Wow, we have a colony of Ltd RR24 with yellow bevels!
If there were indeed just 75 for the whole world, we have a great amount of them here,
Nice Xiphos Mystique!
EDIT: Counted the Ltd. RR24, there are 5,
, mine is the only different RR24, I'm the odd guy,
@Nazgul, Fastbodom, Conti and Ben Johnson: tell me which RR models do you have so I can add them in the list, please.
Now, at the first post there's a list with all the offset V's in this forum (or at least the ones their owners have spoken of), and here is how it is atm (now everyone is posting their axes in here doesn't matter the model and please don't stop, the more the better, but as the original idea was the RR shaped ones, I'll leave the list just for them, but post pics of all guitars of every shape, ok?):
Myself(Children Of COB): Jackson Black Red Bevels RR24
the phenom: Jackson Black Yellow Bevels Ltd. RR24
dave100: Jackson Black Yellow Bevels Ltd. RR24
Mitch(<-Warheart->): Jackson Black Yellow Bevels Stars RR
Tiago: Jackson Black Yellow Bevels Stars RR
Conti: Jackson RR (I think it was RR3 but don't remember exactly)
Fastbodom: Jackson RR ¿model?
Nazgul: Jackson RR ¿models?
Shredtastical: ESP Alexi Laiho Sig Sawtooth
Flying V Guy: ESP/LTD Alexi 200 Black
Failure Of Threads: ESP/LTD Alexi 600 Black w/Yellow bevels
TimMerrick: ESP SV White w/Black pinstripes
Umosay: Edwards Al 120 Sawtooth
Ben Johnson: ESP SV White w/Black pinstripes & Jackson RR ¿USA?
Justinschut: Jackson JSRR30 customized p-ups (EMG 85,81) & ESP SV-NT BMF
Virtuoosi: ESP/LTD MMV Black w/Yellow Pinstripes customized p-ups (S. Duncanimebucker bridge, SH-N2 neck)
Epi: ESP/LTD MMV-SN '06 Black w/Yellow Pinstripes
Deadnight.warrior: Jackson Black Yellow Bevels Ltd. RR24 (customized p-up, Jackson J50BC)
Stonecoldsoul07: Jackson Black Yellow Bevels Ltd. RR24
nikon87: Jackson Black Yellow Bevels Ltd. RR24
BTW: Jackson 13- ESP/LTD/Edwards 8, so atm Jackson pwns ESP in the list,
(stupid comment, just that I was bored, never mind it,