Guitar Player's Thread

I can post an announcement on the french JCF as I did for Corny if you want.

Btw Corny, nobody likes the guitar, sorry.
I think you are the only one that actually takes pride in being here so long and having a big post count:erk:

Says the guy who just said that Mitch getting to 10k makes him an "old lurker", wtf :lol:

I couldn't give less of a fuck about postcount, I just don't think new people should tell people who were here before to "gtfo".
It's not like you have more of a right to be here and more credibility just because you found cobot first.

Well of course you're right. But regardless of how gay this sounds, this place is a community, you don't walk into a new village and tell everyone to get the fuck out.
When you put it like that..yeah I agree. I just see you use the veteran arguement a lot but now since I know you're not doing it in the eletist fuckwit fashion as such it's ok.

And Mitch is one of my fav users here..his tab thread is the best thread on the whole forum.
Oh I'm an elitist fuckwit alright.

In most ways yeah..I gathered as much :p
Shit I just noticed that typo in my post above there now..oh well can't be arsed correcting it now.

Nice solo Flappy btw :)

And thank fuck for that, this hippie "LETS ALL JUST HUG AND BE HAPPY" crap is starting to give me massive brain tumours

Actually fuck it yeah..I've nothing against introducing a little anarchy..this place would be boring as fuck otherwise.