children of COB
Deadnight Drinker
Aha, now I know from where came the Tele love you've developed lately

Can't see the link as I'm not on Gaybook.![]()
Join the dark side

And upon further news of my JE-1000, it finally works, thanks to Nazgul! The J-50BC I had in my RR didn't have all the wires for some reason, so I had to strip the J-50BC out of my BC Rich and swap them over.
I've just put on my DR strings, 11-50 and the tension is too high for the spring settings, but I can't screw them in any further because they won't budge, so now I'm about to go and use a drill and see if I can get them deeper. JE-1000 sounds AMAZING.![]()
Great to know! Btw, seeing as you have different guitars and pickups, did your Pandora tone sound a bit different with each? Becuse I copied the exact same settings but I think the extra gain from the 81 and the "block" sound that Muffin talks about and which is true kinda takes off part of that "clean and clear" feel your tone has. Gonna try tomorrow with my brother's crappy Strat copy, because that one has passives, even if they are cheap so signal won't be as thick and distorted.
WTF?!? Haven't watched fat fishs channel for a time but THIS IS AMAZING!
WTF? The first one is a fake, right?
arvoitus has one for sale atm!
And what settings did you have that red thing on? I had a little tone test, and I prefer the sound of all 3 down!!
And I just had a heart attack!! I put my DR 11-50 strings on the RR and the bridge is fucked, so I need to adjust the screws, but they won't go any further in the guitar, unlike my Ibanez, for example. So, being a silly bugger with no other choice, I decided to drill the holes deeper, but because the holes are in such an awkward place and the drill is large, I had to do them at an angle, which caused the damn drill bit to snap INSIDE the guitar!!!! I had to use a larger piece to drill round the edge and then hold the guitar upright and shake it until it fell out.
Then...I did it again on the other hole with a larger drill bit and it happened again.This one was stuck deeper, but I managed to get it out and now the screws go in further, so THANK GOD!! I thought I'd proper fucked it up.
You are crazy man! I'm not even confident enought to take out the pickup myself and put a new one in and you're drilling all over your guitar!