Guitar Player's Thread

does anyone here know about Musician's Institute...i wanna know how proficient do you have to be in playing in order to get accepted. like do we have to be able to read music, sight-read, improvise, and all that kinda stuff?
if you're going to a music school i'd imagine you are pretty serious about music and that stuff is really just the basics so I'd guess yes but I dunno, at my university you have to take a proficiency exam to get into the school of music.
thanks i was looking for that earlier today on the site, and for some reason it wasn't working. also, they have an open house this coming saturday. lucky me :D

but what sucks is that they recommend 3 years of study in the particular instrument before enrolling :erk: i've never even had this will surely count against me.
Yeah that's cool. Good luck getting in if you get the chance.

There'll be FUCKING LOADS of amazing players there so you'd probably be better off waiting a few years or something. I know I'd want a bit more experience before going to one of the biggest music schools in the world.

Btw, here's Gilbert playing Get Out Of My Yard with Bruce Bouillet at the Viper Room:

Paul and Bruce

And here's Paul and Bruce with Sean Baker.


oh shit, you found videos from that show!!!

i'm so disappointed that the only reason i couldn't go was because of the age restriction!!! i should complain to the fuckin owners of the viper room.
Yeah. I'm not sure who taped that particular video but it's hosted on Ken Howers account and he's the dude that runs the RX website I believe.

Apparantly, there were TONNES of people holding camera phones during the whole show so I'm suprised there's not 5000 on youtube.

They've still got Japan to play yet so hopefully there'll be some decent footage then.
well i think it's mostly older people who go to PG's shows. so that age group doesn't care about the whole youtube crap usually. but who knows, give it a few more days, and there should be at least one more vid from the viper room.
thanks, i've actually seen that one before. he goes kinda fast for an instruction video. but i was just debating whether i should practice tapping or start learning ligado. ligado seems easier than tapping, but i haven't even mastered tapping yet...
It doesn't really matter about the speed. He showed you what you need to learn and you just need to learn it too basically.

ligado? Do you mean legato?

If so, then you might wanna start practising it since it's a very valuable technique.
It doesn't really matter about the speed. He showed you what you need to learn and you just need to learn it too basically.

ligado? Do you mean legato?

If so, then you might wanna start practising it since it's a very valuable technique.
well it's called ligado in this book that i have from my guitar class last semester. but then again, this book is meant to play classical guitar stuff, so maybe that's why they spell it differently.
so anyway, i think i'll put a hold on the tapping, learn some legato or ligado or however you wanna spell it and then go back to tapping :p
well it's called ligado in this book that i have from my guitar class last semester. but then again, this book is meant to play classical guitar stuff, so maybe that's why they spell it differently.
so anyway, i think i'll put a hold on the tapping, learn some legato or ligado or however you wanna spell it and then go back to tapping :p

Ghey. Well when you're addressing rawk geetar it's legato. :)
well it's called ligado in this book that i have from my guitar class last semester. but then again, this book is meant to play classical guitar stuff, so maybe that's why they spell it differently.
so anyway, i think i'll put a hold on the tapping, learn some legato or ligado or however you wanna spell it and then go back to tapping :p

It's the latin word for it, i have a spanish music theory book about Harmony and stuff. Everything is in latin, so it was kinda hard relearning all the names and stuff. Like Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si, instead of C D E F G A B, and stuff like that.