Guitar Player's Thread

How does the ignore list actually work, if I put Katelyn on there, would I basically not see its posts anymore?

Edit: Oh never mind, just tried it out. Does kinda help.
now that im thinking, you guys sure alexi and roope don use any tubescreamer or something like that?
I'm pretty sure they don't, but they might hide it if they use it and are not getting any money from Ibanez.

@Twisha: I can't remember any right now, but I'll tell you if I find one.

I just recorded a cover of Alice Cooper- Hell Is Living Without You, no guitar but I thought this is still the most appropriate thread to post this in.

What do you guys think ?
Hai guys. Since it's like more than a year since I posted a cover of me playing something on youtube. I did it again when I was bored, picked out something simple enough because I had not had time to play in months :(

Also, haven't really had interest to linger in this forum for a while so I've been gone :lol:

So yeah, I've had a pretty eventful week. I went to see Powerglove and Symphony X the other night. Probably an obvious thing to say, but it was an amazing show. Powerglove blew my freaking mind, they're so ridiculously good live. After the show we met the whole band, got a drum stick from Bassil signed, as well as a foam hammer, foam sword, and got our pictures taken with all of them. I also bought their newest album and a tee shirt. Inb4 "buying music" but their bus had broke down on the tour 3 times and they had to pay $4000 to fix it. I have pics with all of them somewhere that aren't the best quality since it's from a phone, but fuck it. Anyways.




Please excuse the screaming moron in the pokemon video.

Anyways, here's Symphony X.



We didn't end up staying through their whole set because it got to be like midnight and they were still at the beginning of their set and we all had to work the next morning :/

All that aside, I talked to Chris Marchiel from PowerGlove for a good bit. I was really impressed with their tone and I noticed while they were playing that he actually plays with his strings on upside down ala Jimmy Hendrix. He told me that it actually gives you a really unique tone if you don't swap the pickup positioning. I would have to agree with him since their guitars were cutting through the mix really well all night. Not to hate on Symphony, but Powerglove had the best tone of the night. Chris also went into detail with me about his rig, which really isn't much. A 6505+, Marshall cabs, a tube screamer, and a few effects. Pretty simple I guess, but it got the job done.

... And, on a side note I finally bought my 6505+ :yow:

I went down to SamAsh the other day with no intention of buying anything and decided that was the amp I wanted to play on so I went and searched it out. I got to the back of the store and they had it sitting on a Marshall 1960 cab, and they only wanted 1200 for both :grin: So in a weird turn of chance I ended up getting the half stack and have been playing on it almost non-stop since. Both pieces of gear were used obviously, but are in pretty much perfect condition aside from a few smudges on the exteriors. I really can't explain how happy with the tone I am. This thing is freaking amazing, I can't say I'll ever really need another amp, unless I want something with better cleans later. The ones on this are alright, but I'm sure there's better out there. But if I want to just be like 90% of the people here I could just say "what's clean?" and call it a day.

Sorry for the long post.
@Enmity: Sweet deal on the 1960/6505! I'll be picking up a 6505 very soon and running the same setup!

And New Trivium song sounds pretty cool! The first groovy lick is kinda to core breakdown riff cliche for me, but the badass sounding slide at the beginning of it makes up for it haha.

Also Need opinions:

Purple, Orange, Red or Black Quilt?
Im leaning towards purple or red, the black is very cool but I have a black flame top guitar and I want something diff




The part starting at about 0:50 of Foam Born A (The Backtrack) by Between the Buried and Me.

I already got something, but thanks :) I'll check it out.

... And, on a side note I finally bought my 6505+ :yow:

I went down to SamAsh the other day with no intention of buying anything and decided that was the amp I wanted to play on so I went and searched it out. I got to the back of the store and they had it sitting on a Marshall 1960 cab, and they only wanted 1200 for both :grin: So in a weird turn of chance I ended up getting the half stack and have been playing on it almost non-stop since. Both pieces of gear were used obviously, but are in pretty much perfect condition aside from a few smudges on the exteriors. I really can't explain how happy with the tone I am. This thing is freaking amazing, I can't say I'll ever really need another amp, unless I want something with better cleans later. The ones on this are alright, but I'm sure there's better out there. But if I want to just be like 90% of the people here I could just say "what's clean?" and call it a day.

Sorry for the long post.

Dude, are you going on the 70,000 tons cruise? You're already in Florida, you might as well!
I had actually thought about, but that shit is so expensive :/ I have a few friends who have all talked about throwing some money together and doing it, but that shit is like $1000 per person if not more I think.
@ Lowberg: My initial reaction says purple, but the red seems pretty nice too. Orange would be a pretty oldschool choice, so only get that if you're really up for that. And I agree with getting variety, so I wouldn't go for black either. I don't think you could go wrong with your leaned-toward choices of purple or red, but purple would probably be something I personally wouldn't get as tired of. Hot colors like red tend to get old and/or lose their spark to me after a while *shrug*

Get the black one. Follow you heart.



Here is a demo song Attila Voros from Nevermore wrote:
It has a lot of good riffs, and sounds like a Nevermore song. Now that Jeff has left the band, do you think Attila could replace him as the main songwriter? I wish the band would finally do an interview and put the issue to rest.
Normally I'd prefer purple(Purple is cool.), but I don't like that particular shade of purple much. It would perhaps look better as a burst. I'd go for the red model out of those.
They're all pretty bonerific though.. Follow your dick
I had actually thought about, but that shit is so expensive :/ I have a few friends who have all talked about throwing some money together and doing it, but that shit is like $1000 per person if not more I think.

My friend that went last year said it was the best experience of his life. He was willing to sell his kidney to pay for it again this year, haha. But yeah, I'm booked. So is Alex and we gotta pay even more than you cuz we gotta buy plane tix to get over to Miami. Anyway, it'd be cool if you decided to go too.

oh and rumor has it that Bodom will most likely be on board for this one.