Guitar Player's Thread

sure you don't. You're 8 string guitar people. :p

while I'm at it, does anyone of you guys have any links to some of the great music you produced with your superior gear? Just curious.

:lol: and where have I said that 8 strings are somehow superior to 6 strings? Are you seriously this buttfrustrated, or are you trying to troll me?
That new James H pickup looks pretty neat!
Another thing that I'm just starting to notice these days is that different amps like different pickups. I've had a ton of different amps at one time or another and each one sounds "best" when paired with a different pair of pups. I've got guitars with like "the standards" (emg 81/85, duncan jb/jazz, dimarzio evos/pafpro/tonezone, and also gibson pickups) and they all interact differently with different amps.

So finding pickups that work well with your amp is another important challenge.
Ensi, which one is the HZ and which one is the 81? It doesn't say :P

Also, I placed the order for my Painkiller this morning. I'll put up a comparison between it and my 81 when it comes in.
^Remember to record with FRESH___STRINGS on both. Seriously that's important. Do as I did and record the same riff/segment with both and edit them so you can hear one pickup after the other. Also record the same thing in a DI track.

If you'd check the forum link I sent you'd see :p The 81 plays a bar, then the HZ, then the 81, should've been easily figurableingly (?) out.
^Remember to record with FRESH___STRINGS on both. Seriously that's important. Do as I did and record the same riff/segment with both and edit them so you can hear one pickup after the other. Also record the same thing in a DI track.

Yeah, that's what I had in mind. I might even try out a different brand of strings. My DR's don't last for shit -___- But anyways, I'll probably do a slower rythym based gain section, a faster paced section, some leads, and cleans for both. I don't really have very high expectations for the clean tone though xD This will be you guys first time hearing my new rig too ;) ... Or my playing in general I think :hypno:

If you'd check the forum link I sent you'd see :p The 81 plays a bar, then the HZ, then the 81, should've been easily figurableingly (?) out.

Well I saw there was 2 different tracks so I thought that one was the 81 and one was the HZ, I didn't know that you edited it between the tracks. I'm going to go have another listen after TimeWarp finishes raping my ears.




Saweet axe Lowberg!!

Is it just me or is the truss rod cover the coolest little thing. Just slide right open for easy rod adjustments. No more having to unscrew that stupid little plate. My RG has one and I just thought it was the coolest thing on it.

Really like the natural binding on the body.

How's it sound? P/U pretty good?
Ok suggestion time.

I can get a Xiphos XPT700 (black) w/ OHSC for $ perfect condition, neck-thru, D-activator P/U's, 24 frets, Edge III trem(not the greatest, but I had one before and it was ok)

I already have 3 guitars(see sig), but I won't allow myself to have anymore than 3. Should I keep what I have or get the Xiphos and then sell one of the ones I already own? If you say get the Xiphos, which would you say I should sell?

Just looking for some thoughts from you guys. I really like the shape and feel of the Xiphos, and its a great deal, but I really like all the guitars I have now and play them regularly, so I am hoping you guys can help me make up my mind.
^Really love the XPT700 too, we have one at work, originally it comes with a hard case. That's what you meant with OHSC? Original Hard Shell Case?

Just imagine, if you had 10 seconds to make up your mind, what would you do?

And fuck "rules" of not having enough guitars, you can never have enough guitars, just look at Yngwie:

about 2:15 :lol:
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OHSC = Original Hard Shell were correct

If I had 10 seconds I would buy it.

It's not that I can't have more, I just don't have room for more than 3 guitars in my room where I keep all my gear. I guess I'll think about it over night and see how I feel in the AM.