Guitar Player's Thread

Just strung my guitar with D'Addario 11-50 flatwound strings. They feel good, sound good, but your fingers slide so easy that fast moving chords take some time to be able to control.
I'm using 11's atm too but it's tuned to E so it's freakin' hard to get used to. :D

But I think I'll play with them a little longer so when I go to my other guitar with 9's, it'll suddenly feel loads easier.
I use 9's. It's easier to pick for me, 'cause the strings don't put up as much resistance on the pick, so I can pick faster.
Yeah I imagine it would. I do love the feel of 9's much more though so it has nothing to do with the tension because I had 11's tuned to C# and it didn't feel that great.
Why C#? I personally find any tuning below D to be pointless. If you're gonna go that low, get a 7-string.
Why C#? I personally find any tuning below D to be pointless. If you're gonna go that low, get a 7-string.


C# sounds perfectly fine if you know how to use it. Just because you tune low, doesn't mean you're just going to chug chug chug like Meshuggah.

Plus, it'd need to be B or below to be in 7 string range.
9's for E and 10's for D is my preference, although 10 in both is fine too.

yep, i agree. 10 feels the greatest imo.

oh and i just bought some of those jazz III picks a few days ago to see what all the hype was about...and i must say, i'm not impressed. they're so freakin tiny! i think it's easier to get a better grip on a pick that is in between the jazz III size and the normal size pick.
yep, i agree. 10 feels the greatest imo.

oh and i just bought some of those jazz III picks a few days ago to see what all the hype was about...and i must say, i'm not impressed. they're so freakin tiny! i think it's easier to get a better grip on a pick that is in between the jazz III size and the normal size pick.

Jazz III XL:


I have one in my mouth right now, best pick ever.
They're perfect size! I love the black ones, give them some time mystique, i didn't like them at first either. They will improve your tremolo picking, or at least it's a lot easier for me with them.

You don't need much of the pick showing at all, so their is definitely enough to grip.. the red ones aren't quite as sharp and don't have the grippy stuff on them. I know Bodom and Norther both use these picks.
I played with the regular sized ones for months and never loved them. When I found out about the XL's, I bought a bag off of Ebay and haven't stopped using them since.
Well they would make a difference to some peoples play because they're bigger. I'm not saying they're better because that would be stupid but they are more comfortable to me because I've always played with picks that size. I started using the normal J3's when I found out Alexi used them but I was never really satisfied so I'm now using the XL's.

They're about the same size as the Jim Dunlop Tortex things that alot of people play with.
For strings, I can never find just the right gauge, at the moment I'm using 9-46 Custom-Lights, cos I like the high end light, but the low end I like a bit chunkier... I'm trying D'Addario's right now, but they sound like crap, :erk: I think I might go back to Dean Markleys... For picks I use the Jim Dunlop Big Stubby 3mm... I began using them and like the slightly rounded edge and no give whatsoever... I since found out the Tony MacAlpine uses them exclusively, so that confirmed it as my pick of choice :D
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