Guitar Player's Thread

I still need help with songwriting, why is it so fucking hard? Doesn't anyone have advice?

hmm just improvise on guitar to find a rythym/melody/progression and write it in guitar pro... then just build of it, it's hard to explain, but that's how i do it.
I guess it's jut one of those things where you just have to figure it out yourself.

try to listen how your favorite songs build up, take some very easy song that you find cool and try to copy it. and i mean copy not the notes or learn to play it i mean look at the structure it has then take versa or chorus or any other part and try to use the same technique or trick that the artist used to write it and write write something of your own. at first it will sound totally copied or maybe you wont have anything good at all but accomplishing it will help you out to figure some obvious stuff out stuff that were under your nose and you never saw it but if you will force your self to take some task and it to the end fews you will figure stuff out.
give your self lets say 3 "ripoff" songs to write and then start to work completely on your own song to see if you made any progress
i hope my tips will help you
try to listen how your favorite songs build up, take some very easy song that you find cool and try to copy it. and i mean copy not the notes or learn to play it i mean look at the structure it has then take versa or chorus or any other part and try to use the same technique or trick that the artist used to write it and write write something of your own. at first it will sound totally copied or maybe you wont have anything good at all but accomplishing it will help you out to figure some obvious stuff out stuff that were under your nose and you never saw it but if you will force your self to take some task and it to the end fews you will figure stuff out.
give your self lets say 3 "ripoff" songs to write and then start to work completely on your own song to see if you made any progress
i hope my tips will helps you

I'll give it a shot!

EDIT: I found a book called The Secrets To Writing Killer Metal Songs by Troy Stetina. I'm reading that, hopefully it will have helpful ideas.
really nice guitar! those are really sweet models

but wtf is up with this wish list of guitars? fucking keep the ones you JUST FUCKING GOT. and keep for 5 years and don't get anything else. jesus christ. and a GB would be stupid IMO. just get a nice boost pedal that RETAINS THE SAME TONE at a louder level. there could be too much gain if you turn a GB on

Thanks. But I don't see your problem is, resources have never been so scarce; the stuff you want may not be around in the future. If you have the money and want something, you should go out and get it. I mean I'd rather spend my money on things that mean more to me, i.e on guitars and gear than on a car. I subject myself to the torture of public transport for extra gear.
really nice guitar! those are really sweet models

but wtf is up with this wish list of guitars? fucking keep the ones you JUST FUCKING GOT. and keep for 5 years and don't get anything else. jesus christ. and a GB would be stupid IMO. just get a nice boost pedal that RETAINS THE SAME TONE at a louder level. there could be too much gain if you turn a GB on

You are starting to piss me off. If you are playing in a band a backup guitar would be nice. However i would like one for DROP C. Atleast i work for my money tho! So that will make it possible for me to get one in 2 years or something. Theres NOTHING wrong with telling what you are going to do equipment wise. Hell...if i had the money i would get a Edwards RIGHT NOW. Just because you have a good guitar is no reason to stick with it 5 years for a reason that someone on the interwebz thinks so. Sure it might save some money but if there is a guitar you really like and want then fuckin buy it. Nothing wrong with that. I am going to have to wait a while for my new one though...but it'll be worth it. Now that i dont have to think of a new amp in a while its kind of a relief to concentrate on thinking out what guitar might be next choice. Im not one of those spontainous guys who buy guitars when they got the money...i like to plan ahead and then execute my plans when i got the money and have really decided.
listen to AYDY?/CRY:lol:

that's the setting you'll get on your guitar(EMG HZ4+MM04) if you get the edwards.the three models exist w/gainbooster or ~950€, no gb~800€.if you're gonna drop a Blackout in there,get the one with no gb,because gainbooster+active pick up=nightmare,:lol:

Yeah i figured as much...i like the tone on CRY but not THAT much on sucks to be honest :lol: yeah no active+active boost...that will be heaven for the noise demon :lol:
I wouldn't call it a guitar song really, it's pretty much only power chords. It sounds more like a vocal song too me, so it would be totally awesome if Jari sang on it though.
Did you not hear those awesome arpeggios that seem to pan from left to right?

Yeah, but weren't they for a few seconds only? I'm not saying the song wasn't cool, it was! But i would've liked either vocals or more solo stuff.
Man I want to buy a Jackson RR so bad!! I'm conteplating buying the RR24. Maybe even two, If my other guitar sells. (I'm still selling it if anyone still be interested at all:

Or if I do sell that guitar, I can get TWO RR24's or maybe a nice USA Jackson RR. It's so hard to find something I want tho, because I hate those horrible pickgaurds on pretty much EVER RR, and the RR24 seems so nice, but I'd have to install a neck pickup which would cost about 170.00 for routing and pickup. Best just be on the lookout for a nice cheap RR custom or something to my standards. If anyone has any for sale or something like that sure let me know. I don't know if the constant "Stone" playing or what, but I'm just SO HOOKED on getting a JACKSON, nothing really sais METAL GUITAR to me like a nice Jackson. :lol:
^He didn't insult me(or some band...anyones free to criticize stuff like that...doesnt really bother me). Just annoyed when he had to get back with this lameass and unneccesary reply :) It was just one line anyways.(the thing i wrote to him) Well about the edwards thing does the MM-04 booster sound? ANY description? Well shredtastical you got a ESP ALEXI...does it have a mm-04?

i got mine as one of the last without a gainbooster. and actually that's why i got such a deal on it, it was right after ESP had announced/began marketing the alexi with the gainbooster...

really, don't get me wrong, i love the motherfucker. however, the only thing i'd change is the damn pickup :lol:. i get better tone out of my seymour passives, real tight bass response. the HZ can be a bit grating.

really nice guitar! those are really sweet models

but wtf is up with this wish list of guitars? fucking keep the ones you JUST FUCKING GOT. and keep for 5 years and don't get anything else. jesus christ. and a GB would be stupid IMO. just get a nice boost pedal that RETAINS THE SAME TONE at a louder level. there could be too much gain if you turn a GB on

dude, like fuck off.

Thanks. But I don't see your problem is, resources have never been so scarce; the stuff you want may not be around in the future. If you have the money and want something, you should go out and get it. I mean I'd rather spend my money on things that mean more to me, i.e on guitars and gear than on a car. I subject myself to the torture of public transport for extra gear.

yeah +1. i mean, some people spend money on nice suits, expensive shoes, ski trips, vacations, etc., however we/i spend money on guitars. its all about priorities.

off topic: how the hell are all of you photoshopping those santa hats onto your pics? :lol:
off topic: how the hell are all of you photoshopping those santa hats onto your pics?
easy. you take your pic and open it in photoshop you take another pick of hat and open it in photoshop. you cut the hat out and you add it as another layer on the avatar pic, you set the position of it and you save it as new pic like this
easy. you take your pic and open it in photoshop you take another pick of hat and open it in photoshop. you cut the hat out and you add it as another layer on the avatar pic, you set the position of it and you save it as new pic like this

but where'd you get the hat from? like size wise etc... also, every time i "cut," i always get like a ton of background.
really nice guitar! those are really sweet models

but wtf is up with this wish list of guitars? fucking keep the ones you JUST FUCKING GOT. and keep for 5 years and don't get anything else. jesus christ. and a GB would be stupid IMO. just get a nice boost pedal that RETAINS THE SAME TONE at a louder level. there could be too much gain if you turn a GB on

You've earned the price for the most useless,stupid and wrong post.

1st:you've no business on how many guitars everyone has and how much we talk about them.if you don't like it just don't read our posts,we don't force you to read them.

2nd:if you don't like gainboosters it's ok,but this doesn't automatically mean they're shit.your opinion is that,an opinion,not a fact.I'd like a gain booster because I don't use pedals and don't want to and I prefer to have all the switches(I like simplicity so just volume&booster)on the guitar.

3rd:read the thread title;it says GUITAR PLAYERS THREAD.IMO guitar players have plenty of rights to talk as much as they want with fellow guitar players about their guitars,their settings,music in general or whatever the fuck they want,but I may remember you that this is the only thread flaming-free,so don't ruin it with this your anger for something else please.

relax and enjoy the safest and greatest thread in this board.and keep anger and flaming for the rest of the threads.

shredtastical said:
but where'd you get the hat from? like size wise etc... also, every time i "cut," i always get like a ton of background.

why don't you just use the one Ruins made as explaination??:lol::lol::lol:
why don't you just use the one Ruins made as explaination??:lol::lol::lol:

because i'd like to know how to photoshop two images together :heh:

noob questions! k so i "cut" the hat fine, but when i open a pic (i.e. my avatar), the entire layer drop-down list is grayed out.

and i'm not sure what "set position" means either :p

also, the color of the hat gets all fucked up when i paste it :lol:
