Guitar Player's Thread

(In a perfect world).....




Dear Mr. Lowberg,

Oops! We must have made a mistake, no worries! What is your address? We will ship a brand new one out to you, no questions asked!

-Mesa Boogie
But for real, someone stole the mesa-boogie logo plate off my rectifier cab and I called up mesa and they wanted to charge me $50 for a shitty metal logo.

double post ftw
just to let you guys now the guys at dean guitars are amazing and its a company which i totally trust now.

I had a similar experience with Davies Craig, (radiator fan co.) a part broke and they sent me a set of them free.

It just goes to show, if companies aren't tightarses word spreads if they give you good service.

The new forum skin is fugly, but I guess I better get used to it cuz it will probably be around for at least 2-3 years... anyway. I won the Alexi-200 in a contest, and I was wondering if you guys had any idea on how to customize it, because I don't like plain black guitars, they all look the same. I would like to add pink or purple pinstripes or something else but I'd like to know what my options are. I know a lot of you have or have had RR/Alexi guitars so I'm open to your suggestions :) thanks
Speaking of customization, I'm looking to change out the pickup on my RR24. I can't say I really care for the EMG 81 too much. It's decent, but I'd like something with a bit more clarity and more of an attacky sound. The 81, in my opinion has really tight lows, which is good, but I think I could find something better. I want something very attacky for the rythyms, not just a fuzzy mess. I like that almost percussive quality that passives have over actives. I'm kind of going for that Christian Muenzner style tone, or maybe even Jon Schaffer of Iced Earth.

2 very different music styles, but I really like that very attacky tone that both guitarists have, as well as the really smooth leads. Basically I'm debating between an Ice Bucker and some sort of Dimarzio. Any recommendations?
^Bareknuckle Miracle Man, or if you want to go all out get the Aftermath.

I should say I have no experience at all with any of those pickups, but I posted on their forum and they recommended me the miracle man for my J2SP.
So you're looking for a passive pickup ??? or did I just misread ? Anyway one of my friends recommended me the Dimarzio EVO for my ESP and he swears exclusively by it. I didn't replace my pickups because I like them but his guitar really sounds awesome.
Speaking of customization, I'm looking to change out the pickup on my RR24. I can't say I really care for the EMG 81 too much. It's decent, but I'd like something with a bit more clarity and more of an attacky sound. The 81, in my opinion has really tight lows, which is good, but I think I could find something better. I want something very attacky for the rythyms, not just a fuzzy mess. I like that almost percussive quality that passives have over actives. I'm kind of going for that Christian Muenzner style tone, or maybe even Jon Schaffer of Iced Earth.

2 very different music styles, but I really like that very attacky tone that both guitarists have, as well as the really smooth leads. Basically I'm debating between an Ice Bucker and some sort of Dimarzio. Any recommendations?

Any response anyone gives you isn't going to mean anything unless you say what your amp is. It means a lot more when deciding tone than your pickup does.

That being said, it's going to be difficult to achieve an "attacky" rhythm sound and a smooth lead sound with a single-pup guitar unless you've got extensive EQ-ing capabilities.
@ EveningNinja, Right now I'm using an old Peavey 5150 that belongs to my cousin until I buy my own 6505+, so if that gives you an idea.

The single pickup thing is kind of annoying, but my other guitars I never did really use the neck pickup much anyways. I don't really like it for rythyms or leads too often on those guitars unless I'm playing something on a clean setting.

@JM Bullet, I don't personally care for the EVO's, or atleast I think it's the EVO's. If those are the ones that are in the JEM, I wasn't impressed by them much, or the JEM in general (Flame away, but I just can't get a feel for it).

The few dimarzio pickups I've been looking at are the Air Norton, the D-Activator X or regular D-Activator, the Tone Zone, and the X2N. I think the Air Norton will most likely be what I end up getting if I go Dimarzio.

@Ensi, I've heard good things about the Miracle Man, my friend had one in his ESP Scythe and loved it. I'm not sure if it's bareknuckle that makes it or not, but I think the Nailbomb is another one I've heard great things about. Still though, the Icebucker sounds incredible, atleast to my ears, but the price on it is ri-damned-diculous.
What speakers? Anyway, the reason the neck pup would be useful is because you're wanting a smooth lead tone. The neck position is always going to give a smoother tone. I don't blame you for not liking it for rhythm, as with high gain all you'll mostly get is undefined mud. But for lead tone, it doesn't even matter that much what pickup you put in the neck IMO, as it will always get a decent smoothed out tone. With the RR24 being a very bright guitar, I'd head toward a warmer pickup, which won't necessarily make your rhythm muddy because of so much brightness (alder/maple/neck-thru/ebony/FR) that the pickup will be contrasting with, and it will smooth out the lead tone. The Air Norton would actually be a pretty good choice, as well as the Tone Zone, just based on how they will balance out the RR24. Both of them are alnico-based, which is probably what you should end up going for. The X2N and D-Activators would IMO be too harsh and treble-y (and are both ceramic-based). Also though, if you haven't ever tried an EMG 85 (also alnico-based) in the bridge, I wouldn't give up on actives just yet, especially since you are using a 5150. With a good tube amp, actives can sound amazing. It's low-end tubes/Solid States/PODs that most people will hate actives in, and rightly so of them. Also, many people who dislike active pickups are thinking of the EMG 81 specifically. I have an 85 in my Edwards RV and it rapes buttsecks. The 81 can sound good, but it takes more work EQ-ing it just right because of the very flat response it gives (precisely what actives are good for, and the reason a lot of people hate them, but also the reason that they can do so much if you know what you're doing with them). The warmth of the 85 balances out the brightness of the guitar, whereas the 81 in that guitar is hard to deal with IMO. I don't really know why EMG 81's are put as stock pickups in bright alder/maple/FR guitars. They are generally much better suited to mahogany-bodied guitars.

I'm also using a 5150 (combo version) btw.

-edit: Also though, I'm not a huge fan of really high output passives (Tone Zone). With a beast like the 5150, you have well enough gain, and I don't see the need to have such a high output pickup. They're more suited for people who mess with the volume knob a lot (which I don't and I assume most people don't) to play with versatility of sound by, but if you really want versatility I'd go with actives.

If you've got a good EQ pedal, I'd recommend the Seymour Duncan SH-5 "Custom". Works fantastically with high-gain amps. It is ceramic-based and balanced/slightly bright though, so that's why I say use it with EQ so you can boost up the low mids. It's what Emppu from Nightwish uses btw, as well as the LoG guitarist AFAIK.
I had an EVO in my old Ibanez and it sounded great! THe original EVO, not the tammed down EVO2. Very high out put.

Got a Tone Zone in my Ibanez and it is a great pickup, prob not the greatest metal P/U. THe more gain I throw at it the muddier it gets. Great for like 80's kind of gain. And it has this very unique "aww" sound to it.

I would just by one you are thinking of, and if you don't like it, return it, get another one and try it out. You can keep doing this until you find the P/U that suits your needs.

I too have heard great things about the Bareknuckle P/U's, they are very expensive in the US. But they look so cool with the Camo covers on them.
Yes, fucking yes. It's also helpful to have a producer who is a musician.

Logic 8 :lol:
What's so amazing about the UX-8? Seems like you just used it as an interface to record the signals coming from the mixer. There are interfaces which are much better and cheaper.

I think it was Logic 8...could have been 9 too. Yes, WE used it that way. I am quite sure though he has some planned uses for the interface since he did research everything quite a bit before he bought the stuff. I am not the one to argument with him what he should've got because I am pretty sure he knows what he wants :lol: He had some pretty decent ESI monitors and a ESI sub too!

The previous producer was also a musician, though he played guitar and did vocals and this one pretty much gets thru all the instruments. Still he gave a picture of himself as lazy and careless e.g "I got here so early today, you guys have to come back tomorrow" which we found kinda annoying after just a couple of hours! The one we are going with now is strict,perfectionist and very very picky about everything!

Was there today when the vocals were finished and the material was wrapped up and ready for post-production! Can't wait when he finishes it! Sounds pretty good already.
I had an EVO in my old Ibanez and it sounded great! THe original EVO, not the tammed down EVO2. Very high out put.

Got a Tone Zone in my Ibanez and it is a great pickup, prob not the greatest metal P/U. THe more gain I throw at it the muddier it gets. Great for like 80's kind of gain. And it has this very unique "aww" sound to it.

I would just by one you are thinking of, and if you don't like it, return it, get another one and try it out. You can keep doing this until you find the P/U that suits your needs.

I too have heard great things about the Bareknuckle P/U's, they are very expensive in the US. But they look so cool with the Camo covers on them.

I think I've pretty much narrowed it down to either the Air Norton or Ice bucker, I'm just not sure if the Air Norton would be good for metal/high gain playing or not. I think I'll just go ahead and pick one up and see how it goes :p
Only band I can think of from the top of my head that I know use 5150's and Jackson guitars, are Gojira. Afaik Joe uses Seymour Duncans, JB in bridge position I think. Dunno about you, but I quite like their tone on their earlier stuff
They used to be one of my favorite bands a long time ago but up until just now I'd almost forgotten about them :p I believe Phil Demmel from MachineHead uses a 5150 also along with his Jackson. So does Corey from Trivium I believe. I think both of them use EMG's in their guitars though :/

Anywho, I just looked at the price of the IceBucker bridge pickup and it starts at $215 before add ons/covers, etc. I think I'm just going to try to find a nice DiMarzio now. I have always loved the sound of the Seymour Duncan JB's as well though. I believe that's what Michael Amott uses in his guitars and if I remember correctly they had used 5150's to record a few of their albums.
:lol: I'm a cheap bastard, what can I say? Most of us Americans are :p

I just don't want to spend the 200 or so dollars on the Ice Bucker and have it not be up to my expectations. From what I've read the output on it isn't all that high really, Jon Schaffer just boosts the fuck out of his amp with OD pedals and shit like the TS-808. Not such a big deal since I'll probably get one of those eventually, but still.