Guitar Compilation

It's kind of a weird shape, but it rocks. As I've said sometimes, is the only fixed bridge guitar I'd take.

DOUBLE POSTJUMP: :lol: at the fangirl part, :lol: That's the exact same reason (plus I like the V shapen, the floyd and just 1 pickup) I'm getting some day the Pink Sawtooth.

Now you can all call me gay or whatever you want, I'll get Squee to ban you all cos I hAs a mOd 0n mSN :kickass::kickass:

i would like the sawtooth as well, and it would be easier for me to get a cheap edwards v but like i said i need the 2 pickups and my alexi will be my "backup" guitar after the esp comes. which will probably be in 2009 or late this year. ill be fucked after the engl
usually saying a guitar is a "sharkfin" means that it is the "RR" shape or the "offset V" shape

I have never, in my life, heard that.

Almost all RR shapes are referred to as.. well just that "RRs" or "Rhoads". I've only ever heard sharkfin used to describe inlays :lol:
I have never, in my life, heard that.

Almost all RR shapes are referred to as.. well just that "RRs" or "Rhoads". I've only ever heard sharkfin used to describe inlays :lol:

Or then they quite simply get labelled as "OMGZ ALEXI FANBOI SHAPE YOU R WANNABIII". Sadly people seem to think its Alexi who invented the shape and not Randy. sad. I also get pissed of that everytime i hear it since if someone on a online-community owns a black Rhoads and he likes bodom he is automaticly a FANBOI with a ALEXI guitar :erk:.
honestly the xiphos is not to hot for me...have you played one? i just didnt like the neck and i really despise the cheap edge
Ive played a RGT42. I loved that's alot similar to my Jackson neck. It's a bit more narrow. I would swap out the edge 3 for a edge pro anyway.

EDIT: Yeah the edge 3 feels very cheap. I like the neck though since it is like a little thinner version of jackson neck. F.e its a bit flat.
Why is it so hard for some people to realise that NOT EVERYONE LIKES/NEEDS A FLOYD?

This isn't getting at you CoCOB. It's just I've seen so many posts from many people like "No floyd its shit" ¬¬
Yeah i know it's annoying. For me a floyd rose is a must...i wank that thing much because its a hella lot fun.
^That made my day :lol::lol::lol: There are WAY more Alexi USA LTD's (200 and 600) around than RR24's, and although I know you, as Arcane, hate it cos they are cheaper, their quality is the same as the LTD 600. Have you ever tried one properly set up with care and not taken out of the box and put into the store stand?

Well that was not my point exactly. What I was trying to point out is that the Kevin bond is more expensive than the RR24 and has 2 frets less, simpler (cheaper) bridge, etc. You pay more just for the MOP inlays and 2 frets less, which IMO will have no effect on the sound. I was not saying that everyone needs a floyd. In fact although I like floyds, I might grab Chuck Schuldiner's Stealth if BC Rich ever end up releasing it and it is not too much money.
Yeah that's fucking true right there...the reason i got the RR24 is because of the better pickup,better looks,better shape and the quality WAS superior and i have tested them both...actually all 3 but whatever. The store setups on rr24 seem to really suck...i dunno if RR24s are a hit or miss thing but the ones ive tried have indeed sucked badly. They were somehow "sticky" to play.

The Kevin bond would be good if it weren't for those damn pentagram inlays. I dunno about you but i don't like a guitar with that kind of inlays. Sharkfins FTW. THe green bevels are really WIN though.

wait you were talking about me and arcane hating rr24's right?

Strangely you both own Alexi-600s(just kidding) :lol: They are ok but for the higher price than RR24 they are not OK because they are not the same quality. IMO its just a overpriced guitar.
I don't blame you for having one though.

...But don't listen to me. You all know how i despise the LTD Alexi-600 :lol:
I'm hoping to get a USA RR-1 next. Anyone of these beautys would be amazing.

And it's suprising for me because these have pickguards, 2 hums and 22 frets but they're just so good looking.

RR-1 (beautiful colour!):

RR-1 (eerie dess swirl, mmmm):

RR-1 (snakeskin paintjob):

Jackson Stars RR-J1:

And this is nice too but I can't remember if it's a custom shop model or not:

The gold pinstripe Stars RR is also nice but they're no longer available:

Apart from a Jem JMC or something, I can't think of any other guitar that I'd like to own right now, apart from the green pinstripe RR of course.

The eerie swirl one is my favourite but I can't seem to find it available to buy online anywhere.
Ah yeah. I saw it on JGP and loved it instantly. I would definitely get one if it was a regular production model. The painted pickups and no pickguard combo is swe0t.