Guitar Player's Thread

Hey dudes I got a question too ya freaks :p
I wanna buy some new strings, but i donnu which are good for me..
At the moment im playing some more soft ones , but they suck..
Any idears ?
Not this one, but a jackson explorer (blue), with a floyd rose tremolo.
I'm on D'Addario 10s aswell, but I may switch to something a bit lighter...if ya know what I mean.
Lighter strings - Cleaner sound, and the opposite for heavier strings.

string gague also takes into consideration the tuning you have. I use 10-42 for E standard, but something like 11-50 for D or drop C is good if you like that chuggah-sound.

Theres not actually a very big difference between brands, in terms of sound, unless you are a tone-freak that uses 10 pedals and $500 pickups.