Guitar Player's Thread


I'm going to start working on stuff like that but with just the left hand, no tapping.


Here's an E Minor tapping lick my teacher gave me to practice my tapping, it's relatively easy and it develops dexterity and endurance since it's a loop.

Just play this over and over again, it's kickass:

Sounds pretty cool actually.
I'm going to start working on stuff like that but with just the left hand, no tapping.


Sounds pretty cool actually.

Paul gilbert does alot of diminshed string skipping, like in the intro of Sacrifice. But you already know that :p
hey thanks. i'll be sure to add that on to my practice routine. i've decided that the only way i'll actually get somwhere is if i practice a little of something everyday. so like 15 min. of sweeping, 15 min of tapping, 15 min of legato, etc. i've been feeling like i've been getting no where lately, so maybe this schedule will work :erk:
The best way to practice anything is to try and integrate it into your writing the best you can. When I was learning how to do tapping string skips, I put a tapping lick in one of my songs and I practiced that solo all the time.
Well, the black wire should be soldered to some unpainted metal that's not part of thie curcuit, also. Yeah, change the battery. When the battery dies in an active pickup, current flows the opposite direction, making all the voltage negative. (in layman's terms, it sounds like shit)
When the battery dies, it needs to be replaced. It's that simple.
Paul gilbert does alot of diminshed string skipping, like in the intro of Sacrifice. But you already know that :p

unoit :D

Here's some clips from a recent Young Guitar DVD featuring Dragonforce. The way they both hold their pick is terrible. It's the way Paul Gilbert used to hold it before he changed to what it is now. I really don't think they have good technique at all.

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:OMG: I never noticed this, but the way they hold their pick is absolute horrible!

On the other hand, I saw a Steve Morse-Workshop a few months ago. He held his pick with his thumb and his middlefinger, so that he could play pretty cool natural harmonics.
:OMG: I never noticed this, but the way they hold their pick is absolute horrible!

On the other hand, I saw a Steve Morse-Workshop a few months ago. He held his pick with his thumb and his middlefinger, so that he could play pretty cool natural harmonics.

Don't you mean artificial harmonics?
yea but I would imagine that if you where playing with your thumb and middle finger then you could throw in natural harmonics with your pointer finger very easy.
unoit :D

Here's some clips from a recent Young Guitar DVD featuring Dragonforce. The way they both hold their pick is terrible. It's the way Paul Gilbert used to hold it before he changed to what it is now. I really don't think they have good technique at all.

Yeah, they have a sucky tone, and a sloppy technique, it looks like he just vibrates the pick and hopes for some notes to come, it's still a wonder that it sounds as clean as it does. And they also do too much wankage and to little shredding.
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yea but I would imagine that if you where playing with your thumb and middle finger then you could throw in natural harmonics with your pointer finger very easy.

Exactly what I mean. You could play normal chords and throw in the N.H.

Example: play the note c on the b-string (1st fret). If you hold your pick like Steve Morse, you can easily lie your pointer finger on the 13th fret and play the N.E.

This sounds not so extraordinary, but Morse plays pretty cool things with this technique. He combines normal Fingerpicking with this style.
That's pretty unique. I've never seen anyone do that before.

I've now got my pc fixed so I can record again. I might record some Paul Gilbert songs from his latest album soon so look out for those. Also, a little Cacophony melody and a fast picking Yngwie Malmsteen interlude. That's if I can actually pull 'em off, of course. :D
Yeah, Tommy is an amazing guitarist! Check his version of the 'Guitar Boogie' for example.