the phenom
I don't know about what anyone else thinks but Framus does some quality stuff. Sturdy and good sounding!
You dirty faggot
Thats like all those fat basement dwellers who never wash and claim they "turn natural" and "never stink".
It's all in your mind bro. There's a massive difference in both feel and tone, any developed ear can hear that.
It feels the same because you suck.
I try to change mine around one time a month on my main guitars (not on floyds), its a quitre drastic sound and feeling change.
You simply CANT play fast with old strings, theyll just flop around and suck ass.
Ok i'll be honest, no idea about the cab. Mesa 4x12? Anyone got an idea for a cab that works well with both clean sound, crushing rythm, and both dry and wet leads?
Yeah that dude's band is teh huvvys.
And yeah Omar, while I'm not a huge slipknot fan (Though 9 years ago I would tell you otherwise lmao...) I'm looking for a mid-priced and solid tour-worthy Ibanez to get. 24 frets and a trem would be nice but probably wont be for another month or so, I return back to my hometown and back to my regular jobs next week so need some time to make some duckets
Thinking of trying to find one of these on ebay, as they just got discontinued
I have the same model in red but I got it used and its all sorts of messed up, plus I mutilated the fretboard
Or a white Xiphos is my other choice
Sick dude! Madison amps are win, when i played with Into Eternity a few years ago Tim Roth was using them they sounded heavy as balls. I dont remember which model he used but he said it was based off a mesa recto.
And its just my opinion but I'd advise you to stay away from BBE sonic maximizers, they really aren't all they were hyped up to be a few years ago and they will just make your amp sound shrill and harsh. I bought one a few years ago with everyone on forums raving about them and it turned my mesa recto I had at the time into a big POS. I would suggest at least bringing your head into a guitar store first and trying it out with the BBE to see if its what you want.
Anyone want a used set of DR strings, 11-50? I put them on my RR but I can't adjust the springs for the increased tension because they won't screw into the body wood any further. I have already snapped two drill bits and got them stuck inside so I will not be trying again. The action has risen and made it hard to play, so I'm swapping over for some 10's. If anyone wants them, let me know. They don't have the balls on the end, so they'll need to be installed on a FR style trem.
I could give that a try...I'll see if I can find a cheap spring on Ebay and see if that makes it any easier to sort out the action. Cheers for the tip!
And I've got a mate selling an Ibanez RG7321 7 string and a Zoom 5052 for £150. Interested in trying a 7 out, so said I'd take it off him next month. Tune it down to Eb and rock out to some fackin' Nevermore!![]()
Possible future setup, what think?
here go:
Ok i'll be honest, no idea about the cab. Mesa 4x12? Anyone got an idea for a cab that works well with both clean sound, crushing rythm, and both dry and wet leads?
what exactly is the axe fx unit?
I could give that a try...I'll see if I can find a cheap spring on Ebay and see if that makes it any easier to sort out the action. Cheers for the tip!
And I've got a mate selling an Ibanez RG7321 7 string and a Zoom 5052 for £150. Interested in trying a 7 out, so said I'd take it off him next month. Tune it down to Eb and rock out to some fackin' Nevermore!![]()