Guitar Player's Thread

it was my old baritone guitar. As i dont use it anymore, i tuned it up to E standard to check how it would be, and the tension is insane. Good for practice though
:lol: Yeah I feared that outcome.. But so far it's done well actually. Obviously had to adjust the truss , but its my first guitar(old warlock), so it's not like it would be a big loss if it went tits up
ok so i just received my blackstar ht-1 and as i said ill give a review of it

this is a 100% valve amp, with only 1watt, very small, 8´size speaker, very well constructed amp.
the amp is very light and small and obviously made for playing at home. It has a massive distortion so dont think this wouldnt suit to play metal cuz it will perfectly (gus g and silenoz use this amp to practise). It sounds really great, and if you put the volume at half it really a beast of an amp BUT unfortunely even though its 1w its STILL TOO MUCH volume that you will ever need to play at home, but at the same time not enough to do a jam with drums.. but the good thing is that you can connect a cab the size you want to the amp and the amp will sound much better. maybe that way with luck you can jam with drums but still never be able to do a gig with it. so this IS a practise amp for all matters.
it has the possibility to connect phones to play at night and to record which is a good thing. though i never tried it, what i heard recording through that sounds worse so if you have a mic it would be obviously better.
it sounds awsome clean too, and you can play pretty much play any style with this amp cuz it suits everything.
the eq is a bit lame, theres only one knob so you can change the type sound to american to british and thats all. i sugest getting an equalize pedal
i bought the version without the reverb, and now i totally regret that. so give 30bucks more and buy with reverb or use a pedal of reverb if you have it.
the speaker is only 8´ so to play home its good and you wont need more

conclusion: its a small and very simple amp, consider buying it only to play at home or practise. it is maybe the only way to get a metal valve amp at reasonable volumes. its a cheap amp and i recommend it, between this or any digital amp out there definitely get this. for 200e you wont get anything better.
Blackstar Brethren unite!!!

Glad you like it. I am loving mine more and more everyday. Such a great metal tone from it.

Just changed out my preamp tubes Saturday. Really helped get even more distortion and less hum from the amp in general. Next up are the EL34 tubes getting swapped and I will be done with guitar tinkering stuff for a while.
WTF? WHY DO YOU GET IN A BODOM FORUM IF YOU HAVE NO INTEREST IN SEEING BODOM? Fucking mock-up of a classical music tutor profile in a metal forum. And snowy is that old harelip lawyer that spouts all that white supremacist crap all the time. Then s is he that blond tail-having white supremacist guy that films all the underage white porn?
I really do love Bodom and all metal but Bodom really is my favorite I even spent years and years looking for and building an amp just like Alexi's (that's why I'm talking with The Kid profile so much now because she said she fucked him and then she gave a public review and I don't want a girl doing that shit to me it's not cool like that one that was so popular for awhile that girl was always talking about the guy having trouble getting it up and I don't think it's right for girls to do that like it makes it sound like it's the guys fault but it's not the guys fault) but I couldn't get it perfect and then that fucking bitch went and smashed MY amp but I digress here I am just telling you about these issues I have with these other old fuckers that don't like metal they like a girl I like and they say things about her sexual things and the idea of those old fuckers getting on my girl really hinders my ability to get hard (that's part of why I liked the Britani girl so much because she had black hair and brown eyes and so these guys don't talk about getting on girls like that because these guys are white supremacists they like blond or light brown and blue or green eyes hazel is ok too) and then those fuckers go and say shit like we can find a way to help that but they can't because saying shit like that only makes it worse those sick fucks why do they talk to me about shit like this

and I'm talking about Erin mostly here because she goes around with these old guys and I think she might really have fucked them or would but the issue with the music teacher is about Katy because I think she might prefer that to me and that's not cool and I know she's the one that got me tutoring and I wonder what she did to facilitate such a deal because Erin says she did something but Katy says she didn't and I just don't know what lying bitch to believe

*note* Katy was working at Applebee's when the old fuckers came in with Erin and they were getting Erin drunk and Katy was ordered to serve them water even tho Katy was a hostess not a waitress and so when Katy went to the table they wanted to talk to her about how she was wearing her hair brown these days and it really made her eyes "pop" and Katy told them about her plans for college and that's how she convinced them to give more in depth music tutoring because they want me to be smarter than Katy but she's really smart but men are supposed to be smarter
and I feel really bad I have to convince that my pals bitch to throw Katy out of the house because I really like the idea of her going to Mercy house because then she will get baptized and she won't have to do all this stuff they make her do because she won't be one of them anymore because she will be baptized and sober and she'll lose weight but she was talking to snowy, a lawyer, about crazy stuff and she said a lot of stuff about promising me drugs and money and stuff and that's what the lawyer guy would do if she really told him those things

but at the same time I want to show her that those people won't help her that she needs to come down to Austin somehow because I left all that mess up there and I'm not going back and if she really cared she would have found a way down here used her paycheck to buy new luggage and a greyhound ticket but she thinks she has to stay there and do all this shit he told her Valerie wants to see done because it'll help Valerie but it makes me worse I think that is what Valerie is really trying to do is make me worse






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Fucking mock-up of a classical music tutor profile in a metal forum. And snowy is that old harelip lawyer that spouts all that white supremacist crap all the time. Then s is he that blond tail-having white supremacist guy that films all the underage white porn?

congrats, thats the first time I really got a bit angry when reading the interwebz. I'm not blonde. :erk: