Guitar Player's Thread

Well, it's somewhat guitar related so I'll post it here.

I, Brandon LaRocque, have finally beaten Jordan on expert in Guitar Hero II. My life is complete, till the third game gets released on the 25th.
Thanks for your opinions, the recordings are far from being perfect, but I think that it's enough for me. I don't want to record CDs or something.

Well, I'm not trying to boasting but I really really love my amp. so I'd rather find a way to mic it than to go thru some processer TBH.

Is it the new Marshall JVM? I've heard that it has damn much sound-possibilities! But as I said above, I'm satisfied with my Powerball, but I wouldn't use it for recording at home.
you can sound like that straight through a soundcard? XD. Any chance you'd mind some kind of "mini tutorial?" :erk:
Keep in mind, that it wasn't me who recorded the tracks. The dude is really, really good at recording, equing etc. He made a workshop in german, when I have some more time, I could translate it.

I've heard of programs that let you "process" your sound through any combination of amps. i.e. I sent the comp my dry guitar sound, and i can say, "stick it through a marshall JCM 2203 and back out through a 1960 lead." and then say I don't like it anymore, i say, "stick it through the Kerry King head instead" or something like that.
There are VST-Plugins which simulate different Amp Types. Some are cool, some are shit, it's all about personal taste. Many people like GuitarRig, I hate it, e.g.
what exactly is DKFH? do i need something else to run it?
As Brandon said, plus, you can put the samples in other drum samplers like "Native Instruments Battery". But only the eZDrummer comes with the groove presets and typical metal-patterns.
So I'd just say, "gallop rhythm bass" and then say I wanted quarter note hi-hat, I can just say "quarter note hi-hat?"
Basically, yes. There are one-bar-groove-presets and you can customize them in you sequencer (Cubase, Logic, Cool Edit Pro etc.)

:OMG: that's great. Really dig it. the aforementioned fx plugins?
Thanks. Yeah, I used only 2 Plugins for the Rhythm Guitars and 4 for the leads (I'm not satisfied with them).

Also, I say Corny should start participating in the riff game. His tone quality and backing tracks are amazing.
I participated 4 times in the past, but I didn't pay much attention to my sound. If time lets me, I'll make some more in the future. It's inhe's turn, now :p
Well, I'm not trying to boasting but I really really love my amp. so I'd rather find a way to mic it than to go thru some processer TBH.

Is it the new Marshall JVM? I've heard that it has damn much sound-possibilities! But as I said above, I'm satisfied with my Powerball, but I wouldn't use it for recording at home.

Yeah, it's the JVM. Both OD channels are great. I can get the JCM 2203 "crunch," but it sounds tighter. doesn't bleed over. OD 1 has some great rhythm distortion, it's really tight and clear. And I can get great lead tone completely dry on OD 2 at like 1/4 volume. currently saving up to put active pickups in my guitar, so I dunno how that's going to sound but it's not a priority for me seeing as the amp has such good tone by itself. customizable footswitch makes quick gig-swithing a breeze, especially FX loop and OD1/OD2. clean also is really pure. i'm really happy with it.

you can sound like that straight through a soundcard? XD. Any chance you'd mind some kind of "mini tutorial?"
Keep in mind, that it wasn't me who recorded the tracks. The dude is really, really good at recording, equing etc. He made a workshop in german, when I have some more time, I could translate it.

record signal>EQ frequencies>mix (adjust volumes and pans)?

haha that was probably the worst guess in the world but hey

I've heard of programs that let you "process" your sound through any combination of amps. i.e. I sent the comp my dry guitar sound, and i can say, "stick it through a marshall JCM 2203 and back out through a 1960 lead." and then say I don't like it anymore, i say, "stick it through the Kerry King head instead" or something like that.
There are VST-Plugins which simulate different Amp Types. Some are cool, some are shit, it's all about personal taste. Many people like GuitarRig, I hate it, e.g.

I know a guy who's a professional musician. writes the commercial jingle type shit, but hes a guitarist. He records his dry tone and sends it through one of those programs and says its great. however i'd think the real thing sounded better.

what exactly is DKFH? do i need something else to run it?
As Brandon said, plus, you can put the samples in other drum samplers like "Native Instruments Battery". But only the eZDrummer comes with the groove presets and typical metal-patterns.
So I'd just say, "gallop rhythm bass" and then say I wanted quarter note hi-hat, I can just say "quarter note hi-hat?"
Basically, yes. There are one-bar-groove-presets and you can customize them in you sequencer (Cubase, Logic, Cool Edit Pro etc.)

har, seeing as I don't own a sequencer :p

unless audacity counts.

that's great. Really dig it. the aforementioned fx plugins?
Thanks. Yeah, I used only 2 Plugins for the Rhythm Guitars and 4 for the leads (I'm not satisfied with them).

Plugin as you recorded your dry guitar and ran it through a uh... plugin? :erk:
Yeah, it's the JVM.
Does it sound typically marshall?

record signal>EQ frequencies>mix (adjust volumes and pans)?

haha that was probably the worst guess in the world but hey
Basically, that's it. Though, all three steps can go with each other, so that you mix a bit while you record the tracks. And mixing is more than panning and adjusting the volume. There are typical mixing effects like compression, reverb, blabla. My mix only contains of panning and the volume thing :lol:

har, seeing as I don't own a sequencer :p

unless audacity counts.
I don't know audacity, but Kristal is a freeware sequencer many people use. Or you could download Cubase or Logic illegaly, what I don't recommend, of course ;)

Plugin as you recorded your dry guitar and ran it through a uh... plugin? :erk:
The chain is
Guitar->clean Vamp(not necessary)->Mixer(with preamps)->soundcard->virtually: Secquencer->Plugins(effects and stuff)->record)

I'm not a pro at these things.
:OMG: damn you......

want secks with all now......:lol: you already have the special shag pillows :oops: :lol:those are...awesome!

Special shag pillows!!! :lol:

Well, I'm not trying to boasting but I really really love my amp. so I'd rather find a way to mic it than to go thru some processer TBH.

Did you even read the part about me NOT HAVING ENOUGH SPACE FOR AN AMP THAT SIZE?

Don't mean to sound like a cunt but it's the only thing stopping me. You think I would be using a £99 effects unit to record if I could afford and had the space for Yngwie's amp setup?
Don't mean to sound like a cunt but it's the only thing stopping me. You think I would be using a £99 effects unit to record if I could afford and had the space for Yngwie's amp setup?

Throw your brother out and fill the walls with nothing but amps!
For those who said something about tubeamps and loud and home:

Probably posted before, but this thing is pretty much amazing.

Yeah well too bad theyre pretty pricey...So just dont buy a incredibly high wattage tube amp...:lol: I bought 50 watt and its frickin hurts my ears if i turn it past 3 in my room...even less but at 3 it has a sweet spot already so it does sound pretty good at low volumes too but when its at full then the real shit starts playing :D
Yes, I wouldn't know if I'd still prefer a 100W amp over a 50W amp. But 50W Transistor wouldn't be an option to me.

However, it's cool to have more headroom when you play with a loud drummer. I always had the feeling, that 50W couldn't assert against me.