Don't apologize.
Its just as non-metal as Les Pauls.
Always look like this "" and never play a guitar that is shaped like a Les Paul.....cause you know, they're not metal
nice paintjob man... fuck those guitars... ibanez jackson esp bc rich dean washburn are real brands unlike pussy gibson, prs and that shit
I've seen that guy's videos before, he kicks ass.
also bump
well i just think they arent appropiate for metal
wow this thread is a pile of shit now
Speaking of GAS for guitars, fuck your LP's, this green archtop dinky is where its at
I don't care about Gibson, I hate them too, but you are just fucking retarded. PRS are damn sweet and suitable for playing whatever the fuck you want to play.
Ever heard of Death? Chuck Schuldiner used the X2N.
So Behemoth are doing it wrong? Because if I'm not mistaken (marfal please correct me if so) Nergal sometimes uses an ESP Eclipse. Oh, and to get it in Bodom tems for you, Roope used a LP shaped guitar too when he got into Bodom for the first tours.
Win. Pure fucking win.