Guitar Player's Thread

what do you think of the esp sv-stdbk or the esp sv-stdwh? it looks the same as alexi's signature models except its got two humbuckers and some other little things are different..

check it out and gimme some feedback on it please :)

woot i finished learning "bed of razors" :D the only part i find difficult is the intro... hurts my fingers coz i have to stretch them lol ;D
But this doesn'T make a differnece of 300 bucks, or? And the black RR24M with the white stripes looks much better than all other RR24

I didn't say it does, I just pointed out :) Well, and the fact that it's the "new" model, although nothing besides the fretboard changed. But you know, that's Jackson nowadays, talk about stealing :)

About the looks, I wouldn't say, although yeah the black RR24M is pretty neat. But hey, at least looks like they're "no use for BM" aproved, so you can't go wrong with them in terms of tone :D
im gonna have to contract my music store hahahahah
so if its not 100% correct I will make them refund my money!

A friend of mine was a huge Jackson nazi for years until he got his Dean VMNT (the limited one). He was placing an order for a Jackson Kelly star and they sent it to him all sorts of retarded. It wasn't that it was bad, but for the money they were asking for it (over 3000), it wasn't worth it. Jackson doesn't really have too many people in their custom shop anymore that really seem to care. It seems like they just throw a guitar together and send it to you.

Bernie Rico on the other hand, I am amazed by lately because he hand builds them himself, their way nicer than jackson, and you definitely get what you pay for. Their even really classy looking why still having a very badass appearance, or atleast his vixen models.