Guitar Player's Thread

I did, it didn't excite me too much. It sounds decent enough, and I'd probably get one in the future, but the Painkiller is sounding pretty awesome, and I've known a few people with the miracle man.

Do you know where to get the BK pups local or are you ordering online?

Been looking for a local dealer for these.

From what I've heard all BK pups sound good, I really like the stats on the Painkiller and I like the worn looking cover you can get on them.
Yeah, I'm ordering online :P Idk of anywhere around here that sells them either, but I'm sure if I looked hard enough I might be able to come across some. But anyways, yeah, I agree, the Painkiller is looking pretty awesome, I think I'm going to go with it.
Ordering my Painkiller tomorrow ;)

In other news, the tapping I said I was going to learn is coming along pretty well. I can use up to 6 fingers pretty accurately now. So far my dominant ones seem to be my middle and ring fingers for ascending and descending tapping runs. I can use my index finger in conjunction with those 3 as well, but not nearly as fast, but hopefully in a few weeks I'll have those three down.

... Then comes the pinky :erk:
It's amazing how aggressive some people can get about people having more strings.

I think part of the aggression comes from people not liking the style of music they're used in.

Fender had Alex Gregory 7 string signature models in the 80's. They weren't very popular nor was he. The extra string was a high A string.

I think part of the aggression comes from people not liking the style of music they're used in.

Fender had Alex Gregory 7 string signature models in the 80's. They weren't very popular nor was he. The extra string was a high A string.


There's a video of him demoing his 7-string Strat, he's an atrocious player. That said, one of the few people to get A4 to work on a recording.

To me, this band defines proper 7 and 8-string use (Brent, this is relevant to your interests, the second half of the first video is all 7-finger tapping and the intro of the second video is tapping)

No wank, no soulless Brain Drill calculator shit, no br00tal deathcore chug, just music.
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I heard BKP are muddy as fuck, dno.

I recently got an EMG 81 to replace my EMG-HZ3, sounds so much better :)

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't call this muddy

but i don't have first hand experience with bkp's either

I think part of the aggression comes from people not liking the style of music they're used in.

Fender had Alex Gregory 7 string signature models in the 80's. They weren't very popular nor was he. The extra string was a high A string.


The style of music they've heard them used in* :p But I'm not here to convert anyone into ERG's anyways.

Actually, Fender made Terje Rypdal an 8 string

I don't really know any of his music though
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Could be his rig that's compressed, as it sound mid-boosted like all hell, but they're not for me either way, lol

I'm still on the fence with what pickups I prefer. But I'm finding myself leaning towards DiMarzio nowadays, especially with the D-activators having just been released with promising reviews. Tons of good brands out there tho
^Haven't D-Activators been out for like.. Forever?

They are in the XPT-700 Xiphos'. We have one at work, pretty solid tone from that thing.

EDIT: Yes I saw an interview/video with him, and he told that he compresses the shit out of his signal, to get that instant start/stop riff without anything else.
Not for 8 strings. Looking to upgrade from the stock pu's which are okay, but nothing more. Not that much choice on 8 strings, there's always the Lundgren M8's, but not really looking for a meshuggah sound. Too bad there's no norwegian DiMarzio distributor :/ Riff in Trondheim used to have their entire lineup, but for some dickbutt reason they only carry liek 3 emg pickups now, with no plans to get anything else.
I'll keep researching for now, BKP has a wide range of pickups offered for 8 strings, so I haven't ruled them out as a brand just yet.

As for my 6's, im mostly happy except with the LTD atm, thinking about some SD's, like JB + 59
Classic setup, but I've heard good things about it
7 strings? Okay. But 8 strings? come on... Where are you guys going with this, 9 strings? Why not just get a harp and be done with it. At least the riffs on that thing are much less likely to sound like ultra low frequency high gain mud.

That's just the way *I* see it though. It's whatever floats your boat when it comes to these things. I'm just not subscribing to the "the lower tuned, the more trve metuhl and evil it is" club.
7 strings? Okay. But 8 strings? come on... Where are you guys going with this, 9 strings? Why not just get a harp and be done with it. At least the riffs on that thing are much less likely to sound like ultra low frequency high gain mud.

That's just the way *I* see it though. It's whatever floats your boat when it comes to these things. I'm just not subscribing to the "the lower tuned, the more trve metuhl and evil it is" club.

Damn, if only I cared about your opinion
Just listened, world of difference yeah. I'm pretty happy with my EMG81, though I'm itching to test what the deal is with the 81x series, people just can't shut up about how amazing they apparently are.
If you ever get bored of how the 81 sounds, wire it up with the 18v mod and I promise you you'll love it again, makes everything even better(well, matter of taste, but makes shit less over-compressed)
Just listened, world of difference yeah. I'm pretty happy with my EMG81, though I'm itching to test what the deal is with the 81x series, people just can't shut up about how amazing they apparently are.
If you ever get bored of how the 81 sounds, wire it up with the 18v mod and I promise you you'll love it again, makes everything even better(well, matter of taste, but makes shit less over-compressed)

Isn't the X-series there to give more headroom and more natural t0nez?

Ain't that what the 18v mod does?
Isn't the X-series there to give more headroom and more natural t0nez?

Ain't that what the 18v mod does?

The X series isn't as compressed as an 81 w/ 18v mod

Since we are talking about EMG P/U's...any of you checked out the specs on the new Hetfield set coming out soon? On paper they seem like they might actually be a pretty bad ass PU....they look pretty neat too.