Guitar Player's Thread

^He's from Spain, every guy looks like that there :lol: Kinda cool song though.

EDIT: I just listened to the songs on his myspace, and he's an amazing composer, there's some flaws in his technique, but i would say he's a far better progressive composer than alot of the well-known bands, cool stuff indeed.
I had an upgraded JEM 555, which was great and I played the PGM, which is awesome :D

When I get some money together Im getting either an ENGL Fireball or a Peavey 5150/6505
thanks Bucketbanger, I really look forward to see them! :kickass:

@emptifier: I played the 5150 for ca. 30 minutes, so I guess I didn't get all it has... The distortion sound is awesome, but the clean sound is !IMO! pretty shitty. That's why I bought the Powerball.

Try the fireball, it is even cheaper than th peavy, and it sound like hell (in a positive way).

All in all: It's all about personal preference, noone will ever help you :p

A few suggestions:
Peavy amps
ENGL Fireball/Powerball
Framus cobra

thanks man, yeah. i think the 5150 is a little to expensive for me at the moment. so i will definetly check out the fireball, thanks a bunch!

oh and if anyone is selling an edwards e-al-120 let me know!!
Mystique, I had a listen to a few songs off of that album but I didn't like it. The guitars are kinda widdly but it's that annoying type of riff with those vocals that I hate. Kinda remind me of Funeral For A Friend.

Bump for the jam again, I've only had 1 solo so far. I might work on mine tomorrow or Wed.

For inhe and any other MAB fans, I tabbed the intro riff thing from RAIN FOREST. Really cool.

Sick ass vid of it:

oh, i'm sorry then. i should've mentioned that if you download it, make sure to check out tracks 1 and 5...which are "I Just Got this Symphony Going" and "Mouths like Sidewinder Missiles". those two are my faves.

:lol: but would you rather dress and act "cool" and not play guitar? or would you rather look like that guy and actually play guitar?
:lol: but would you rather dress and act "cool" and not play guitar? or would you rather look like that guy and actually play guitar?

Let me put it this way: Beauty is a thing you are born with. So you can practice very much with the result: Being beautiful AND a kickass player at the same time.

This would be the best option, but because I practice too little, I'm confined to look good :lol:

:erk: internetz :erk:
I'm sure I'm not alone when one always wants to know whats THIS guitar players secret or why is he is good, or why cant I shred like that? And usualy more than half the time whenever a artist or guitar player is asked that they always just say. "Practice, Practice, Practice" I know Alexi Laiho and Glen Drover of Megadeth himself has said this more than a couple times in different interviews and etc. But my question into response into that is... PRACTICE WHAT EXACTLY!? Not to go on some crazy rant, but I would really like to know what Each artists definition of "practice, practice, practice" Is. What do they mean by that? What to them is "Practicing?" I would like to know so I could Practice those things haha. I just wish there would a lot more clarifying definition when it comes to this question asked to so many guitar heroes. Tell US what we should practice! We want to get better to just like you, and if you said you did with practicing, well at least give us a gist of what You think we should focus on. Anyone have any ideas or comments to the 'ol "Practice, Practice, Practice."
Lol I just found out that Ibanez dont make my guitar anymore :rofl: Vintage! :p nah, they just replaced it with the RG320EX...
I'm sure I'm not alone when one always wants to know whats THIS guitar players secret or why is he is good, or why cant I shred like that? And usualy more than half the time whenever a artist or guitar player is asked that they always just say. "Practice, Practice, Practice" I know Alexi Laiho and Glen Drover of Megadeth himself has said this more than a couple times in different interviews and etc. But my question into response into that is... PRACTICE WHAT EXACTLY!? Not to go on some crazy rant, but I would really like to know what Each artists definition of "practice, practice, practice" Is. What do they mean by that? What to them is "Practicing?" I would like to know so I could Practice those things haha. I just wish there would a lot more clarifying definition when it comes to this question asked to so many guitar heroes. Tell US what we should practice! We want to get better to just like you, and if you said you did with practicing, well at least give us a gist of what You think we should focus on. Anyone have any ideas or comments to the 'ol "Practice, Practice, Practice."

If you don't know what (can't be arsed to look up exercises yourself from the internet, tabs for your favourite bands songs etc...) to practise, just get a fucking teacher.
Practise whatever YOU want to get good at.

Don't learn the F# melodic minor scale in all positions and practise 16th triplet runs using it if you're never going to use it. Find out what stuff your fave players are playing and learn them and practise them.
^:lol: That should be obvious to any player, you practice what you want to get good at.