Or if you want a total thrash/hardcore/bang-your-head throwback...
I love Municipal Waste because while they seem like a gimmick thrash band, they are 100% serious about that shit
I remember when I was 15 years old, and this was years before they got signed to a label, seeing them pull up to our town's park lodge in their shitty ass blue van, doors open and their van just bellows out weed smoke as they crawl out of that thing like zombies with a trail of crushed beer cans behind them
They throw their falling apart amps into the lodge, plugg a mic into a shitty fender 2x12 amp and just tore that place up.
It was all just old school punk style with no stage, them playing right on the floor and all these insane crusty looking punk kids with suicidal tendencies hats going absolutely nuts
They brought those foam boogie boards (like mini bodysurf boards) with them and would jump off of picnic tables onto the kids who would surf them, and they made people go outside of the lodge and circle pit around the building while they played

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