Guitar Player's Thread

But that's the beauty of it. You can't get alll those different shades of blue if it's all just one colour. That is the nicest Jem I have ever seen.

I wonder how much it would cost to remake my jem like that :oops:

I actually like this one ever more


10-20€ for the pedal including shipping? :D Yeah, I think I could pay with PayPal. I would have to ask my friend then, I don't have an account or so there.
They suck without a gain boost.

Inhe, that guitar is also fucking beautiful!!! I prefer the blue one because I like that colour more but the black in the red guitar looks cool. If they did one with black and shades of blue, I'd buy it instantly.
Inhe, that guitar is also fucking beautiful!!! I prefer the blue one because I like that colour more but the black in the red guitar looks cool. If they did one with black and shades of blue, I'd buy it instantly.

I'm pretty much torn by the two JEM's posted, both look so amazing. I'm actually considering getting it done, but i would have too look closer into price and stuffz.

One thing i don't understand with both of them is that they both have transparent pickguards, and under it you see the wood of the body. But if you take away the pickguard on a stock JEM, you find the electronics in there. Anyone knows what's up with that?

im gonna put these links up here too coz i want some feedback...(posted them on "What are you doing at this moment-thread"
ok =/ Have mercy on me. I messed those 2 up but a bit. Ive played 1 year and 4-5 months well...Here they are. Youre gonna laugh yourselves to death coz im so bad XD

I couldn't hear everything because of the quality, but you seem to have the same problem as Emptifier, spasmic arm vibration. Also, playing bodom after 1.5 years is going to mess up your technique.

I liked the dog though, reminds me that i miss my dog :(
I'm pretty much torn by the two JEM's posted, both look so amazing. I'm actually considering getting it done, but i would have too look closer into price and stuffz.

One thing i don't understand with both of them is that they both have transparent pickguards, and under it you see the wood of the body. But if you take away the pickguard on a stock JEM, you find the electronics in there. Anyone knows what's up with that?

I couldn't hear everything because of the quality, but you seem to have the same problem as Emptifier, spasmic arm vibration. Also, playing bodom after 1.5 years is going to mess up your technique.

I liked the dog though, reminds me that i miss my dog :(

Haha:D i think you mean my arm in Rebel yell...yeah it cramped in someway. fuck it hurted :S Well i can play pretty well with my wrist but not when 1)tired2)Hungry :D yeah well i play lot of things. I find norther songs pretty easy but i like to play bodom pretty much. yeah teh quality sucks teh ballz coz it was recorded on a logitech webcam =/ Well thx for watching :D yeah the dog owns! sorry bout your dog :cry: