Uzmerks Mirtis 24 72 1
Arckanum ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ 24 72 3
Darthrone Transylvanian Hunger 24 72 1
Marduk Those of the Unlight 24 72 1
Nokturnal Mortum The Voice of Steel 24 72 1
Agalloch Marrow of the Spirit 23 78 2
Burzum Det som engang var 23 78 2
Lunar Aurora Mond 23 78 1
Thy Light 23 78 1
Aborym With No Human Intervention 22 82 1
Austere To Lay Like Old Ashes 22 82 3
Deathspell Omega Peracletus 22 82 1
Enslaved Isa 22 82 3
Enslaved Frost 22 82 2
Nyktalgia Nyktalgia 22 82 1
Samael Blood Ritual 22 82 2
Sargeist Let the Devil In 22 82 2
Abyssic Hate Suicidal Emotions 21 90 1
Darkthrone Panzerfaust 21 90 1
Dornenreich Bitter ist's dem Tod zu dienen 21 90 1
Enslaved Mardraum 21 90 1
Satyricon Nemesis Devina 21 90 2
Shining Halmstad 21 90 1
Sigh Infidel Art 21 90 1
Absurd Facta Loquuntur 20 97 1
Master's Hammer Jilemnický okultista 20 97 1
Primordial Spirit the Earth Aflame 20 97 2
Rotting Christ Khronos 20 97 1
Summoning Oath Bound 20 97 1
Windir Likferd 20 97 1
Arkhon Infaustus Orthodoxyn 19 103 1
Deströyer 666 Unchain the Wolves 19 103 3
Fen The Malediction Fields 19 103 1
Necromantia Crossing the Fiery Path 19 103 1
Nekrokrist SS Suicide 19 103 1
Cradle of Filth Cruelty and the Beast 18 108 2
Enslaved Below The Lights 18 108 3
Forgotten Woods As the Wolves Gather 18 108 2
Lunar Aurora Andacht 18 108 2
Nagelfar Strontgorrth 18 108 2
Sigrblot Blodsband (Blood Religion Manifest) 18 108 1
Velvet Cacoon Genevieve 18 108 1
Bathory The Return of the Darkness and Evil 17 115 1
Falls of Rauros Hail Wind and Hewn Oak 17 115 1
Forgotten Woods The Curse of Mankind 17 115 1
Krohm The Haunting Presence 17 115 2
Paysage d'Hiver Paysage D'Hiver 17 115 2
Rotting Christ Non Serviam 17 115 2
Shining V: Halmsted 17 115 1
Spite Extreme Wing Non Dvcor, Dvco 17 115 1
Sühnopfer Nos Sombres Chapelles 17 115 1
Absu The Sun of Tiphareth 16 124 1
Darkthrone Under a Funeral Moon 16 124 3
Diapsiquir Virus S.T.N. 16 124 1
Empyrium Songs of Moors and Misty Fields 16 124 1
Leviathan Tentacles of Whorror 16 124 1
Mayhem Grand Declaration of War 16 124 1
Svartsyn His Majesty 16 124 1
Walknut Graveforests and Their Shadows 16 124 2
Weakling Dead As Dreams 16 124 2
Wolves In The Throne Room Black Cascade 16 124 1
Dark Tribe Archaic Visions 15 134 1
Darkthrone Hate Them 15 134 1
Dordeduh Dar De Duh 15 134 1
Lord Belial Enter the Moonlight Gate 15 134 1
Negura Bunget N' Crugu Bradului 15 134 1
S.V.E.S.T. Urfaust 15 134 1
Tormentor Anno Domini 15 134 2
Ved Buens Ende Written in Water 15 134 2
Arstidir Lifsins Jotunheima dolgferð 14 142 1
Craft Fuck The Universe 14 142 1
Dawn Naer Solen Gar Niper For Evogher 14 142 1
Falkenbach ...Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri... 14 142 1
Mutiilation Vampires of Black Imperial Blood 14 142 2
Prevalent Resistance The Eternal Return 14 142 1
Summoning Let the Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame 14 142 1
Taake Nattestid Ser Porten Vid 14 142 1
Winterfylleth The Ghost of Heritage 14 142 1
Abigor Nachthymnen (From The Twilight Kingdom) 13 151 1
Ancient Rites The Diabolical Serenades 13 151 1
Arckanum Kostogher 13 151 1
Beherit Engram 13 151 2
Graveland Carpathian Wolves 13 151 1
Make a Change... Kill Yourself II 13 151 1
Moonblood Taste Our German Steel! 13 151 2
Sigh Imaginary Sonicscape 13 151 1
Sigh Hail Horror Hail 13 151 1
Ash Borer Cold Of Ages 12 160 1
Borknagar Urd 12 160 1
Dornenreich Flammentriebe 12 160 1
Hell Militia Last Station On The Road To Death 12 160 1
Mayhem Wolf's Lair Abyss 12 160 1
Sabbat Envenom 12 160 1
Summoning Old Mornings Dawn 12 160 2
Vigrid Throne of Forest 12 160 1
Bethlehem Dictius Te Necare 11 168 1
Blacklodge SolarKult 11 168 1
Falls of Rauros The Light that Dwells in Rotten Wood 11 168 1
Mefisto The Truth 11 168 1
Nargaroth Herbstleyd 11 168 1
Obtained Enslavement Centuries of Sorrow 11 168 1
Aura Noir Black Thrash Attack 10 174 1
Forgotten Tomb Springtime Depression 10 174 1
Graveland Memory and Destiny 10 174 1
Ildjarn Det Frysende Nordariket 10 174 1
Limbonic Art The Moon in the Scorpio 10 174 1
Samael Worship Him 10 174 1
The Axis Of Perdition The Icheumon Method 10 174 1
Urgehal Through Thick Fog Till Death 10 174 1
Venom At War With Satan 10 174 1
Agalloch Ashes Agaist the Grain 9 183 1
Aosoth Ashes of Angels 9 183 1
Burzum Burzum 9 183 1
Elderwind The Magic of Nature 9 183 1
Endstille Dominanz 9 183 1
Fleurety Min Tid Skal Komme 9 183 1
Inquisition Nefarious Dismal Orations 9 183 1
Neo Inferno 262 The Next Vessel 9 183 1
Svartsyn Timeless Reign 9 183 1
Thou Art Lord Eosoferos 9 183 1
Watain Casus Luciferi 9 183 1
Arcturus La Masquerade Infernale 8 194 1
Ildjarn Strength and Anger 8 194 2
Peste Noire Ballade cuntre lo Anemi francor 8 194 1
Svartidauði Flesh Cathedral 8 194 1
Trelldom Til Evighet 8 194 1
Behemoth ...From the Pagan Vastlands 7 199 1
Bekhira L'élu du mal 7 199 1
Bewitched Dragonflight 7 199 1
Darkspace I 7 199 1
Gontyna Kry Welowie 7 199 1
Imperium Dekadenz Procella Vadenz 7 199 1
Inquisition Invoking The Majestic Throne of Satan 7 199 1
Orcustus Orcustus 7 199 1
Order From Chaos An Ending in Fire 7 199 1
Paysage d'Hiver Kristall & Isa 7 199 1
Skagos Ast 7 199 1
Spectral Lore III 7 199 1
Akercocke Choronzon 6 211 1
Annihilatus Blood and War 6 211 1
Antaeus De Principii Evangelikum 6 211 1
Horna Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne 6 211 1
Immortal Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism 6 211 1
Krallice Dimensional Bleedthrough 6 211 1
Nokturnal Mortum Lunar Poetry 6 211 1
Nokturnal Mortum Goat Horns 6 211 1
Ascension Consolamentum 5 219 1
Darvulia L'alliance des venins 5 219 1
Enslaved Blodhemn 5 219 1
Hate Forest Battlefields 5 219 1
Horna Sanojesi äärelle 5 219 1
Nifelheim Nifelheim 5 219 1
Peste Noire La Sanie des siècles - Panégyrique de la dégénérescence 5 219 1
The Ruins of Beverast Unlock the Shrine 5 219 1
Altar of Plagues White Tomb 4 227 1
Beastcraft Into the Burning Pit of hell 4 227 1
Behexen My Soul For His Glory 4 227 1
Darkspace Darkspace III 4 227 1
Diabolical Masquerade The Phantom Lodge 4 227 1
Helheim Av Norron Aett 4 227 1
Leviathan The Tenth Sublevel of Suicide 4 227 2
Morrigan Plague, Waste and Death 4 227 1
Negative Plane Stained Glass Revelations 4 227 1
Nifelheim Devil's Force 4 227 1
Oranssi Pazuzu Muukalainen puhuu 4 227 1
Shining Redefining Darkness 4 227 1
Tsjuder Desert Northern Hell 4 227 1
Venom Black Metal 4 227 1
Xasthur Nocturnal Poisoning 4 227 1
Funeral Procession Funeral Procession 3 242 1
Havohej Dethrone the Son of God 3 242 1
Impaled Nazarene Tol Cormpt Norz Norz Norz 3 242 1
Root Hell Symphony 3 242 1
Satyricon The Shadowthrone 3 242 1
Satyricon Dark Medieval Times 3 242 1
Summoning Nightshade Forests 3 242 1
Wolves in the Throne Room Two Hunters 3 242 1
Absu Absu 2 250 1
Darkspace Dark Space III 2 250 1
Dødheimsgard Monumental Possession 2 250 1
Fullmoon United Aryan Evil 2 250 1
Mgla With Hearts Towards None 2 250 1
Obsidian Gate The Nightspectral Voyage 2 250 1
Ohtar When I Cut the Throat 2 250 1
Primordial To the Nameless Dead 2 250 1
Prosanctus Inferi Pandemonic Ululations of Vesperic Palpitation 2 250 1
Sorcier Des Glaces Snowland 2 250 1
Tsjuder Demonic Possession 2 250 1
Urfaust Der freiwillige Bettler 2 250 1
Antaeus Blood Libels 1 262 1
Celtic Frost To Mega Therion 1 262 1
Circle of Ouroborus Streams 1 262 1
Falkenbach En Their Medh Riki Fara 1 262 1
Hail Inheritance Of Evilness 1 262 1
Hirilorn Legends of Evil and Eternal Death 1 262 1
Lifelover Pulver 1 262 1
Marduk Opus Nocturne 1 262 1
Mortiferia Vastiia Tenebrd Mortifera 1 262 1
Nox Intempesta Damnanus - Dominum 1 262 1
Skitliv Skandinavisk Misantropi 1 262 1
Stormlord Mare Nostrum 1 262 1
wow. I'm surprised Drudkh didn't crack the top 20 seeing as they were on a number of lists...same goes for Summoning

That was my first thought exactly. Though I think too many split their votes between Autumn Aurora and Blood in our Wells. Same deal with Blut Aus Nord... Would be interested to see a top 10 tabulated based on artist rather than album.

1) Windir - 1184
2) Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane
3) Ulver - Bergtatt
4) Burzum - Filosofem
5) Graveland - Thousand Swords
6) Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi
7) Negura Bunget - OM
8) Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
9) Master's Hammer - Ritual
10) Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark
11) Sacramentum - Far Away from the Sun
12) Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
13) Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
14) Immortal - Pure Holocaust
15) Darkthrone - A Blaze In the Northern Sky
16) Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
17) Deathspell - Omega Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
18) Beherit - Drawing Down The Moon
19) Gorgoroth - Pentagram
20) Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Pretty solid list, other than Drawing Down the Moon (garbage album). Graveland and Deathspell Omega have superior albums to the ones on this list and it's too bad there's not more representation of the excellent French scene, but all in all, the list is strong.
1. Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
2. Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
3. Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
4. Darkthrone - A Blaze In the Northern Sky
5. Burzum - Filosofem
6. Immortal - Pure Holocaust
7. Enslaved - Vikingligr veldi
8. Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane
9. Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark
10. Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
11. Master's Hammer - Ritual
12. Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
13. Ulver - Bergtatt: Et eeventyr i 5 capitler
14. Graveland - Thousand Swords
15. Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
16. Gorgoroth - Pentagram
17. Sacramentum - Far Away from the Sun
18. Windir - 1184
19. Negura Bunget - OM
20. Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon
I haven't heard the Graveland, honestly. I'll listen to it but I doubt it will change my votes. Not a bad list. Much better results than the last couple.

EDIT: I have heard that Gravel and, but only once or twice and that was probably 10 years ago. I'm still going to listen to it though
1. Enslaved - Vikingligr veldi
2. Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane
3. Graveland - Thousand Swords
4. Sacramentum - Far Away from the Sun
5. Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
6. Immortal - Pure Holocaust
7. Ulver - Bergtatt: Et eeventyr i 5 capitler
8. Negura Bunget - OM
9. Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
10. Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
11. Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark
12. Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
13. Darkthrone - A Blaze In the Northern Sky
14. Burzum - Filosofem
15. Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
16. Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
17. Windir - 1184
18. Gorgoroth - Pentagram
19. Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon
20. Master's Hammer - Ritual
wow. I'm surprised Drudkh didn't crack the top 20 seeing as they were on a number of lists...same goes for Summoning

Drudkh missed out because we couldnt come to a consensus on Blood in Our Wells or Autumn Aurora. Both were way up there.
how did Windir crack the top 20? that's the only real surprise to me

1. Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
2. Master's Hammer – Ritual
3. Ulver - Bergtatt: Et eeventyr i 5 capitler
4. Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
5. Graveland - Thousand Swords
6. Enslaved - Vikingligr veldi
7. Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark
8. Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon
9. Negura Bunget – OM
10. Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
11. Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane
12. Sacramentum - Far Away from the Sun
13. Immortal - Pure Holocaust
14. Burzum – Filosofem
15. Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
16. Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
17. Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
18. Darkthrone - A Blaze In the Northern Sky
19. Gorgoroth – Pentagram
20. Windir - 1184
Yea, and how the fuck did it get more points then the Dissection album that should have been on this list.

edit: Not saying that Storm of a Light's Bane shouldnt have been on here, because it definitely should ... but The Somberlain is by far their best work.
Windir doesn't belong at all. Softball black metal.

Storm is excellent from start to finish. Every track is excellent and distinct. Somberlain is solid, but nowhere near as consistent or cohesive.
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