Guitar Player's Thread

Does anyone here have a mac? My friend told me they're great for recording and audio stuff in general. It comes with that Garage Band program too....

I own one. I work on it, professionnally. Thanks to my job, I can access very expensive softwares, as Pro Tools or Logic Audio, but I've started learning with Cubase SX, which is probably my favorite workstation.

If you want to put money in your softwares, you can buy stuff like Nuendo or Cubase for maybe.. 100 €. They're particulary hard to download on p2p, and you won't have any problems with it if you buy them. But if you want a free workstation, GarageBand is cool, but so weak !

There's a lot of possibilities on Mac. Ableton Live (nice one), Digital Producer, all Steinberg products.. Because Audacity is cool to work on separated tracks, but isn't a real mix solution. My advice would be : buy Cubase SE3, fun to begin with.
Hey Mitch, I forgot to ask this yesterday, but what effects did you put into my solo for the jam? Cuz it definitely sounds like it has more reverb and something else added to it. The original tone was more crunchy.

I can't remember what it was but I had to do something because your solo was soooo quiet. Just turning it up made it clip like hell.
Maybe we should post random ideas like.. Design a guitar or.. something similar to a jam? Perhaps that'd get people interested?

I know I have a 3day weekend, so :D.
My Jackson Stars RR J2SP has been fucking shipped (check sig) :D.

I was meaning to ask you about it, but then i didn't. That's awesome anyway, somehow that guitar looks better than the ESP's, which i think look pretty tacky.

Maybe we should post random ideas like.. Design a guitar or.. something similar to a jam? Perhaps that'd get people interested?

I know I have a 3day weekend, so :D.

I'm not working now and i'm not starting school until next year, so i just have alot of free time, so anything would be cool actually!
I own one. I work on it, professionnally. Thanks to my job, I can access very expensive softwares, as Pro Tools or Logic Audio, but I've started learning with Cubase SX, which is probably my favorite workstation.

If you want to put money in your softwares, you can buy stuff like Nuendo or Cubase for maybe.. 100 €. They're particulary hard to download on p2p, and you won't have any problems with it if you buy them. But if you want a free workstation, GarageBand is cool, but so weak !

There's a lot of possibilities on Mac. Ableton Live (nice one), Digital Producer, all Steinberg products.. Because Audacity is cool to work on separated tracks, but isn't a real mix solution. My advice would be : buy Cubase SE3, fun to begin with.

I actually have Cubase SX and I've made recordings on there but again, they sound pretty bad thanks to my soundcard. The stuff I record on Cool Edit Pro turns out better quality than my cubase recordings. Thanks for the response though. btw, what do you do for your job?

I can't remember what it was but I had to do something because your solo was soooo quiet. Just turning it up made it clip like hell.

That's weird because the volume level was fine on my computer, or when I played it back as an mp3 in iTunes. Next time if that happens, ask me to record again so it saves you some trouble ;)
Maybe we should post random ideas like.. Design a guitar or.. something similar to a jam? Perhaps that'd get people interested?

I know I have a 3day weekend, so :D.

haha, the whole "design a guitar" thing has already been done. there are some sites out there that allow you to do that and ppl have posted links.

I'm not working now and i'm not starting school until next year, so i just have alot of free time, so anything would be cool actually!

perfect time to practice! you lucky bastard :Smug:
perfect time to practice! you lucky bastard :Smug:

What do you think i've been doing? :cool: But it's not everyday i have the motivation to practice 10-12 hours, but forums jams and the likes certainly help for those days when you're in a rut or whatever you call it.
so why no school for the next year?

Because i wanted to take time to play guitar basically, and work to earn some money. I worked the first 3 months after high-school, and now when i'm home again i have to look for another job. I also have to decide what i'll be studying, i'm looking into philology atm, but also at something music related.
Because i wanted to take time to play guitar basically, and work to earn some money. I worked the first 3 months after high-school, and now when i'm home again i have to look for another job. I also have to decide what i'll be studying, i'm looking into philology atm, but also at something music related.

oh very nice. What's the difference between philology and linguistics, if there is one? Because over here, I believe we only have linguistics as a major, but not philology, probably cuz they're the same thing. I also wanted to study something music-related in my university, but in order to be a music composition major, we have to submit scores of our compositions and take down dictation and sight-sing, other wise there's no hope. so it's pretty professional stuff. I guess to be a music major you're already expected to have been studying music or taking lessons for a few years before you go to university, which sucks.
oh very nice. What's the difference between philology and linguistics, if there is one? Because over here, I believe we only have linguistics as a major, but not philology, probably cuz they're the same thing. I also wanted to study something music-related in my university, but in order to be a music composition major, we have to submit scores of our compositions and take down dictation and sight-sing, other wise there's no hope. so it's pretty professional stuff. I guess to be a music major you're already expected to have been studying music or taking lessons for a few years before you go to university, which sucks.

I think the system in Sweden is very different from the US. Here we have a lot of variety, you can basically major in alternate picking :lol:

Well, not really, but comparing it to Spain for example, they were totally mind-boggled at how many options we have in Sweden when it comes to studying.

i'm moving to sweden! haha.

It's pretty good here, but in terms of the metal we don't seem to get many bands here (atleast not the ones i like :( ). Wintersun, Necrophagist and Paul Gilbert never came here on their EU tour. I know Wintersun and Necro had some troubles, but PG didn't even get booked due to not getting enough publicity.
Well, not really, but comparing it to Spain for example, they were totally mind-boggled at how many options we have in Sweden when it comes to studying.

yeah, but then again it depends on what school you choose, since there are schools that specialize in certain fields. for example, we have Berklee School of Music and Musician's Institute here in the states. So I could probably take a class on alternate picking if I chose to go to one of those schools.

It's pretty good here, but in terms of the metal we don't seem to get many bands here (atleast not the ones i like :( ). Wintersun, Necrophagist and Paul Gilbert never came here on their EU tour. I know Wintersun and Necro had some troubles, but PG didn't even get booked due to not getting enough publicity.[/QUOTE]

ouch, that must hurt. but I thought a lot of the death metal bands came from Sweden. In Flames is from there, aren't they?
yeah, but then again it depends on what school you choose, since there are schools that specialize in certain fields. for example, we have Berklee School of Music and Musician's Institute here in the states. So I could probably take a class on alternate picking if I chose to go to one of those schools.

ouch, that must hurt. but I thought a lot of the death metal bands came from Sweden. In Flames is from there, aren't they?

Yeah, i was going to mention that, the older melo death bands from the 90's were great back then, like ATG. But newer bands aren't as cool, but then again i don't really like most new stuff that comes out, they either concetrate on making the song as heavy as possible, or something that sounds catching, and i like epic guitar shredd!