Guitar Player's Thread

Noah Martin is back in Arsis =]

Fuck yeah!

If you don't know who that is, he's pretty much the best bassist they had.


They also seemed to have been way better when James Malone was fat and didn't wear make up...

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Do any of you guys have any advice for doing harsh vocals?

Right now, I feel like the quality of my growls are terrible, but I'm not sure how to improve. I try to keep practicing whenever I can, but its hard when I have no idea what exactly to do. I understand that it's basically impossible to ever sound just like someone else, but I try to use the vocalists I like as a sort of guidance and inspiration. People like Bjorn Strid, Devin Townsend, and Peter Tagtgren.

As far as actual harsh vocals go, I'm aiming for more of a higher register rather than something super brutal like Mikael Akerfeldt's lows. And definitely more "metal" style than hardcore or anything like that.

My clean vocals are pretty good or at least decent, and I feel that those are a lot more straight forward. And I can pretty easily add grit to them, but beyond a certain level of that, I don't know how to go into super heavy territory, especially not while maintaining articulacy and (particularly) power.

Thanks dudes!
I suck at growling. But I aim for the pitch I want first, then volume/power, then the... well, I like to think of growls similarly as distorted guitar, so then after the first two, the "gain" sort of follows. XD It sounds lame as hell, but that's how I think of it. And just like with distorted guitars, I try to keep the mindset that "less is more." If you try to get the vocals too gritty then it just sounds like shit.

That's my advice, but like I said: my vocals suck.
@Delanoir: I get classical/pop/rock singing lessons. From what I've learned right breathing technique and mouth position are very very important. These things are very hard to achieve without a vocal coach. You have space for air in your body you never dreamed of.
So if you have enough money: Don't hesitate to get a few hours of singing lessons or your throat will end up like the singer from BFMV or Bill Kaulitz.
Yo! Came up with this melody last night and ended up composing a full song today from it. What you guys think?

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Sounds quite nice, the melody and the song, but what really has me going wtf is how the fuck you manage such tone with Toneport dude!

Apply suitable amp, in this case I could take a guess It was a JCM800/900 sim or something from metal pack, add overdrive,noisegate,compression(if you prefer) and then you take a EQ and boost the mids like fuck, Use the X band EQ. makes huge difference!

Just to play around with it!

This is my guess how it happened, I'll let Epi get back to tell us though...

Yeah, something like that. I don't have the Metal Pack though. :D

For the rhythm tone I used this dual channel preset I've made:

Left (20%): Noisegate - Screamer - Line6 Spinal Puppet - Compressor - Sine Chorus
Right (20%): Noisegate - Line6 Insane - Compressor

Leads are just Line6 Insane and Screamer with some chorus, digital delay and reverb.
my band recently played California Metal Fest and it was hella fun; not only did the crowd go apeshit and there were a ton of great bands on the fest but all the gear for us and the opening bands was backlined so we didn't have to drive down with a ton of gear AND I got to use an amp way better than mine. It was a blackstar venue 100 I think which is like close to $2,000, sadly the one I was using was the weaker one for some reason that day and we didn't have time to switch me to the other side of the stage cuz we had to go on (our other guitarist borrowed a triple x head and used it so i didn't even know the head I was using was weak until he was already set up) but luckily i got a tech dude to help me fuck with it and by the time it was mic'd up it sounded pretty heavy over the huge pa. I wanted to use the series 100 which is what Ihsahn uses but they didn't have it on the stage and I didn't want to try to find it and end up wasting our set but yeah it was still cool, I love using amps that are better than mine (not hard since I have a spider 3 stack haha). here's a video of us playing and the sound is kinda fucked up cuz it was so loud but you can still hear the tube-y goodness and also if you skip to 50 seconds and skip all my douchey stage banter pumping them up you can see our wall of death which was a fucking tidal wave of people haha! I bet security was freaking because they didn't expect an opening band to cause such a dangerous situation for them so they were shining lights on it and shit haha
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