Guitar Player's Thread

So my two "in progress" bands that weren't doing anything merged into one epic destroying supermetal force.

Good things coming in the future from lowberg
The Schecter Loomis 7 Non-trem guitars are popping up on ebay like 1-2 pieces/week it seems. This is fucked up! Looks like i will really have to choose between the Loomis and the Agile septor!:lol: The difference being that the Loomis has maple neck and EMGs while the Agile compares in every component except the pickup and it having a longer scale. I wouldn't afford a hardcase with the Loomis though...AAAAAAAH FRUSTRATING!
dunno if posted before.
if not,what do you think about?

and there are more videos....the player says they're not speed up-videos.....
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You trying to prove me getting a 7-string useless?:mad:[/quote]

Not really, but that I'd rather keep the RR and sell the binding cracker indonesian one :lol: Joking :)

[quote="Earth Breather, post: 8140515"]i've decided to quit guitar and start my lifetime dream of herding poodles[/quote]


[quote="Lowberg, post: 8141319"]So my two "in progress" bands that weren't doing anything merged into one epic destroying supermetal force.

Good things coming in the future from lowberg[/quote]

Want to hear :D
ok im sure this happens to some of you...
I'm having like... Idk guitar players block.
Someone give me a good excercise that will keep me occupied because I want to practice but I'm burnt out on the same things:zombie:

any ideas?????:erk:

not what I meant but that was kind of entertaining i guess :lol:

but really.

I'm tired of being stuck on the same scales and sweeps.

Something new would be great and appreciated.:erk:

not what I meant but that was kind of entertaining i guess :lol:

but really.

I'm tired of being stuck on the same scales and sweeps.

Something new would be great and appreciated.:erk:

Learning songs is a great way to keep your chops up, try to challenge yourself in a different style or something you don't think you could play.

Also something I found useful is to try and practice in different positions, or moving from different positions. I don't know if that's something you are already good at or not. Right now I'm really into trying to make up fluid licks or melodies that involve a lot of moving around the fretboard smoothly.

Practice string skipping licks

just some ideas, I really am more busy with songwriting than practicing technique and stuff (which shows in my playing:( ) But I wish I would practice chops and stuff more to be able to play some of the ideas I have tight
Learning songs is a great way to keep your chops up,

Also something I found useful is to try and practice in different positions, or moving from different positions. I don't know if that's something you are already good at or not.

Practice string skipping licks

just some ideas

I'm having a hard time getting past certain speed barriers if anything....

It's really depressing.
I try the metronome thing going up the fretboard.

.ie. frets 1234 16th notes and etc. but it doesn't seem to help.

I just keep getting stuck around like 140 bpm or so....
I'm having a hard time getting past certain speed barriers if anything....

It's really depressing.
I try the metronome thing going up the fretboard.

.ie. frets 1234 16th notes and etc. but it doesn't seem to help.

I just keep getting stuck around like 140 bpm or so....

In my opinion, the 1234 exercise is good but is more for coordination than speed.

First try to see what needs more work your left hand, your right hand, or coordination between the two:

Try doing the 1234 exercise but only picking once per string and hammering on 234. If you can still play it evenly at higher speeds than you can now then you know its not your picking hand that is sloppy.

Also idk if you know this variation on the 1234 exercise but it will fuck your mind so hard if you aren't used to it. This is the pattern

Basically you are doing each finger in order, you start on the first string with 1, next string you start with 2, next string with 3 ect.. At the top you shift up to second position and continue the pattern back down and when you finish on E you will be ready to start the pattern over again on your index finger in the 3rd position.

That will give you a headache practicing that i promise
In my opinion, the 1234 exercise is good but is more for coordination than speed.

First try to see what needs more work your left hand, your right hand, or coordination between the two:

Try doing the 1234 exercise but only picking once per string and hammering on 234. If you can still play it evenly at higher speeds than you can now then you know its not your picking hand that is sloppy.

Also idk if you know this variation on the 1234 exercise but it will fuck your mind so hard if you aren't used to it. This is the pattern

Basically you are doing each finger in order, you start on the first string with 1, next string you start with 2, next string with 3 ect.. At the top you shift up to second position and continue the pattern back down and when you finish on E you will be ready to start the pattern over again on your index finger in the 3rd position.

That will give you a headache practicing that i promise

yeah you are pretty much right that did kinda fuck my fingers but it's not too bad.

Alot of Death riffs have built up my tolerance to finger twisting shit, but that is still sufficient
I know what you mean about that speed barrier.

A lot of it has to do with patience and building that muscle memory. With the help of a lot of the guys here, I feel like I'm really making progress again.

In the wise words of those who helped me, speed is a byproduct. You can't (effectively) try for it in of itself. By which I mean, you'll be fast once what you're doing is like second nature, and you don't even have to think about it. That thinking is part of the delay.

This means that you have to do a few key things.

1) Start very slow.
2) Gradually increase by 1bpm until you start making mistakes. When you reach a point where you can't play it without messing up a few times, go back to the last speed where it was perfect. Practice that speed for as long as you can.
3) Next time you practice, do the same thing, pushing your speed until you reach that point of making mistakes and then going back. I guarantee you that it will be faster than last time. And this will continue each time you do it, you just have to be patient and keep at it.
I know what you mean about that speed barrier.

A lot of it has to do with patience and building that muscle memory. With the help of a lot of the guys here, I feel like I'm really making progress again.

In the wise words of those who helped me, speed is a byproduct. You can't (effectively) try for it in of itself. By which I mean, you'll be fast once what you're doing is like second nature, and you don't even have to think about it. That thinking is part of the delay.

This means that you have to do a few key things.

1) Start very slow.
2) Gradually increase by 1bpm until you start making mistakes. When you reach a point where you can't play it without messing up a few times, go back to the last speed where it was perfect. Practice that speed for as long as you can.
3) Next time you practice, do the same thing, pushing your speed until you reach that point of making mistakes and then going back. I guarantee you that it will be faster than last time. And this will continue each time you do it, you just have to be patient and keep at it.

yeah for awhile that was working really well...
It's just it seems like i've been stuck on 150bpm with certain licks forever now.

Instead of trying to learn ways to increase my speed, I usually try to just find completely new things that tie up my fingers..

I've been stuck in the same scales forever now and I just disappoint myself when I find myself playing the same lick...

I want something refreshing if you know what I mean:erk:


that for instance, is something that just drives me ape shit... lol
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