haha really? when I first got my 7s, sweeping was the first thing I tried on it
I kinda got over the whole lolshred thing, can still do what i learned but i honestly never practice it anymore
haha really? when I first got my 7s, sweeping was the first thing I tried on it
i dont think its gay, just never listen to it anymore, doesn't really "come up" in my playing. Play mostly shit like Gojira nowadays. Which is good for me really, i neglected proper rythm techniques for the longest time because LOLALEXILAIHOSOLOS and other lead shit. I'll probably bounce back to it some day though
^^i'm kind of hoping that shape is a joke
Would anyone be interested in some random sweep practice stuff? Most of it is hand written because I can't find my damn sheet!! But there are a few other bits that might come in handy, I have a huge folder full of the stuff.
wow, what a difference between the two routines, haha. And even though your routine for "normal" picking licks (alternate picking, economy picking, whatever you used for those licks you uploaded) was weak, it still seems to have payed off...I mean look at your playing now. So I guess it's just time and repetition that does it. I've been asking a few people what their practice routine was like, and every person has given me a different response. The only thing in common that they had was using good efficient technique and lots of time to allow the speed to build. Thanks for taking the time to write out that sweep routine
Yeah, I don't know about techniques. It's like one day I didn't know how to do something, and then all of a sudden I somehow learned how to do it. I've been playing for quite a while, so I really can't remember how I learned what I know now.
It´d be awesome, if you would have time to upload some sweep stuff!
With what note groupings?
pretty sure shawn lane didn't do that........
I pretty much do every combination of sweeps I can think of and practice them across the fretboard and then try to slowly push my metronome like that. Then I also add taps and tapped slides and things such as that to them. Sweeps aren't that hard for me, I need to work on my alternate picking if anything. I've been stuck at the same bpm forever now, and I use all sorts of alternate picking exercises, such as the chromatic runs and some of the steve vai ten hour workout, and some of the michael angelo batio stuff as well, but... I'm still stuck at 150 bpm as my peak, WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK?!?!
I think he meant if you're playing 150bpm in 8th triplets or 16th or whatever, lol
Oh, lol. Yes I put everything in 16th notes =P