Guitar Player's Thread

Awesome, I havent learnt the nail yet but I hear the sweeps are incredibly hard good luck man im sure you'll NAIL it.. lame I know:loco:
If it's allowed, I'd say "The Nail" is a song that has the faculty to bring in the stratosphere when you are listening to it... but there's to say that the whole Something Wild album is full of a deep energy, it's a strong album... but I've already told this too.
I remember that once Alexi told that they don't like this album anymore, and that in it you can hear some errors cause they were very young, and so on...
Ok, it's true, it's possible to hear some lil' errors, and it's comprehensible...they were just starting their career...
But, above all, I really don't understand why Alexi and the other guys don't like this album anymore.... aside errors due to youth, that was really a good album.
Hey, this thread is ended up too back..... let's bring it where it has to stay, people!! :Smokin:
Olè, here it is.... first page of CoB-OT: that's the right place!! :cool:
I use Ernie Ball strings but I've noticed that although they sound really good, they are really soft and don't last very long. I'm trying D'addario now.

Hey... cool pics, I like this guitar!
And your actual one is similar but not the same.. so, how is it? Hmm, maybe is it different only about the colour?
Anyway, these pics are nice... :) did you buy the guitar with that colour (that is a particular choice, I have to say) or you changed it then?

*what a curious girl :p*
When I said "same guitar, not my actual one", I meant mine is exactly the same as that, but that isn't my actual guitar in the photo. Violet guitar? Oh yes. :D

I love the way it looks in the 3rd pic.
yes he has a pink one :) (to approve your worst fears)
Ahahah.... no, no, no: that's not my worst fear, I like that colour! :) :p

<-Warheart-> said:
When I said "same guitar, not my actual one", I meant mine is exactly the same as that, but that isn't my actual guitar in the photo. Violet guitar? Oh yes.

I love the way it looks in the 3rd pic.
I don't know why but it's a coincidence the fact that the pic which prompted me to ask you how your actual guitar was... it's just been the third pic! Strange..
By the way, the colour is very cool, and I approve your choice... :) but I have to say that I was a bit astonished: guys who choose a similar colour for their guitars are rare! :saint:
Hehe yeah, not many people that listen to metal would go and buy a pink/violet/purple guitar but I love it. My heroes use them too (Paul Gilbert/Jason Becker/Steve Vai).
^Good choice: there must be someone who dares to buy and use a guitar with that colour... at least someone has to do it!
And it's really a lovely colour! :)
I hope you like Alexi's guitars the same, even if they're only black and white (and his old Jackson will always be my fav)! ;)

(But hey, now that I see and remember... where's you sig that I loved so much? :cry: I miss it....)
I do like Alexi's guitar yeah. I think I like the WildCHild Jackson the most too. There's a company called RAN guitars and they make custom guitars in the same style as Alexi's, check it out, there's some really nice guitars in there.

Click on "GALLERY".

The sig? I took it away because I noticed other people using "guitar player sigs" and it might have seemed like I was copying but in fact, I was the first person I saw to have one so I just took it away. I don't like doing the same thing as everyone else, hence the purple guitar. :cool:

I do like Alexi's guitar yeah. I think I like the WildCHild Jackson the most too. There's a company called RAN guitars and they make custom guitars in the same style as Alexi's, check it out, there's some really nice guitars in there.

Click on "GALLERY".
Yes!! There are really nice guitars on that site... thanks for having written that link! :D
And yes, I also like the Jackson guitar more than Alexi's actual guitars... yes, I like them, they're resembling his first guitar, but.. A Jackson is a Jackson!! :(

<-Warheart-> said:
I don't like doing the same thing as everyone else, hence the purple guitar
Hehehe... I had told that you were a perfectionist! And it's evident that you like to be unique, different from the most! ;)
But I think you've done well: it's right trying to be original and to distinguish yourself from the others! :)
on friday night/saturday morning i spent like 15 hours hiding out at the mall to buy a Playstation 3. luckily, since i work at the mall, i was able to hide out in the store that i work in with some of my friends (our manager is really cool). there was a riot outside the mall to get these PS3's....but anyway, long story short: i got one on reserve!!!

so when i sell this baby on ebay and make hopefull $2,000, i plan on buying myself a jackson :D i'm so excited!
&#9532;Victim of the Night&#9532;;5591534 said:
Yes!! There are really nice guitars on that site... thanks for having written that link! :D
And yes, I also like the Jackson guitar more than Alexi's actual guitars... yes, I like them, they're resembling his first guitar, but.. A Jackson is a Jackson!! :(

No problem. I was thinking about getting myself one as my next guitar. Apparantly they're about &#163;1000+ but I don't want to go spending &#163;500 on my next guitar if there's no improvement from my current one. I don't know if I'll like neck but I'd probably test a RR in a shop first. Sorry to ramble on like this haha. :loco:

on friday night/saturday morning i spent like 15 hours hiding out at the mall to buy a Playstation 3. luckily, since i work at the mall, i was able to hide out in the store that i work in with some of my friends (our manager is really cool). there was a riot outside the mall to get these PS3's....but anyway, long story short: i got one on reserve!!!

so when i sell this baby on ebay and make hopefull $2,000, i plan on buying myself a jackson :D i'm so excited!

Please don't get one of those crappy low end RR's. :erk: