Guitar Player's Thread

This is the other dude I think rocks, but everyone's probably seen this before.

I've seen that one before, I didn't like it at all.

oh well :erk: this was the last summer musical hit

definitly he is one of the best, but 'internet sucess' don't last and easily forgotten... he did some gigs, like opening for Evergray and some workshops with Kiko Loureiro, but he likes to play in churches ¬¬

Yeah, He's a member of some Gospel Guitar website.
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Who cares if it's not super clean, it's original and that to me is what 90% of the youtube players lack.

Playing clean and not fucking up is one of the most important factors for me, aswell as their tone and pick attack. I spend hours working on my pick attack to get the right tone and accuracy. If you have great technique, you can make anything sound good.
Playing clean and not fucking up is one of the most important factors for me, aswell as their tone and pick attack. I spend hours working on my pick attack to get the right tone and accuracy. If you have great technique, you can make anything sound good.

To be honest. I see the guitar as a musical instrument. I care more about the music being played than the technicalities of it. So I don't think people should ever just "make anything sound good".
To be honest. I see the guitar as a musical instrument. I care more about the music being played than the technicalities of it. So I don't think people should ever just "make anything sound good".

I think the point he's trying to make is that even if you've got a creative mind and write really cool songs, it's not going to be as enjoyable to listen to if you can't play it properly. That's why good technique is good because you can execute your ideas in a way that they sound good.
Whatever floats your boat.


To be honest. I see the guitar as a musical instrument. I care more about the music being played than the technicalities of it. So I don't think people should ever just "make anything sound good".

I'm not saying that's the way it is, but it's the way I like it. And what's wrong with "making anything sound good" ? If you have to ability to do that, which I think PG, Ozielinzho, or MAB has, then when you do make something that sound amazing, musically, it will sound even better played by someone who is technically superior.

I think the point he's trying to make is that even if you've got a creative mind and write really cool songs, it's not going to be as enjoyable to listen to if you can't play it properly. That's why good technique is good because you can execute your ideas in a way that they sound good.

Exactly, i can't write fast when i have a pick in my hand :erk:
To be honest. I see the guitar as a musical instrument. I care more about the music being played than the technicalities of it. So I don't think people should ever just "make anything sound good".

i agree kinda, i learn guitar to play along with all music instruments, cuz its the final product that gives me a boner

but of course, if the guy plays good, thats better, as long there isn't a 10 min guitar solo wank at speed of the light, that bores me to death
The part at 01:49 that inhe mentioned was cool, yeah. There were a few more cool parts but I certainly wasn't digging the intro.
It's cool sounding, just very generic and typical of a "neo classical shred" song. It's like I've heard it a billion times before. :erk:
Joe Satriani - The Crush of Love (with special guest!!!):

00:04 - 00:49: Matt
00:41 - 01:14: Mitch
01:14 - 01:49: Matt
01:50 - 02:25: Matt
02:26 - 02:58: Mitch
02:59 - 03:33: Matt
03:33 - 04:08: Mitch
04:09 - 04:27: Matt

Good playing Mitch on the Satriani jam. I enjoyed your improvisation on the Yngwie tracks as well.

@ the vid Swabs posted - he is one of the few youtube guitarists I actually enjoy. It seems like the majority of the people that post their videos are just trying to show off or aren't good enough to post their vids for the world to view. Good technique goes a long way.

( I don't know how to multi-post in a thread. Before anyone flames me, I've tried countless times :mad: )