Guitar Player's Thread

PMP, you have over 1000 posts now! :worship:

YEEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!! Damn, I was gonna make a big announcement, but I didnt notice... :erk: :lol: Cool, my post count says I've made over 15 per day, which I guess is how I got there in such a short amount of time... :Smug: just over 2 months if I'm correct...

Anyway, thanks for noticing... I think it's kinda ironic that it didn't happen on the SymX forum where the vast majority of my posts are though... I guess COB forum got lucky... :p
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I use D' Addario EXL110s (.010 - .046)
I wash my hands before I play cuz I am assuming it lasts string life playing with non-oily hands, the thing is the fretboard feels kinda rough on my fingers after about an hour. It could be that I got dead skin hanging from my callused fingers, but idk.

Yeah, oil from fingers is the main culprit in wearing out strings faster... Also, if you wipe over yer strings with a soft cloth after playing it removes some of the buildup giving longer life...
I don't wash my hands.

washing my hands = water
water + fingers + steel = playing after washing my hands
water + steel = rust
I've washed my hands before playing as long as I can remember. It has become like a habit for me.
i wash my hands before using anything, especially my guitar and computer.
I usually wash them, especially when I play one of the better guitars.. sometimes I just pick up a cheap guitar I have standing around and then I wont wash my hands first (unless they're really dirty)
I'm buying a new guitar! i was looking for something for a long time, i got stuck on the Ibanez Rg 350, 370 and 550. And they were pretty good, so i kinda decided on the 350, but then they got a used Ibanez JEM 777 VBK in my local shop, and i tried it, and it was awesome, but it was kinda worn and not really my choice of color, so i'm going with a JEM 7VWH instead.
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wash them, idiots!
if you dont, the grease which is on your hands (YES, there is, on EVERYONE's hands) sticks on the strings => rust.
you should dry them, but when you play for more than a few minutes you actually dry out both hands and strings just by playing. (would be idiotic not to, tho)
I'm buying a new guitar! i was looking for something for a long time, i got stuck on the Ibanez Rg 350, 370 and 550. And they were pretty good, so i kinda decided on the 350, but then they got a used Ibanez JEM 777 VBK in my local shop, and i tried it, and it was awesome, but it was kinda worn and not really my choice of color, so i'm going with a JEM 7VWH instead.

Awesome news I hope you enjoy it! be sure to tell us how it plays ;)

I always wash my hands before playing, not only does the grease reck your strings it also fucks up your fretboard:erk:
I try and keep my hands clean when I play, but when It comes to strings I try to clean them everynight with Dunlop formula 65, it really gets the dirt off, I also put it on my neck to keep it slick.