Guitar Player's Thread

Haha I has the same problem! I will tell you what I did. First off I read the tuning wrong, it is CGCFAD with the 1st (thinnest) string being D and the 6th (thickest) being C. It is D standard tuning (which is 1 step down from E standard tuning) with a Dropped C.
I read it wrong and tuned the guitar backwards if you know what I mean, like I had the C on the 1st string, whoops!

Anyways this is what helped me and it has an online guitar tuner too, just select Drop C in the tuning then hit each note on the tuner and try to match it by ear on your guitar, then fine tune with your tuner, you have a tuner right?

If you do that you can't go wrong :D

I still don't know the name of too many of the scales I play really. I kinda just play and what sounds right is what works. The only ones I know that I'm playing really are things like phrygian or E minor or the pentatonic stuff. Other than that, i kinda don't pay attention. If I'm trying to be logical about a solo I just see what the chord is and then set a target note, or notes based around that.

I think that if you sit and over analyze a solo too much you could potentially kill it's tastefulness. I usually just put on the track and bust out something that I feel really fits instead of following some sort of rules or guidelines.
I think that if you sit and over analyze a solo too much you could potentially kill it's tastefulness. I usually just put on the track and bust out something that I feel really fits instead of following some sort of rules or guidelines.

That's not really what musical knowledge equates to. Understanding the 'rules and guidelines' is beneficial because you then have control over what you are playing, how the notes are voiced, etc. You as the composer have choices of whether you want to follow these 'rules' or not, but in no way does the simple act of understanding them limit or impede your composing ability in any way. Seems like more of an excuse to not take the time to learn basic music theory.

Sweet video haha, but not what I'm looking for. The video I'm wanting to find is of a guy drumming and talking inbetween the 7 or 8 different drum patterns he plays to various soundbytes from tv shows and stuff. He'll be like... okay, this sound byte is in 15/16... and then immediately drum to it lol.
That's not really what musical knowledge equates to. Understanding the 'rules and guidelines' is beneficial because you then have control over what you are playing, how the notes are voiced, etc. You as the composer have choices of whether or not you want to follow these 'rules' or not, but in no way does the simple act of understanding them limit or impede your composing ability in any way. Seems like more of an excuse to not take the time to learn basic music theory.

I do take the time to learn it, but at the same time it's nothing I actually need. I think anyone who plays guitar eventually picks some up inadvertently over time. In my mind I know how everything should go or sound, or how I would like it to, I just don't know the names of all the scales or w/e. It's not that I think music theory is a waste at all, or I don't want to learn it. I'm just saying that through time, I myself, have learned it just by playing long enough and browsing enough Guitar Worlds and other sorts of lessons that I now know how to play those sorts of things, I just don't care about memorizing all the names and shit.
I do take the time to learn it, but at the same time it's nothing I actually need. I think anyone who plays guitar eventually picks some up inadvertently over time. In my mind I know how everything should go or sound, or how I would like it to, I just don't know the names of all the scales or w/e. It's not that I think music theory is a waste at all, or I don't want to learn it. I'm just saying that through time, I myself, have learned it just by playing long enough and browsing enough Guitar Worlds and other sorts of lessons that I now know how to play those sorts of things, I just don't care about memorizing all the names and shit.

Take Physics for example... We all ''know'' the laws of physics just from growing up in this world as children who have fallen numerous times to the ground and scraped our knees or crushed small ants or whatever you enjoyed doing as a kid. You jump, you come back down--force of attraction. You crash a car... your car's metal gets bent/destroyed/fucked--conversion of energy. Roll a ball down a street, it'll keep going until some opposing force acts upon it--law of inertia. We all know that. However learning about Physics in specific, understanding the formulas, helps you to understand how they all work together, giving you better control over experiments or day-to-day tasks you perform.

That's fine if you don't care to study Music Theory. It doesn't really matter to me lol. However, there is a lot more to it than simply ''memorizing all the names and shit.'' At least look into it more before verbally degrading it :lol:
Originally Posted by COBHC Rayza
Haha I has the same problem! I will tell you what I did. First off I read the tuning wrong, it is CGCFAD with the 1st (thinnest) string being D and the 6th (thickest) being C. It is D standard tuning (which is 1 step down from E standard tuning) with a Dropped C.
I read it wrong and tuned the guitar backwards if you know what I mean, like I had the C on the 1st string, whoops!

Anyways this is what helped me and it has an online guitar tuner too, just select Drop C in the tuning then hit each note on the tuner and try to match it by ear on your guitar, then fine tune with your tuner, you have a tuner right?

If you do that you can't go wrong

Thanks COBHC Rayza, im currently out somewhere but the moment I get home ill give it a shot :D

Also, anyone here know of any exercises to help with the speed of the left hand (the hand that touches frets)? My right hand is extremely fast, but I find that my left hand cant keep up with it D:

How do i properly insert a quote in my post also? I didnt do it correctly in my previous post coz i just copied it from Enmity5566 who actually quoted COBHC Rayza's post correctly..
hey failure_of_threads, what are some good bands that are melodic death metal or are similar to Children of Bodom?

and dont say kalmah. there the worst band in the world. i do like norther though :D
Insomnium, sort of

EDIT: Also, Naildown and Omnium Gatherum.

EDIT2: And I forgot Tracedawn.

You might also like Disarmonia Mundi, Diablo, Amorphis, Evergrey, and Dimension Zero.