Guitar Player's Thread

@those who complain about not progressing, and everyone else who dont do this too:

Record. Record yourself every day, and listen to it, does it sound good? no? Then fucking practice till it SOUNDS AMAZING

"all right" wont suffice, "good" is ok, but if you want to get really good, amazing is the way.

Be self critizising, be strict with yourself, and make yourself practice the same shit over and over again, regardless if its boring (Within reason, dont sit around for months playing the same riff, use your logic sense)

But really, if you record yourself everyday, and keep 1 clip a month, in an archive, you can go back a year, or half a year, and listen to yourself, compare with how you are today, feel good, and get the feeling of "Dayum! Im gonna practice even harder because this aint so fucken bad!", or something of those lines.

I dont know about you's, but this is the best way for me. Picking up a bit of the theory wont hurt either, at all
I've been playing for 1.5 years now, the first time i really felt i made some serious progress was when i changed my picking technique. I have some off days here and there, but mostly it's going good all the time.

except that I double you in playing time(and I really suck to have been 3 years and play like I play,LOL),it happened to me exactly the same.a shame is that the feeling didn't I don't feel proud of myself again.feeling proud doesn't depend on the time,because if you,for example,don't feel proud of yourself because you can't sweep 3 strings,when you get to do it,instead of feeling proud,will get back to not feling proud because then you won't still know 5 or 6 strings sweeps.and after that the same with tapping,or squealing,or whatever,because there's always xomething you can learn.but maybe you could record yourself playing now,and in two years time,when you watch that,you'll see how you've improved.
except that I double you in playing time(and I really suck to have been 3 years and play like I play,LOL),it happened to me exactly the same.a shame is that the feeling didn't I don't feel proud of myself again.feeling proud doesn't depend on the time,because if you,for example,don't feel proud of yourself because you can't sweep 3 strings,when you get to do it,instead of feeling proud,will get back to not feling proud because then you won't still know 5 or 6 strings sweeps.and after that the same with tapping,or squealing,or whatever,because there's always xomething you can learn.but maybe you could record yourself playing now,and in two years time,when you watch that,you'll see how you've improved.

It's the only way to progress, the constant feeling that you're not quite there yet.
i once got wrong strings...i got 0.10 to 52 instead of 46 i coudnt play at all:lol: that sucked they were so big and clumsy.

ummm dont you know you cant have different string gauges/comapnies on a floyd without getting it setup right?

I'm using the strings that came with my RG550 atm, they're probably from the same year as the guitar, so i think it's time to change them soon :lol:
I normally use 9's for E or Eb tuning.

you have an rg550???!!!

:lol: Alright, here it goes.

I've been playing for about 11 months now (11 months Sept. 29th.) and I'm approaching a year now. I feel like I haven't accomplished much (Well, learning to play, but those are details.) And for this past week, this has been bothering me, so for the past week, I feel like I haven't improved one bit, and that is bothering me as well.

My first question is: What can I do to feel like I've done the best I could the first year of learning to play, to feel actually..proud?

My second question is about theory.
I REALLY want to learn theory, because I find it awesomely interesting and I want to know what I'm playing. My second question is: Where should I start learning theory, should I go to a teacher, or can I pick it up on my own?

Thanks :lol: :D

theory will make you die. but its good for me at least cuz i did piano forever. but guitar theory is the worst. get simple theory books i guess. do you know any notes at all?

I've been playing for 1.5 years now, the first time i really felt i made some serious progress was when i changed my picking technique. I have some off days here and there, but mostly it's going good all the time.

you've only been playing 1.5 years and you have a jem and a rg550??:err:
I've only tried GHS once, and the string broke right off during a inverted dip half a week after purchase, so i havent really concidered them afterwards. Might have been random failiure, but geez o_O..
Oooh, sorry, I hadn't seen your post Mystique. I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way :p.

At about 4-5 months, I went to a teacher and said that I should learn the notes on a fretboard, so I know them (Not by heart, but so-so). I wouldn't really care about comparing myself to others, some say I'm good for my time, but I've never felt "accomplished" :p. Thanks :).

I've been playing for 1.5 years now, the first time i really felt i made some serious progress was when i changed my picking technique. I have some off days here and there, but mostly it's going good all the time.

I've been playing for 1.5 years now, the first time i really felt i made some serious progress was when i changed my picking technique. I have some off days here and there, but mostly it's going good all the time.

altitudes had a GREAT point. learn one WHOLE song. it will do wonders for your stamina and strength. however don't do Bed of Razors. Try something like Breaking The Law, Judas Priest. It's not too difficult. Then step two, play it with someone. You need to get used to people hearing you play, and playing with someone cause i dont care if you're like the best guitarist in the world, if you've never played in front of/with people it is 100% different.

Also, I'd recommend a teacher. However, for starters on theory, write out the notes on the fretboard. If I said 9th fret G string, you should be able to just spit out E automatically. But the good thing is, you onlly have to memorize up to the 12th fret, because I imagine freth 12-24 as a mini version of the first half of the guitar. It all repeats (look at the dot sequences you'll start to get what I mean). However, with theory, until you get to a certain technical and knowledge point, it will seem pointless. However once you cross the hump, it's increasing returns. The more you learn, the better you can play. You'll start stringing together solos and shit just from the fact you know the theory/patterns. A lot of it is just hearing the sounds. for instance, I can recognize when someone's playing a harmonic minor scale just from the fact it's embedded in my head, and i know if i want that sound what scale to use. Is that making sense? You need to know theoretically what backs what sounds (diatonic cycle of fifths, thirds harmonies, fifths harmonies, etc.). theory might just seem like patterns at first, but once you start getting into playing diminished/whole tones over dominant7 stuff etc., i believe a good teacher would benefit X1000. guidance always helps.
I honestly like it, it reminds me of Sinergy and that's kickass! The only thing I hate about it is, that the drum-mix is very bad after the beginning. But the riff itself rules.

And here's my first "proper" recording with the RR. If you listen to the left side, you can hear a real muted/chunky sound because I palm muted so hard and a little closer to the pickup than normal. It got me that "hollow" sound that I love in Alexi's tone in 2002. I love it. I had to have the gain so low for this, you can hear my slide about in the right side somewhere. :lol:
"what am i supposed to... dooooooo" :lol:
Pretty cool sound, I just miss the balls somehow.

I'm just going to post this before i go to sleep. I recorded a little tone test, it's not very high-gain, but i think it sounds cool.
The best guitar sound you achieved so far IMO. Let us hear how it works in a mix with drums and bass.

you've only been playing 1.5 years and you have a jem and a rg550??:err:
What's wrong as long as he doesn't yells something like:"OMG I have a Jem I'm the best, I mastered 3-string-sweeps!!!" Btw, I remember another user saying this, I guess you know who I mean, huh?

Concerning the theory stuff: it's easy when you have gotten into it. I prefer "real" books over websites, because they have clear concept, which helps beginners.

For a start, learn the 12 notes in the right order.

From one note to the next (e.g. C-C#) it's a half tone-step (one fret on your guitar). C-D or F#-G# or D#-F are whole tone-steps.

So if you know how your guitar is tuned, you can easily find all the notes by counting. Did you know all these things or were them new to you?
I'm just going to post this before i go to sleep. I recorded a little tone test, it's not very high-gain, but i think it sounds cool.
Hmm, I really can't talk 'cause I don't understand anything... but I liked it and agree, I think it was cool aswell. :)



Hahahaha... you posted even here to say that again!! I'm dead... :)lol:)²

*leaves the thread*
you've only been playing 1.5 years and you have a jem and a rg550??:err:

I worked alot, so i had alot of money and i pretty much never buy stuff or booze, so i bought them.

I honestly like it, it reminds me of Sinergy and that's kickass! The only thing I hate about it is, that the drum-mix is very bad after the beginning. But the riff itself rules.

Yeah, didn't mix anything, i just stuck everythin in cool edit pro just to hear how it sounded. Thanks though!

The best guitar sound you achieved so far IMO. Let us hear how it works in a mix with drums and bass.

Yeah, i thought so too, although it might be a little too low gain for some stuff.