Guitar Player's Thread

motherfucker how is your tone/drums so good!? my rr sounds like wank compared to that but then again I dont actually spend any time practising this stuff nor do I know how to properly use cool edit pro or and drum mixing shit, damn it! hence why my songs always sound crap :lol:

If you didn't see it I replaced my HZ with an EMG81, sooo much better! There's a sample clip up on my soundcloud where I have recorded a comparison between the two, all fresh strings and all.

Yeah, sick song Ensi, what do you use?

Guitar tone is the LePou Legion amp sim and the ASEM Recto V30 L2 cab impulse, along with some light compression and some small EQ.

Drums are Addictive drums with sample replacement on the kick, snare and all toms + EQ ofc.

I remember way back when I saw a cool video effect on a video, I wanted to know how to make it, so I searched "cool edit", and got that. Haha.

If you liked that... check out the same thing, only re-amped with Lowberg's 6505! The tone is tits!

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A bit more highs on the master stuff and it would be even better dude, still like it :D

I should abandon drum recording, using samples seems to be the shit when it comes to metal
See, all this ASEM Recto V30 L2 makes my brain explode!! I think I have addictive drums but im using the stock sounds and I swear I had an EMG81 in my RR1 Eerie Dess Swirl but I didn't like it =/ Don't think I actually recorded anything with it so I can't even compare, what a numpty!
^It's just about impossible to get a good metal tone from drumkits without using samples.

Duuude, ever recorded a drumset? Last time I recorded one I used 20 mics (for a pretty small setup, just bd,sd,t1,t2,hh,cc,rd,sc) and it was maaaagiicaall n beautiful :D Really, I love the different sounds.
But I rarely do record metal, but since I almost always (any genre) throw in some samples that nothing new to me. I just tend to mix samples with the mic signals. JUST using samples is something... I wouldnt like :(
See, all this ASEM Recto V30 L2 makes my brain explode!! I think I have addictive drums but im using the stock sounds and I swear I had an EMG81 in my RR1 Eerie Dess Swirl but I didn't like it =/ Don't think I actually recorded anything with it so I can't even compare, what a numpty!

Ok ok i'm gonna break it down for you, when I started to get it it didn't quite make sense but here's my version:

You record a DI file with your guitar (this is the 100% raw, unprocessed guitar tone). Then you put an ampsim and an impulse loader + impulse on the FX track.

Ampsim: A preamp simulator, pretty simple right? Got an interface, just like POD Farm/Gearbox.

Impulse: Small wav file that emulates a cab (don't know how they do it though) which you load into an impulse loader (just a docking, with more knobs, really, never use those though).

Put them together and you get what POD Farm and Gearbox does, only manually.

Why didn't you like it man? I love mine! Maybe a bit too nasaly, but that's nothing a little EQ and maybe try out the 18v mod can't fix!

Duuude, ever recorded a drumset?

Nope :lol: I CAN wait til that day comes :lol:

I just tend to mix samples with the mic signals. JUST using samples is something... I wouldnt like

That's what they usually do for metal, I've heard.
They record the whole drumkit, like regular. But it is almost impossible to get a 100% naturally recorded drum tone for metal. So they blend the original signals with samples to make it more mechanical/punchier/whatever they're aiming at.

Rock and pop does not have a ton of double bass going on, so there I see how you can get good natural tones.
Yeah that's what I mean.

But you can get pretty awesome and punchy sounds of you got a good n good tuned drum kit, good drumheads, a good drummer, a good room etc.... Anyway, almost impossible, not not impossible .But yeah very often samples are added
Its more of a mic bleed issue. Bleed from cymbals and other drums + heavy compression and EQ = not so hot shit.

I love natural toms though. Snowys right, the gear, the room and the drummer have a shit ton to do with good drum sounds.

I'm not looking forward to recording drums for my band this summer.
I suck at tuning drums, as far as like top tension vs bottom tension to get the right tone
Its more of a mic bleed issue. Bleed from cymbals and other drums + heavy compression and EQ = not so hot shit.

Yeah but I kinda dislike Gates (sometimes they're cool) so I tend to use a sample of the original (snare for example) so I it gets heavier without losing the natural sound. And you're right, compressin the shit out of a snare track with heavy hi hat bleed is totally wank :D
Ok ok i'm gonna break it down for you, when I started to get it it didn't quite make sense but here's my version:

You record a DI file with your guitar (this is the 100% raw, unprocessed guitar tone). Then you put an ampsim and an impulse loader + impulse on the FX track.

Ampsim: A preamp simulator, pretty simple right? Got an interface, just like POD Farm/Gearbox.

Impulse: Small wav file that emulates a cab (don't know how they do it though) which you load into an impulse loader (just a docking, with more knobs, really, never use those though).

Put them together and you get what POD Farm and Gearbox does, only manually.

Thanks dude. I do get the samples part because I've actually recorded a Sinergy riff using them and I must say I don't know why I didn't bother to experiement because it sounds good, it's just the vast amount of difference you can make with the software and EQ settings it's easier to just use the PX4! But I might have to sort out a setup because that thing you recorded was quality.
Yeah I also thought "why the fuck do I have to do this, when I can just use my toneport?!"

But I never regretted actually getting into it. If you aren't satisfied with the guitar tone you can change the amp settings afterwards!
Just a handy note, if you're using Reaper I'm pretty sure that what Ensi just described is the default way to record with a Line6 of any kind.

He wanted to let us know that he knows how to record the "dry" direct signal while using Amp Simulator plugins as insert effects, so that you can tweak the shit out of the amps without having to adjust them BEFORE you record.

kind of, I was letting anyone with Reaper know that they don't have to actively think about that, it's the default way to do shit in that software
Posted this in the Recent Purchases thread, but figured I'd put it here also.

Got this guy a few days ago

Case is in pretty good shape

No dings or nicks

Pretty fucking sweet!

Paid $350.00 US dollars for guitar w/ case.

Needed a truss rod adjustment and a floyd tune up, but now it is ready to melt faces.

Been thinking of sanding the whole thing down and staining it, but don't know if I am up to that or not.