the whole ZOMG SUPER HIGH OUTPUT thing is over-hyped anyways. I find it makes more problems than it solves. It's way easier to overdrive a regular output amp, than it is to clean up a super-hot pickup, and it sounds just as good, if not better(overdriving, that is)
You won't miss out on much by not getting a ZOMGSZULTRAHOT pickup
And pickups need not be priced incredibly high to be good either. I'm using GFS pickups in my LTD, and they're way better sounding than my EMG81. More flexible, great cleans, great overdrive, and i don't think i paid more than 35 bucks for each, had them for like 2-3 years now I think. Still happy with them, though they're not that "sharp" in their sound, I prefer them a bit "rounder". Recently bought a pair of telecaster pickups from the same company, neodyme magnets. They were really good as well 
I think you'd most likely be very satisfied with that Ice Bucker, I doubt you'll regret it if you've done research on it and all
You won't miss out on much by not getting a ZOMGSZULTRAHOT pickup

I think you'd most likely be very satisfied with that Ice Bucker, I doubt you'll regret it if you've done research on it and all