Guitar Player's Thread

Or if you want a total thrash/hardcore/bang-your-head throwback...

I love Municipal Waste because while they seem like a gimmick thrash band, they are 100% serious about that shit

I remember when I was 15 years old, and this was years before they got signed to a label, seeing them pull up to our town's park lodge in their shitty ass blue van, doors open and their van just bellows out weed smoke as they crawl out of that thing like zombies with a trail of crushed beer cans behind them

They throw their falling apart amps into the lodge, plugg a mic into a shitty fender 2x12 amp and just tore that place up.

It was all just old school punk style with no stage, them playing right on the floor and all these insane crusty looking punk kids with suicidal tendencies hats going absolutely nuts

They brought those foam boogie boards (like mini bodysurf boards) with them and would jump off of picnic tables onto the kids who would surf them, and they made people go outside of the lodge and circle pit around the building while they played :lol:
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Just finishing mixing a few "demo" tracks for the band's myspace, then it should be up and running within the next week or so.

Awesome! Can't wait to hear them :D

Or if you want a total thrash/hardcore/bang-your-head throwback...

I love Municipal Waste because while they seem like a gimmick thrash band, they are 100% serious about that shit

I remember when I was 15 years old, and this was years before they got signed to a label, seeing them pull up to our town's park lodge in their shitty ass blue van, doors open and their van just bellows out weed smoke as they crawl out of that thing like zombies with a trail of crushed beer cans behind them

They throw their falling apart amps into the lodge, plugg a mic into a shitty fender 2x12 amp and just tore that place up.

It was all just old school punk style with no stage, them playing right on the floor and all these insane crusty looking punk kids with suicidal tendencies hats going absolutely nuts

They brought those foam boogie boards (like mini bodysurf boards) with them and would jump off of picnic tables onto the kids who would surf them, and they made people go outside of the lodge and circle pit around the building while they played :lol:

Municipal Waste fucking rock, I got The Art Of Partying randomly picking some new music at HMV when it came out and remains my best random pick ever. Hadn't checked a single second from them and love the album from start to end!
On the 81? Ok, I'm gonna try it, that many people can't be wrong :lol:

Yeah on the 81 :lol: If you just wanna try it, you might wanna check this wiring setup out, it's 100% reversible so you wont have to start modifying your circuit with soldering or something, its a really easy way, i used it as a reference but i had only 2 9v connectors, not 3, so i soldered the 2 onto the original 9v connector, works like a charm :)


I have to say the tone turned way more organic, less clipping, rolling off gain now actually rolls off gain properly, and doesn't give that horrendous overdriven clip sound when you hit the strings hard at low gain.
Yet it still has that signature 81 growl, i think it's a great balance:)
Yeah on the 81 :lol: If you just wanna try it, you might wanna check this wiring setup out, it's 100% reversible so you wont have to start modifying your circuit with soldering or something, its a really easy way, i used it as a reference but i had only 2 9v connectors, not 3, so i soldered the 2 onto the original 9v connector, works like a charm :)


I have to say the tone turned way more organic, less clipping, rolling off gain now actually rolls off gain properly, and doesn't give that horrendous overdriven clip sound when you hit the strings hard at low gain.
Yet it still has that signature 81 growl, i think it's a great balance:)

Yeah +1 to that mod, I've been using that for the longest time.

EMG's had some design flaws like you mentioned about how that the pickup would clip its own circuits and distort itself when played hard. This mod almost doubles the headroom you have before the pickup clips itself so Its definitely a worthwhile thing to do if you have the extra space for another battery
I'd have a hard time believing it was real. Is he claiming it's new? In 2010...£200 & from China, when they were made in Japan. If I was rich, I'd buy it to see if it was real.
I saw someone in the feedback that he had sent exactly what was on the photos and the communication and all was great but the Yamaha Flute he bought was a Chinese clone. With Yamaha stamped on it. So it's probably some crap guitar with the same looks.
I received this messgae yesterday from one of my friends:

blackout/mm-04 noise

over the past couple months my edwards alexi with the blackout/mm-04 setup has gradually been getting noisier and noisier. now even on a clean channel it sounds like an untuned radio on a station with no reception when you arent playing anything and on my high gain channel its horrible to the point that i keep that guitar in the fucking case and play my cheap 200$ guitar. do you have any of these issues with your set up. im thinking its either a faulty pickup or something went bad in the gain boost.

Any ideas? I think that something went wrong with his MM-04 or the shielding
I used to get that with my BC Rich...the easiest and most simple thing it could be is just the soldered connections are becoming weak. Suggest at least taking everything apart and re-soldering everything back together and see if that helps, it did with mine. If not, then it's definitely a hardware issue, probably with the gain boost, like you said.
I received this messgae yesterday from one of my friends:

blackout/mm-04 noise

over the past couple months my edwards alexi with the blackout/mm-04 setup has gradually been getting noisier and noisier. now even on a clean channel it sounds like an untuned radio on a station with no reception when you arent playing anything and on my high gain channel its horrible to the point that i keep that guitar in the fucking case and play my cheap 200$ guitar. do you have any of these issues with your set up. im thinking its either a faulty pickup or something went bad in the gain boost.

Any ideas? I think that something went wrong with his MM-04 or the shielding

Shielding probably or then the grounding popped off or a cold solder is getting fucked. Just tell him to check in the cavity if he sees a wire jumping loose and try pushing the wires individually against some connectors and see if something happens. Had that problem and I think it was the ground that failed on me. I had to solder in a new one too...rats ass!
Ok, thx! I'd sent him your replies and he replied with:

well we have already opened the cavity and everything seems wired correctly and nothing seems loose. my ground has like 3 wires soldered to a joining piece of metal screwed into the cavity of the guitar and then has a single wire running from that meeting point to the back plate of the floyd. now one thing i did forget to mention is that i pulled out the stereo jack and when i touched one of the clips with my finger the sound greatly reduced but idk if that was just because my finger was acting as a ground or if it could possibly be as simple as i need a new jack.? but thanks for the replies so far. my stepfather who has a degree in electronics seems to think that rewiring it would not fix it but might just have him do it anyway. what can it hurt? haha