Guitar Player's Thread

Just thought some of you might find this useful.

10 ways to Improve your picking

(Btw, there's a page missing that's just writing but I'll upload it if I find it)

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MP3's (Played by Guthrie Govan)

Slow examples
Fast examples

Thanks for those.. i really need to practice my alt picking, i especially hate it on the B and e strings when changing fast, eg. the interlude in KtS, theirs always one part i can't quite get >_<
'nough lurking for me.
its a nice thread you guitar players, maybe one of the most serious thread i find here on CoB off topic. :kickass:
dude jeremy i saw your videos there cool man i also cheked others of them on youtube and swamphell cover is pretty nice also towards dead end is fuckin awesome you should of posted them to
dude jeremy i saw your videos there cool man i also cheked others of them on youtube and swamphell cover is pretty nice also towards dead end is fuckin awesome you should of posted them to

Thanks! haha. I wasn't too proud of those though so I didn't post them :p
The quality wasn't very good & I didn't play very good. But it's hard trying to sing and play bodom & kalmah being the only guitarist in the band :p
Ye, it looks abit weird compared too 6-stringed, but something just makes it look cool (apart fomr the paint job).
I'm going to attempt to learn some parts of Through the Fire and Flames tomorrow. I've printed out them main melodies between verses so hopefully I'll be able to do it and then maybe record it.