Guitar Player's Thread

^ naw, it's more like how the body is angled against the neck. Caparison do it on some of their guitars, the top diagram:

yes, tilt neck means that it is angled. All Roope's, Jiri's and Alexi's Jacksons (except the one with green pinstripes) have non-recessed floyds. Most of the early 80s/90s Jacksons had non-recessed floyds.
Great guitar Nazgul, The gold and black look awesome together ;) So yeah just when I thought my broken finger was healing, I went to check back at the hospital, and it appears I've snap the tendon aswel, and tomorrow I have to have an operation to sort it out :lol: :erk: which means an even longer period of time before I can play again :cry:

But yeah anyway, does anyone know what the advantages/disadvantages are of setting up the springs like Alexi?

And here's my first "proper" recording with the RR. If you listen to the left side, you can hear a real muted/chunky sound because I palm muted so hard and a little closer to the pickup than normal. It got me that "hollow" sound that I love in Alexi's tone in 2002. I love it. I had to have the gain so low for this, you can hear my slide about in the right side somewhere. :lol:
What the heck... I saw this only now, I hadn't seen it till today, I found it now that I was reading the whole thread a bit to check if I did miss/skip anything... and I did, yeah... sorry.
I listened to it now... I liked it a lot, yeah, and I'd like to hear your first official recording with your new beauty.
I know you've got many things to care about, like your job, your family, your girl and so on but please... don't let us wait too much, record something soon, please. :)