Guitar Compilation

Ive played a RGT42. I loved that's alot similar to my Jackson neck. It's a bit more narrow. I would swap out the edge 3 for a edge pro anyway.

EDIT: Yeah the edge 3 feels very cheap. I like the neck though since it is like a little thinner version of jackson neck. F.e its a bit flat.

Yeah i know it's annoying. For me a floyd rose is a must...i wank that thing much because its a hella lot fun.

Yeah that's fucking true right there...the reason i got the RR24 is because of the better pickup,better looks,better shape and the quality WAS superior and i have tested them both...actually all 3 but whatever. The store setups on rr24 seem to really suck...i dunno if RR24s are a hit or miss thing but the ones ive tried have indeed sucked badly. They were somehow "sticky" to play.

The Kevin bond would be good if it weren't for those damn pentagram inlays. I dunno about you but i don't like a guitar with that kind of inlays. Sharkfins FTW. THe green bevels are really WIN though.

Strangely you both own Alexi-600s(just kidding) :lol: They are ok but for the higher price than RR24 they are not OK because they are not the same quality. IMO its just a overpriced guitar.
I don't blame you for having one though.

...But don't listen to me. You all know how i despise the LTD Alexi-600 :lol:

they're more expensive? maybe now with the blackouts but mine was 1050.


All the paintjobs are completely random so there's only a few that came out good and this is one of them. Some of them are horrible shades of green or just have too much green or black, like this: x sito/Ibanez Jem GMC 2.jpg

it depends on the swirl job, ive seen some amazing swirl jobs.
I do have other pictures, but I'm not ready to just settle on a guitar with only 3 minor appearance differences than the guitar I have right now for 1700.00 Maybe down the road somewhere, because I REALLY like that guitar, and the white pinstripes of the Stone Guitars. Maybe one day, when I can just spend money for the heck of it on something like that, or just really save up for one.

EDIT: Also one quick question, all US RR1's do have an open cavity where the pickguard is on them like most of the other RR guitars with pickguards. It's not actually complete all the way through with just a pickguard applied on top? I've never been able to tell because Ive never played one, and like on how RR3's are you can just pull the volume knob and the plastic pickguard pretty much just bends and you can see straight in the guitar.

I'm not sure what you mean but with one of my old RR's There was cavity which could only be accessed through the front (solid wood on the back) and all the electronics were actually attached the pickguard. They are not hollow bodied if thats what you mean. (I'm still not sure what you mean :lol:)
I'm not sure what you mean but with one of my old RR's There was cavity which could only be accessed through the front (solid wood on the back) and all the electronics were actually attached the pickguard. They are not hollow bodied if thats what you mean. (I'm still not sure what you mean :lol:)

I was basically trying to say what you had in your RR. I didn't mean a hollow RR or anything??? I was just seeing if their were any RR's that actually have the pickguard on top but aren't covering a cavity or the electronics. I doubt their is... otherwise why would they put it on there... in other words I meant an RR1 something like this...

See an RR1 without the pickguard and no opened cavity with the electronics below it... Nevermind though I think I'm talking about a custom shop type thing anyway.
Or then they quite simply get labelled as "OMGZ ALEXI FANBOI SHAPE YOU R WANNABIII". Sadly people seem to think its Alexi who invented the shape and not Randy. sad. I also get pissed of that everytime i hear it since if someone on a online-community owns a black Rhoads and he likes bodom he is automaticly a FANBOI with a ALEXI guitar :erk:.

I got my RR because of Kirk Hammett and his RR1T. Ever since i saw that guitar i had to have it, so i got the RR3 close enough!
I was basically trying to say what you had in your RR. I didn't mean a hollow RR or anything??? I was just seeing if their were any RR's that actually have the pickguard on top but aren't covering a cavity or the electronics. I doubt their is... otherwise why would they put it on there... in other words I meant an RR1 something like this...
See an RR1 without the pickguard and no opened cavity with the electronics below it... Nevermind though I think I'm talking about a custom shop type thing anyway.

I understand what you are saying now :lol:
OMG! KH? WHY?:lol: Well..I don't see that as anything better still. Well atleast you got a kickass guitar.

I like kirk allot he's a good guitarist. It's becuz of him and Metallica why i listen to metal today and play guitar and stuff. Plus since they were like the first band i got into allot i would watch lots of footage of them play and that's where i saw that RR1T for the first time. It really wasn't becuz he had one i had to have one it just looked sick as hell and i wanted one:rock: