Guitar Player's Thread

Ahhhhh!!!!! :eek: ...hmmm...who's that girl? I dunno her, sorry. :D

But now, seriously speaking, I'm not a poser... I can play a bit, but as I always said I need to learn how to play bass in a complete way. :)

And ohmygoodgod... it's too late, really... gotta go!! See ya. :wave:

I recorded the solo from the song "Children of Bodom" and I had one more part to record and I saved to go eat and came back and said file could not be opened because one track could not be found, I guess. God Damn it! I was left with only the backing track and like two tracks! At least I have some experience with it, although I don't even want to look at my computer anymore :eek:

I actually did yell AH FUCK really loud :lol:

I recorded the solo from the song "Children of Bodom" and I had one more part to record and I saved to go eat and came back and said file could not be opened because one track could not be found, I guess. God Damn it! I was left with only the backing track and like two tracks! At least I have some experience with it, although I don't even want to look at my computer anymore :eek:

I actually did yell AH FUCK really loud :lol:

At least that's not your OWN song that you were more or less improvising, that you got sinished to the end, with all the tracks and prefect effects and sounds, saved, and trying to open it and seeing that it's now nothing more than a "Corrupted file" :cry:

But yah, that sucks big balls :lol:
At least that's not your OWN song that you were more or less improvising, that you got sinished to the end, with all the tracks and prefect effects and sounds, saved, and trying to open it and seeing that it's now nothing more than a "Corrupted file" :cry:

But yah, that sucks big balls :lol:

Yeah, I thought that too :lol: Thanks for those words, I'll try again tomorrow. Maybe I'll try recording some keyboards instead (I'm not very fast), who knows.
Well, I made an mp3 copy of just my tracks but I also want the back track too! *raises fist* So if I submit anything, it'll probably just be myself playing.
It does, just not the midi. I also tried to make a back track of the gp as .wav but that didn't work for me.

Should I just send what I have? :lol:
yeah CEP won't let you mixdown any midi track. that's why people import the midi from GP to FL. I haven't been able to do this myself as yet, but that's how it's supposed to work. so then once you have the midi in FL, i think you can convert it into mp3 or .wav and then put it into CEP and then mixdown your solo with the backtrack. whew.
It's a gp backing track, so do you want it in midi or wav format (wav for some reason doesn't work for me, but I'll try)

Sorry to those who will have to read a whole page of me, hahaha!

>>Mystique- What the hell is FL? :lol: