Guitar Player's Thread

i think it just upgrades the sound quality in general...?

so say im using something like audacity, i wouldn't need to buy an external unit to record my audio, which would then transfer it to the computer?

i.e. i'd hit record in audacity and it would go to the comp through the mic>preamp>mixer>soundcard>computer? And I'd need this because my current soundcard doesn't support microphones, even though the computer itself has a microphone out, correct?
so say im using something like audacity, i wouldn't need to buy an external unit to record my audio, which would then transfer it to the computer?

i.e. i'd hit record in audacity and it would go straight to the comp through the mic>preamp>mixer>soundcard? And I'd need this because my current soundcard doesn't support microphones, even though the computer itself has a microphone out, correct?

yeah...but how come your current soundcard doesn't support microphones? dont you have line in for the mic? and you're saying it doesn't work for recording???
Hm. That depends on what techniques you are able to preform. Like, i can say Hero In a Dream by ensiferum, its not long, and its kinda "moderately hard".. But its sweeping. Bed of razors, but thats actually a very easy solo.. FOR ME. I dont know where your skill level is :lol: Moderately hard can range from bed of razors to fucking Winter Madness by Wintersun. Depending on how skilled you are, i guess...
ah :D
weeell.. How about the Rebel Yell solo alexi played? Its cool.. and not that hard really just, atleast for me i had to practice rolling my index finger kinda, it was weird but a good experience

edit: wait no, not the index, but the third one.. like.. gah, the finger on the side of the middle finger thats not the index finger.. I need to relearn the english language.
yeah...but how come your current soundcard doesn't support microphones? dont you have line in for the mic? and you're saying it doesn't work for recording???

well granted not the best PC... its a laptop, and it has this mic input jack, but its an 1/8" mini cable, not a standard 1/4 guitar cable size. And seeing as I don't own a microphone, i haven't really done anything with it. I'm just trying to get a feel of what I need to buy to start recording before I revamp everything and consider PC options (seeing as it needs to be upgraded, outdated etc anyway)
well granted not the best PC... its a laptop, and it has this mic input jack, but its an 1/8" mini cable, not a standard 1/4 guitar cable size. And seeing as I don't own a microphone, i haven't really done anything with it. I'm just trying to get a feel of what I need to buy to start recording before I revamp everything and consider PC options (seeing as it needs to be upgraded, outdated etc anyway)

wow, you're in the same exact situation i was at a few months ago. I also have a laptop and was having trouble with it picking up sound. You should actually test out if yours is capable of recording sound (which it should). So you have 2 options for this: either buy a mic for your comp OR buy an adapter that will be 1/8 on one side and 1/4 on the other so you can connect your guitar directly into your comp. this is what the adapter should look like

then just use the normal sound recorder on your laptop to see if it records. If it does,then you'll be able to make recordings on programs such as Cool Edit Pro. but i bet your soundcard is as crappy as mine. so don't expect very good quality. but still, it works.

P.S. we've actually talked about this topic a lot in this thread, but that was a few months ago.
ah :D
weeell.. How about the Rebel Yell solo alexi played? Its cool.. and not that hard really just, atleast for me i had to practice rolling my index finger kinda, it was weird but a good experience

edit: wait no, not the index, but the third one.. like.. gah, the finger on the side of the middle finger thats not the index finger.. I need to relearn the english language.

:lol: Haha, having a bit of a struggle? :p

Thanks, I'll start practicing it right away. :)
I played through it, and realized i never rolled my finger there, i dont know wtf i was talking about :lol:
I don't think my pc has a soundcard. I know my laptop does but not sure about the pc. Do all computers come with a sound/audio card installed?
I think they come with a default soundcard or something..

Can you replace one if it isn't good, isn't it a internal part of the computer?

So basically the things you need to record would include a sound/audio card, adapter for sc, mic or a effects pedal/processor, and an edit/mixing program?
When you guys (and girls :p) speak about mic, are you speaking of any normal pc mic?

Well I mean an amp mic, like a shure or something like that.

EDIT- SHIT, I PASSED THE 666 Mark! I'll celebrate anyways...


:devil: :devil: :Smokedev: :hotjump: :Shedevil: