Guitar Player's Thread

Hey Mitch, I forgot to ask this yesterday, but what effects did you put into my solo for the jam? Cuz it definitely sounds like it has more reverb and something else added to it. The original tone was more crunchy.
not really....mitch's tone was pretty good...but yeah, i can hear it in the others too.

btw, does anyone know how to do a mixdown in Cool Edit pro using a midi file and an audio file. for example, I took the drums off a GP track and converted it to MIDI and then put in cool edit pro. then i recorded something and i want to put these 2 tracks together (mix them down into one file) but when i try to do the mixdown it gives me a message saying it can't mix the midi. is there a way around this?
Did you try putting the midi by itself and then export to mp3 or wav and then put that with your audio tracks? Or you could use a vsti that would play back the midi with more realistic drum sounds.
I'll try that right now, thanks.
what's a vsti?

well the ones I'm talking about specifically are just plugins for recording programs that allow you to use real samples of drums in place of the midi set. For example Drumkit From Hell is one of the most popular and best though it's a bit expensive.
ohh ok...i haven't gotten into that stuff yet. I remember you were trying to help me out with Amplitube a while ago, but it sucks on computer cuz my sound card is so bad :erk:
My advice is: buy the "M-Audio Delta Audiophile 2496". It's not expensive and it sounds professional. You only have 2 line ins and 2 line outs (+some spdif or whatever it is called), but I guess you don't want to record a whole drumset. that what you use? $130 seems kinda expensive, although I'm sure it's worth it. I've been thinking of upgrading my computer actually. I have a laptop and it's been giving me trouble lately. But maybe i'll just get it fixed/cleaned out. I have a lot of programs on here i don't even use.

Does anyone here have a mac? My friend told me they're great for recording and audio stuff in general. It comes with that Garage Band program too....

And, as I said one page ago, try out the simulanalog VST. Perhaps it works better than amplitube

Yeah, but in order for that to work well, I'd have to buy that Audiophile 2496 to make my soundcard better right?
One of the links says 99$ ;)

My brother has a mac and it's pretty cool, but the "Garage Band" thing doesn't meet professional expenses.

My advice is: Treat your PC right (protect it from malware etc.). Requierments for recording are at least 512 MB RAM, 1,5 Ghz Power, much harddisk space because the recorded files are wav-files.
Be sure that you have a free PCI-Slot available for a new Soundcard.
One of the links says 99$ ;)

My brother has a mac and it's pretty cool, but the "Garage Band" thing doesn't meet professional expenses.

My advice is: Treat your PC right (protect it from malware etc.). Requierments for recording are at least 512 MB RAM, 1,5 Ghz Power, much harddisk space because the recorded files are wav-files.
Be sure that you have a free PCI-Slot available for a new Soundcard.

why would i want this over this?

Or do they supplement each other? I was told by an acquaintance to buy the fast track pro to get started, but I'm pretty hardware ignorant as to what I need to start decently recording and such. I downloaded Audacity for a start at a mixing software...
My advice is: buy the "M-Audio Delta Audiophile 2496". It's not expensive and it sounds professional. You only have 2 line ins and 2 line outs (+some spdif or whatever it is called), but I guess you don't want to record a whole drumset.

And, as I said one page ago, try out the simulanalog VST. Perhaps it works better than amplitube.

I have that audio card and i say that you should steer the fuck away from it, its shit and not worth the money
not really....mitch's tone was pretty good...but yeah, i can hear it in the others too.

btw, does anyone know how to do a mixdown in Cool Edit pro using a midi file and an audio file. for example, I took the drums off a GP track and converted it to MIDI and then put in cool edit pro. then i recorded something and i want to put these 2 tracks together (mix them down into one file) but when i try to do the mixdown it gives me a message saying it can't mix the midi. is there a way around this?

Midi isn't audio, so you can't play them together, you would need a vst plugin or use soundfonts through FL.
One of the links says 99$ ;)

My brother has a mac and it's pretty cool, but the "Garage Band" thing doesn't meet professional expenses.

My advice is: Treat your PC right (protect it from malware etc.). Requierments for recording are at least 512 MB RAM, 1,5 Ghz Power, much harddisk space because the recorded files are wav-files.
Be sure that you have a free PCI-Slot available for a new Soundcard.

Ok, thanks for the advice. I'll ask my friend to see if my computer meets those specs. I'm not very computer savvy, so I'm not sure about some of those where the hell the PCI-Slot is located :lol:

Midi isn't audio, so you can't play them together, you would need a vst plugin or use soundfonts through FL.
The last time I tried to use FL everything came out retarded...and that was actually a few years ago. So i guess I'll download it again and have another shot at it. But I remember I was missing a lot of plug-ins from the version I last downloaded. And is there anyway to transfer the midi into FL so it automatically converts it into audio? Or do you have to use the soundfonts to make the drums by yourself?
The last time I tried to use FL everything came out retarded...and that was actually a few years ago. So i guess I'll download it again and have another shot at it. But I remember I was missing a lot of plug-ins from the version I last downloaded. And is there anyway to transfer the midi into FL so it automatically converts it into audio? Or do you have to use the soundfonts to make the drums by yourself?

It practically does it for you. You write what you want "sound-fontizised" in Guitar pro and export it as midi, then you import it into FL and add the soundfonts and export as audio. You can export every instrument individually if you want to add some effects or just have more control when recording, but generally i just export all at once.