Guitar Player's Thread

Id say you should play it as slow as you need it to be 100% correct and that has everything to do with the solo and MUCH to do with your technique...since playing it slower will let you learn and play it faster afterwards. You can improve technique just by learning songs good and playing along and trying to get everything right...then theres guitar lessons and also excercizes will help. ALL that shit is connected.
No offence but that was just as bad as the first, maybe worse. Just listen to Mitch and what other people said, they're trying to help.

Yeh, I am. Though I want to get the "best" out of the video, by getting as many constructive comments as possible so that I can improve better. Thanks to the ppl who have helped so far.
^^Yeah...i know how it feels since i posted some vids here too some time ago(In april i think):lol: Luckily i did stop being a lameass(Im not saying you are but i was)...or im still a lameass and fanboy but my fanboyness has gotten less and skills improved and lot of it was becoz of posting it here to get me out of my "Bad circle" in playing. :lol:
Yeh, I am. Though I want to get the "best" out of the video, by getting as many constructive comments as possible so that I can improve better. Thanks to the ppl who have helped so far.

Play it a hell of a lot slower, ridiculously slow, and then film it, that way I think more people can analyse your technique and find out where you're going wrong. Although my main thoughts would be that you haven't built up your speed gradually and just tried playing like Alexi straight away. I think you'd benefit highly from a metronome/ GP5. Play it slow, once clean build up your speed a little bit more, then when it's clean build the speed up a little more etc. Yeah it's repetitive advice and i'm sick of it so just take it into consideration. However, I do also agree with Mitch, it may just be that this is to advanced for you, start easy and progress onto slightly harder ones. God knows how you were fine with playing Phagist.
^^Yeah well its normal to do like that but to build up speed bit by bit is great...but its DAMN BORING especially if its some alexi solo that aint in your speed...just work on it for a long time.
Play it a hell of a lot slower, ridiculously slow, and then film it, that way I think more people can analyse your technique and find out where you're going wrong. Although my main thoughts would be that you haven't built up your speed gradually and just tried playing like Alexi straight away. I think you'd benefit highly from a metronome/ GP5. Play it slow, once clean build up your speed a little bit more, then when it's clean build the speed up a little more etc. Yeah it's repetitive advice and i'm sick of it so just take it into consideration. However, I do also agree with Mitch, it may just be that this is to advanced for you, start easy and progress onto slightly harder ones. God knows how you were fine with playing Phagist.

Alright thanks. I just played those riffs etc. And practised on ones that I was assed to learn, as Muhammed has pretty interesting way of making music... But they were great "riffing" practise IMO.
I think you'd benefit highly from a metronome/ GP5. Play it slow, once clean build up your speed a little bit more, then when it's clean build the speed up a little more etc.

That's only one half of the story. Speed is a by-product of accuracy, not the other way around. Alot of people can play fast, a small percentage of those can play it where it actually sounds clean, and an even smaller percentage of those people actually think about the tone of the string, the pick attack and the general sound.
I'm thinking of buying a Washburn X50 FE :O


I'd never looked at Washburn guitars really (always did the typical thing of only looking at Ibanez, Jackson and ESP guitars). But this thing looks pretty nice. 24 frets (the lack of inlays could get annoying (yes Im a "newb") but I could get used to just using the markers on the binding) EMG 81 & 85 pickups, Mahogany body, Rosewood fretboard, string-thru, Set neck (it's not neck-thru but hey whatever).

Looks like it has the potential for a great tone and bucket loads of sustain.

only about £460

btw I've been wanting a guitar without a floating trem for a while now, just for ease of tuning and stuff (lazy I know)

Agreed to an extent; your forgetting about the variations in people's tastes and styles. As for, alot of people can play fast, theoretically if it ain't clean it ain't playing it; it's playing something else.

Edit: @Swabs thats pretty nice bar the headstock. Would slay if it had an ebony fretboard to imo.
I'm thinking of buying a Washburn X50 FE :O


I'd never looked at Washburn guitars really (always did the typical thing of only looking at Ibanez, Jackson and ESP guitars). But this thing looks pretty nice. 24 frets (the lack of inlays could get annoying (yes Im a "newb") but I could get used to just using the markers on the binding) EMG 81 & 85 pickups, Mahogany body, Rosewood fretboard, string-thru, Set neck (it's not neck-thru but hey whatever).

Looks like it has the potential for a great tone and bucket loads of sustain.

only about £460

btw I've been wanting a guitar without a floating trem for a while now, just for ease of tuning and stuff (lazy I know)

I WOULD think that guitar is hawt as fucklish but the headstock totally rips a -1 to it for me :erk: otherwise nice guitar.
Aye, the headstock is rather cock. But hey i'm not too fussy, tone is most important to moi.
Aye, the headstock is rather cock. But hey i'm not too fussy, tone is most important to moi.

True...What ive seen of washburn theyre hawt. Id like one of those that Emppu from Nightwish used to play. Its a white ibanezish looking one. REALLY hawt...he plays it on the over the hills and far away video. Theyre discontinued but i just migth someday grab one off ebay :cool:
Too expensive for someone that doesn't have a job yet :lol:

EDit: fuck the washburn I found a LTD MH250NT for cheaper, and that ACTUALLY HAS INLAYS :lol: and it neck-thru, thanks for saving me from a mistake brandon :lol: (EMG HZ pups :erk: but hey Im gonna have a job soon so I can upgrade to Dimarzios (which i've always wanted) later.)