Guitar Player's Thread

I have been writing some stuff and am having trouble with solos. My friend says I should learn my scales and memorise the notes on each fret of the guitar. I like to play in D standard or Drop C (both 1 step down) so do I have to re learn my scales? It has occured to me that all the E standard tuned scales will be the same in D standard because every fret is down 1 step. If not does anyone know a site where I can find D standard scales and exercises? Also has anyone got a notation chart for D standard or Drop C
I have been writing some stuff and am having trouble with solos. My friend says I should learn my scales and memorise the notes on each fret of the guitar. I like to play in D standard or Drop C (both 1 step down) so do I have to re learn my scales? It has occured to me that all the E standard tuned scales will be the same in D standard because every fret is down 1 step. If not does anyone know a site where I can find D standard scales and exercises? Also has anyone got a notation chart for D standard or Drop C

I've always looked at the notes (theory-wise) the same in D standard tuning as you would look at it in E standard tuning. I mean, I guess you could just tell yourself everything is one whole step down. Like 9th fret on the G string would be a D instead of the E, but that's just true technically speaking. In terms of scales/solos, you will be fine just practicing the same scales. Scales are only a matter of shapes on the fretboard. And if you ever need to kind of "translate" between 2 different tunings, e.g. you have a backing that is in standard tuning and is playing in E minor, then just do the math: E minor = F# minor in terms of D tuning. And now you will know that you will solo using the F# minor scale since you are in D tuning. Hope that helps and made some sense.
Dude you how do you tune your guitar to drop C ? i tried but i failed miserably. lmao.

Scales = tonnes of fun.

Sorry im unable to answer your question.

Haha I has the same problem! I will tell you what I did. First off I read the tuning wrong, it is CGCFAD with the 1st (thinnest) string being D and the 6th (thickest) being C. It is D standard tuning (which is 1 step down from E standard tuning) with a Dropped C.
I read it wrong and tuned the guitar backwards if you know what I mean, like I had the C on the 1st string, whoops!

Anyways this is what helped me and it has an online guitar tuner too, just select Drop C in the tuning then hit each note on the tuner and try to match it by ear on your guitar, then fine tune with your tuner, you have a tuner right?

If you do that you can't go wrong :D
I've always looked at the notes (theory-wise) the same in D standard tuning as you would look at it in E standard tuning. I mean, I guess you could just tell yourself everything is one whole step down. Like 9th fret on the G string would be a D instead of the E, but that's just true technically speaking. In terms of scales/solos, you will be fine just practicing the same scales. Scales are only a matter of shapes on the fretboard. And if you ever need to kind of "translate" between 2 different tunings, e.g. you have a backing that is in standard tuning and is playing in E minor, then just do the math: E minor = F# minor in terms of D tuning. And now you will know that you will solo using the F# minor scale since you are in D tuning. Hope that helps and made some sense.

Click on my Youtube link and check out my covers for Rebel Yell and Living DEad Beat. Both are made with Revalver MKIII and I think the sound is fucking awesome in both (I used 2 different settings for both though)
You should post your presets up >.> it could save me hours trying to get a decent sound out of it heh.
Anyone attempted/successfully learned "Silent Night Bodom Night"?
Im asking coz there are like these mini solo's that start roughly between 1:00 and 2:00 and i cant seem to do it.
I'd appreciate it if someone can gimme some exercises, sites (that they themselves found useful), etc.

Its for a good cause... Me being able to play that mad song :D
You should post your presets up >.> it could save me hours trying to get a decent sound out of it heh.

Sorry dude, but I haven't used it for a long time and the only thing I can remeberis that I used the green stomp box but not which amp model or other settings. And I haven't got any presets cause I only used the freeware version where you can't save any things - which is horrible
There was a video posted on this forum a while ago of this drummer who took audio clips from tv shows like The Simpsons and figured out the time signature for each and then played along to them. I've tried searching a million times for this guy on youtube, but am not sure what his name is. All I can think of is Marco possibly, but I could srsly use some help here. Thanks.
There was a video posted on this forum a while ago of this drummer who took audio clips from tv shows like The Simpsons and figured out the time signature for each and then played along to them. I've tried searching a million times for this guy on youtube, but am not sure what his name is. All I can think of is Marco possibly, but I could srsly use some help here. Thanks.

Andrea Vadrucci?

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