Guitar Player's Thread

even though the MMV is bolt on I think,I'd get it always before the tokai,but it's just because I love V-shapes and hate Gibson-Fender shaper(they're everywhere!!:erk:)even though in this case I think the MMV is better,cause the tokai will be bolt on for sure too,and:

floyd rose>>>>>>>no tremolo
24 frets>>>>>>>22 frets

and I think the EMG's in the MMV will be better than the pick-ups in the tokai.

Honestly, I don't think someone that just wants a guitar to mess about on is going to give a fuck about a FR and/or 24 frets.
^^but he asked for opinions and so he got.
the only problem is that it didn't do any better to him he still wont know what to choose :lol:
Yeah, but thanks! And btw, he is ... she ;).
/edit/ Some pointless things deleted...
I think I'll buy ESP (Ltd) rather than Tokai), just because I prefer V shape :D. If you haven't got any better ideas, Jackson maybe?
^WTF DUDE! Just because you fancy LTDs and Ibanez doesnt mean Jacksons mid price ones suck.
Jackson RR3 and DK2/DK2M are perfect examples of mid-price Jacksons that rawk and not suck. Have you ever played them? They are really fantastic for the price. AND IMO The jackson licensed floyd roses beat the living shit out of the LTD licensed which are to be honest the worst i have ever tried in my life.

no. string-thru is way better for the tone. floyd rose is just for messing around. nothing you REALLY need.

Not to mention the percentage of chance he has of demolishing/Having the Floyd rose crap out when he is just starting out :lol:

Sorry for interupting the "what guitar shall I buy" discussion, but I just found a really cool backing track that'd be awesome for COBOT Forum Jam #3!!!!

I've been jamming over this for a few minutes now and it's so easy to come up with stuff that sounds good. It's a very common chord progression and I think it could produce some great solos.

It's C, G, Amin, F.

Give it a go and let me know what you think!! The main bit starts at 00:15.
"Sorry, the free service is at full capacity." Hmmm...i will try to download it tomorrow. I might consider to participate in this jam this time. We will see :lol:
^WTF DUDE! Just because you fancy LTDs and Ibanez doesnt mean Jacksons mid price ones suck.
Jackson RR3 and DK2/DK2M are perfect examples of mid-price Jacksons that rawk and not suck. Have you ever played them? They are really fantastic for the price. AND IMO The jackson licensed floyd roses beat the living shit out of the LTD licensed which are to be honest the worst i have ever tried in my life.

Not to mention the percentage of chance he has of demolishing/Having the Floyd rose crap out when he is just starting out :lol:

jesus christ i hate the rr3's. the cheap ass excuse for a floyd they have on there is terrible. i'd rather use a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a polly pocket leg for a floyd. and the dinky's are alright at best, definetly not worth the price. i don't "fancy" LTD's i just like them a lot. jacksons are good for beginners and pros.
jesus christ i hate the rr3's. the cheap ass excuse for a floyd they have on there is terrible. i'd rather use a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a polly pocket leg for a floyd. and the dinky's are alright at best, definetly not worth the price. i don't "fancy" LTD's i just like them a lot. jacksons are good for beginners and pros.

The DK2 and RR3 have same tremolo. Atleast the RR3 beat the living shit out of the MMV(I really dont regret one bit selling that piece of shit...dunno what was wrong with it but it sucked so enormously. The Floyd rose was all weird and unusable and ive compared it to lots of other guitars with floyds and that one was practically 100 times worse) i used to have. I SOOOO regret not buying the RR3 instead. The Floyd Rose can last long on Jacksons(Not on the JS crap ones) and thats proven too. They are definetly better than the LTD ones i have tried so far. Look at the same price range on LTD where you get a DK2 with Seymour duncans. I personally think the DK2 was the best guitar i ever played in that pricerange and the RR3 close enough.
whatever, opinion is opinion. but the jackson licensed are based on the floyd rose pro's which have the intonation allen screws in front of the fine tuners (shitty place to put them IMO) and you couldnt put a true non-recessed OFR in their because the routing is diffferent. and the esp licensed are based on OFR's and never go out of tune. i've played tons of jacksons that have gone out of tune with a perfectly steup jackson licensed floyd
^They were not there on the one i tested last year(the intonation screws). However they were at that exact place on my old mmv. Made Changing strings and all that a real pain in the ass because you could not get iwth the allen key there. The Floyd rose looks were exactly as the OFRs(okay not exactly) but it had the finetuning/intonation stuff at same place as on any other floyd rose.

EDIT: Actually this year. But if they are like was up with the one i tested? weird.